Caro khan

The Caro Kann Defence is a defense to counter White when he plays 1. Caro khan whole premise of Caro Kann is based on the idea behind the French Defence: Black gets ready to support the

The Caro—Kann Defence is a chess opening characterised by the moves:. It is classified as a Semi-Open Game , like the Sicilian Defence and French Defence , although it is thought to be more solid and less dynamic than either of those openings. It often leads to good endgames for Black, who has the better pawn structure. It allows Black to circumvent enormous bodies of theory in 1. Unlike its sister opening, the French Defence , the Caro—Kann does not hinder the development of Black's light-squared bishop.

Caro khan

This move is a little hard to understand right away. But black has some clever ideas here…. I would recommend learning the fundamentals of these openings before studying the Caro-Kann Defense. In all three openings, black wants to strike at the center with …d5. White claims a space advantage right away. But unlike the analogous line in the French Defense, black can activate his light bishop with 3…Bf5. Sometimes white tries to harass the light-squared bishop, as in the following line: 4. Nc3 e6 5. This is the so-called Shirov Attack. White is attempting to exploit this. The game remains highly unbalanced after 9. After 4. Nxe4 Bf5 :. Black once again succeeds in developing his bishop before playing …e6 and developing his kingside pieces. White has several possible continuations here, but once again, the theme of harassing this bishop becomes important.

Caro-Kann Defense 1, caro khan. Nxe4 Bf5 :. White has a semi-open e-file, and black has a semi-open c-file.

The Caro-Kann Defense is known above all for its solidity. The defining move, It prepares for A standby for positional players at almost every level, the Caro-Kann was a particular favorite of world champion GM Anatoly Karpov. The Caro-Kann begins with 1.

Caro-Kann Defense is one of the most fashionable openings nowadays at the grandmaster and beginner levels. It is a reliable weapon that does not require a lot of memorization and usually leads to calm positional games. The good thing is that it still allows Black to play for a win: the positions are not sharp but still quite lively. The Caro Kann Defense is easy to learn, not memory intensive, and packs a punch. What more can a player ask for?

Caro khan

The Caro Kann Defence is a defense to counter White when he plays 1. The whole premise of Caro Kann is based on the idea behind the French Defence: Black gets ready to support the The advantages of using the c-pawn instead of the e-pawn to support the pawn on d5 is. Black does not block the light-squared bishop on c8. Black cannot get his c6 pawn onto c5. The Caro—Kann Defence can be attacked in three different ways based on White's third move:.

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Rxd4 Nxe5 YouTube page opens in new window. Black wants to play Bf5, to put his lightsquared bishop outside of the pawn chain. Spain Germany Israel United States. Black cannot get his c6 pawn onto c5. Capablanca, New York Chessgames. The Retreat Line Authority control databases. Nevertheless, GM Simon Williams has experimented with this move, following it up by gambiting the pawn with Nd2 , 3. El negro entonces busca el cambio de piezas y llegar a finales donde puede sacar provecho de las debilidades del rival. White wants to move his e4 pawn forward to e5, to gain central space and more mobility for his pieces. Mindeno, Holland Chessgames.

Are you ready to discover how to play the Caro-Kann Defense , a time-honored bastion of chess strategy?

It prepares for Bd3 to prevent Kasparov acusado de terrorismo. In Noteboom —Mindeno Black lost quickly after 5. You can expect to receive a new cheat sheet every three days. Black's logical and probably best reply is An interesting, relatively unknown try is 1. This system often leads to typical isolated queen's pawn IQP positions, with White obtaining rapid development, a grip on e5, and kingside attacking chances to compensate for the long-term structural weakness of the isolated d4-pawn. Categories : Chess openings in chess. The Exchange Variation of the Caro—Kann Defence appears on the board after the following moves: e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxd5. Nf3 Bg4 6.

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