cannon hall farm

Cannon hall farm

Cannon Hall Farm is a working farm and tourist attraction close to cannon hall farm village of Cawthornenear Barnsley in the English county of South Yorkshire. Open to visitors sinceit is owned and run by the Nicholson family. Roger Nicholson, who developed the current farm and attractions inherited the land when he was

You can read about the museum here. Baby animals are born every week. Lambs are born between January and Easter and with around sheep we are expecting around lambs this year Other animals include several breeds of highland cattle, pygmy goats, donkeys, Shetland ponies, llamas, rabbits,. We travel far and wide to source the very best from small producers in Yorkshire, the UK and worldwide. The tearoom serves a range of hot and cold homemade food at value for money prices using produce from the farm shop.

Cannon hall farm

We are so excited to reveal that we are back on TV with a huge ten episode weekly show that contains all of our best bits. Get a half price mammal house experience with our terrific new promotion on all available sessions in March. Our VIP Mammal House experience allows you to get up close and personal with a vast array of nocturnal creatures and learn Animals and Farmers , News and Events. We are pleased to finally … read more. Animals and Farmers. Farmers Rob and Dave did a road trip to the Oban Cattle Show and Sale with our home-bred Highlands — and filmed a video diary of their grand adventure. Trust us, you … read more. We are checking in with out most famous goat Millie, who is looking forward to an exciting Springtime full of kids. Make sure you check our Facebook page for daily update videos … read more. Find us on. Farm Shop.

The oldest reference of the farm was made in a conveyance dated when William Hewet sold the Manor and Farm to Robert Hartley. Roger Nicholson, who developed the current farm and attractions inherited the land when he was Baby animals are born every week, cannon hall farm.


We are so excited to reveal that we are back on TV with a huge ten episode weekly show that contains all of our best bits. Get a half price mammal house experience with our terrific new promotion on all available sessions in March. Our VIP Mammal House experience allows you to get up close and personal with a vast array of nocturnal creatures and learn Animals and Farmers , News and Events. We are pleased to finally … read more. Animals and Farmers. Farmers Rob and Dave did a road trip to the Oban Cattle Show and Sale with our home-bred Highlands — and filmed a video diary of their grand adventure. Trust us, you … read more. We are checking in with out most famous goat Millie, who is looking forward to an exciting Springtime full of kids. Make sure you check our Facebook page for daily update videos … read more.

Cannon hall farm

Come and visit our family owned farm in the rolling pennine foothills and spend the day admiring the scenery, the animals and letting the kids run off some steam in our amazing play areas. Our farm admission price covers all day entry plus full access to the soft play and reptile house. Enjoy the excitement of placing a bet on the sheep and ferret racing and learn how milk is produced during our cow and goat milking demonstrations. We run a daily tractor ride which is very popular with the little ones and our play areas are second to none. One of our most popular attractions, the reptile house allows members of the public to hear all about our more exotic creatures. A farmer is always on hand to answer questions and we run handling sessions each day. Our barns are all undercover and give visitors a unique insight into modern farming. We carry on every day farming life — including tractor and machinery work — as visitors watch from purpose-built viewing platforms above the animals.

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For centuries, it served as the home farm to the Cannon Hall Estate and was known for its fine strain of pedigree Large White pigs. Channel 5. History [ edit ] The oldest reference of the farm was made in a conveyance dated when William Hewet sold the Manor and Farm to Robert Hartley. The Telegraph. Radio Times. Points of Light. Retrieved 28 November Farm Shop. The Royal Cheshire County Show" — via www. Article Talk. Contact Tel: Email: info cannonhallfarm.

There have been some changes — please read our visitor information page for all the latest information. It is critical to note that all tickets must be booked online — even if you have a free admission voucher.

Animals and Farmers , News and Events. Roger Nicholson, who developed the current farm and attractions inherited the land when he was Categories : Tourist attractions in Barnsley Farms in Yorkshire. Roundhouse-type cattle house The restaurant Cannon Hall Farm is a working farm and tourist attraction close to the village of Cawthorne , near Barnsley in the English county of South Yorkshire. Website www. The Lucky Pup. Proud to be an award-winning farm attraction. The maps are provided by Google and all information is reproduced here in good faith: Visit Penistone cannot be held responsible for any errors or misrepresentation. Download as PDF Printable version. Open to visitors since , it is owned and run by the Nicholson family. Other animals include several breeds of highland cattle, pygmy goats, donkeys, Shetland ponies, llamas, rabbits,. The oldest reference of the farm was made in a conveyance dated when William Hewet sold the Manor and Farm to Robert Hartley. Farmer Rob made the acceptance speech here. Mammal Mayhem!

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