Casting ncis los angeles

Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids ris

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Casting ncis los angeles

Sign In. Chris O'Donnell G. Callen episodes, Daniela Ruah Kensi Blye episodes, Eric Christian Olsen Marty Deeks episodes, Linda Hunt Hetty Lange episodes, Barrett Foa Eric Beale episodes, Miguel Ferrer Owen Granger episodes, Peter Cambor Nate Getz 40 episodes, Bar Paly Anna Kolcheck 33 episodes, Vyto Ruginis Arkady Kolcheck 29 episodes,

Martin Dorsla Dr. Christina Cox Alison Conway 1 episode,

Klik hier voor meer informatie over de serie. Wij hebben een overzicht gemaakt dat onder meer bestaat uit acteurs , regisseurs , het productie-team , het camera-team , schrijvers en overige crewleden. Met tienduizenden titels, die dagelijkse worden aangevuld door onze community, vind je bij ons altijd de film, serie of documentaire die je zoekt. Of je jouw content nou graag op televisie, in de bioscoop of via een streamingsdienst bekijkt, bij MovieMeter navigeer je in enkele klikken naar hetgeen dat voldoet aan jouw wensen. MovieMeter is echter meer dan een databank voor films en series.

Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies. New and Upcoming Hulu Shows and Movies. What to Watch. If You Like Director 71 Credits.

Casting ncis los angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles is an American action crime drama television series combining elements of the military drama and police procedural genres , which premiered on CBS on September 22, Cambor was demoted to recurring status, and Craig's character was killed off at the end of season 1, while Foa was written out at the end of season 12 and Hunt was demoted to "special guest star" status at the beginning of season The show received mixed reviews from critics, but was a solid ratings hit for CBS. Vail is abducted by terrorists halfway through season 1 and, following a period of being held hostage, is killed during his rescue mission near the end of the season. Getz, meanwhile, enters training to become an agent in the back-half of the season, and is reassigned during season 2, returning for occasional guest appearances afterwards.

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Thomas Hobson Lead Caroler. Craig Edwards. Roy Hale 1 episode, Scott Gemmill explained that he and the writers originally set up plans for a proposed fifteenth season that would have brought closure to the storylines. Dennis Smith. Kalyn Hemphill Female Companion. David Bellisario. Charity DWP Worker 1 episode, Jamison Yang Fashion Photographer 1 episode, Steve Neal. Norberto Barba Regisseur. Tracie Thoms Lt. Erin Way Zoe Morris 2 episodes, Cooper Thornton Kevin Atley.

Sign In. Callen episodes,

Eric Pot. Alan Ruck Donald Wexling 1 episode, Sammy Sheik Tobias Thoma. Belridge 1 episode, Callen episodes, Reece Rios Mr. Arienne Mandi Catalina Diaz 1 episode, Trivia Miguel Ferrer was so devoted to his role, he refused to take time off, even when diagnosed with cancer. Graham Patrick Martin Navy Lt. Bridget Regan Elizabeth Smith. Lesley Boone Nina Barnes 6 episodes, Linda Hunt Hetty Lange.

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