charlize theron sexy

Charlize theron sexy

Charlize Theron turns 40 years old today! We're getting in on the birthday fun by taking a look at some of the South African superstar's sexiest photos over the years.

Though she is busy juggling her career and raising her adopted children, Charlize sometimes takes a break from the spotlight by hitting the beach, wearing a stunning bikini or swimsuit! For the epic slow-motion moment, Charlize donned a stylish black two-piece. In the past, the South Africa native has also been spotted modeling swimwear. In March , Charlize posed for a photo shoot in various bathing suits on a beach in Miami, including a plain black one-piece, a silver metallic two-piece and a simple white bathing suit. While Charlize exudes an enviable confidence, she opened up about her insecurities in a September interview with Modern Luxury. However, the blonde beauty explained that she enjoys hiking with her mom to keep up with physical exercise.

Charlize theron sexy


All eyes were on Charlize Theron at the Oscars in


Charlize Theron knows how to nail a seriously stylish look. At The Hollywood Reporter Beauty Dinner on Wednesday, the actress, 48, wore a sheer black blouse over a lace bralette. She added some interest with a black tie and a high-waisted leather skirt, finishing off the ensemble with pointed heels and a pair of gray socks. The Gold Guard star also sported a slicked-back hairstyle and neutral makeup. Rowland, 42, wore a black turban with a matching long-sleeved cutout gown. Her braids were styled in a high bun and she accessorized with some gold earrings. Back in mom mode, Theron has been introducing her year-old daughter Jackson to her love of fashion. Last month the pair sat on the front row the Dior show during Paris Fashion Week together. Jackson, who wore a matching red and white plaid jacket and skirt, followed her mom's lead as Theron pointed something out at the show. The actress also has a 7-year-old daughter called August and in , she revealed to PEOPLE that she always saw adoption as her pathway to motherhood.

Charlize theron sexy

Since her meteoric rise to fame in the mids, Charlize Theron has become one of Hollywood's most popular actresses. The actress would move to America just a couple of short years later after spending a year modeling in Milan. However, a knee injury quickly shattered this dream.

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Customize Select the topics that interest you:. Charlize showed off her mile-long legs in a fitted minidress at the Blockbuster Awards in May Charlize Theron turns 40 years old today! She was still technically an unknown when she attended the Two Days in the Valley premiere in LA back in September She wore a skin-baring pink number to the Scientific and Technical Awards in March Image Source: Bauer-Griffin Online. And men are like fine wines — the older they get, the better they get. An email has been sent to with a recovery code. Sign In. In September , Charlize attended a press event in London in a pink top and low-cut jeans. An Athletic Queen Charlize got on jet ski for her Miami photo shoot, changing into an all-black, one-shoulder swimsuit.

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We're getting in on the birthday fun by taking a look at some of the South African superstar's sexiest photos over the years. Archive Queen! We're Hiring! While Charlize exudes an enviable confidence, she opened up about her insecurities in a September interview with Modern Luxury. She wore a sparkly minidress to the Elle Style Awards in February Blake Lively. Charlize showed some leg in a Dior dress at the Golden Globes in January All eyes were on Charlize in February , when she graced the Oscars red carpet and took home a best actress award. Power Your Happy. And men are like fine wines — the older they get, the better they get. Charlize hit the beaches of Belize in a bikini in August Natural Born Model Charlize switched into a silver bikini ensemble for another photo.

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