censored for betas

Censored for betas

If you're a censored for betas Beta Safety user, your first thought on seeing this was probably "Isn't this what Beta Safety already does? For many Beta Safety users, your current experience is probably fine, censored for betas, and if that's the case then feel free to stick with it! Beta Safety and Beta Censoring each have their strengths and weaknesses, so feel free to make your own decision. The points discussed below except where it says otherwise are generally referring to the "backend" part of Beta Safety, not specifically the Chrome extension.

Beta Censoring is a simple ish app for on-demand detection and censoring of NSFW images, designed especially for betas. Beta Censoring itself is something of a middleman. Under all the covers, Beta Censoring uses the NudeNet AI model to classify images on demand then returns censored versions of the same images. Essentially, something requests an image to be censored more on the something below , Beta Censoring will load the image, run some prep work then run it through the open-source NudeNet model to detect specific body parts or features. Then, it will censor the image according to the results from the AI and the supplied preferences and return a censored version of the original image. Beta Protection is designed from the ground up to be a flexible bells-and-whistles-included solution for classifying and censoring images from anywhere.

Censored for betas


Clients Beta Censoring offers very fine-grained control of censoring so that clients can offer the most options.


If you are currently using the Beta Safety Chrome extension, disable it first. Do not attempt to run both Beta Safety and Beta Protection extensions at once. Bad things will happen. Beta Protection currently supports Chrome and Edge and should work on any other Chrome derivatives like Vivaldi. The extension actually would support Firefox but Mozilla still open in new window don't support the latest version of the browser API that this extension relies on. First off, make sure you have a censoring backend running somewhere. Beta Censoring is a new highly flexible open source censoring server. You can find all the guides and documentation for Beta Censoring here open in new window. Make sure you follow the Installation guide for Beta Censoring to get set up.

Censored for betas

If you're a current Beta Safety user, your first thought on seeing this was probably "Isn't this what Beta Safety already does? For many Beta Safety users, your current experience is probably fine, and if that's the case then feel free to stick with it! Beta Safety and Beta Censoring each have their strengths and weaknesses, so feel free to make your own decision. The points discussed below except where it says otherwise are generally referring to the "backend" part of Beta Safety, not specifically the Chrome extension. If you're interested in a comparison of the extension, see this page open in new window from the Beta Protection docs.

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Kind of and no , respectively. The points discussed below except where it says otherwise are generally referring to the "backend" part of Beta Safety, not specifically the Chrome extension. Beta Censoring and all of its underlying components and libraries are all open source under the GPLv3 license. Beta Censoring does not support censoring GIFs or videos. That being said, the most common use case is in conjunction with the Beta Protection Chrome extension. Status and Monitoring Beta Censoring includes its own built-in web interface for checking on the status of the server, providing limited information on requests, checking on loaded assets or monitoring the performance of the server and all of its components. Performance Due to completely different stacks and some pretty significant changes in how they work, Beta Safety and Beta Censoring have extremely different performance impacts. If you're okay with slower censoring times for less performance impact, you can turn down the workers and caching options. If anyone can test and contribute support for acceleration to Beta Censoring or CensorCore , I'll happily include it. Open source software means you can always see the code and moving parts that make the app work, you can always tweak, modify or customise the app at will, and the community is free to contribute features, changes or fixes to the project.

This site includes the documentation required to get started with the extension as well as some more background information on the extension and how it's built. To get started with Beta Protection, read through the documentation and guides using the links on the top and left to navigate.

Customisation This is a big one so hard to explain succinctly, but essentially every part of the Beta Censoring experience is more configurable and adaptable than it's counterpart in Beta Safety. As such, Beta Censoring chooses to only support static images. As an isolated example, clients can specify not just the type of censoring used, but also the intensity of it for any combination of body part and censoring style even black bars! If you're a current Beta Safety user, your first thought on seeing this was probably "Isn't this what Beta Safety already does? Performance Due to completely different stacks and some pretty significant changes in how they work, Beta Safety and Beta Censoring have extremely different performance impacts. For many Beta Safety users, your current experience is probably fine, and if that's the case then feel free to stick with it! If this does get added, it will be up to clients if they want to provide a domain or not. Beta Safety and Beta Censoring each have their strengths and weaknesses, so feel free to make your own decision. Beta Protection is designed from the ground up to be a flexible bells-and-whistles-included solution for classifying and censoring images from anywhere. Beta Censoring includes its own built-in web interface for checking on the status of the server, providing limited information on requests, checking on loaded assets or monitoring the performance of the server and all of its components. You can find a ton more information on Beta Censoring's performance, including how to monitor and tweak it, in the performance docs.

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