Circle jerks wiki

American punk band.

Their debut album, Group Sex , is considered a landmark of the hardcore genre. They disbanded for the first time after the release of their fifth album VI , allowing Hetson to focus on Bad Religion where he had been a member from to full-time. The Circle Jerks first reunited in and released their sixth and last studio album to date, Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities , the following year before separating for the second time. The band reunited for the second time in and spent the next ten years performing live periodically; this reunion lasted for only one new song, "I'm Gonna Live", which was released on their MySpace profile in Tensions among its members and failed attempts to record the follow-up to Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities resulted in the Circle Jerks breaking up yet again in However, the band announced in November that they will reunite in to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Group Sex with live shows. Heavy Metal Wiki Explore.

Circle jerks wiki

Their debut album, Group Sex , is considered a landmark of the hardcore genre. They disbanded for the first time after the release of their fifth album VI , allowing Hetson to focus on Bad Religion which he joined in and stayed with until full-time. The Circle Jerks first reunited in and released their sixth and last studio album to date, Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities , the following year before separating for the second time. The band reunited for the second time in and spent the next ten years performing live periodically; this reunion released only one new song, "I'm Gonna Live", which was posted on their MySpace profile in Tensions among members and failed attempts to record the follow-up to Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities resulted in the Circle Jerks breaking up yet again in However, the band announced in November that they would reunite in to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Group Sex with live shows. Lead vocalist Keith Morris was an original member of Black Flag , co-founding the band with guitarist Greg Ginn and recording the Nervous Breakdown EP with them before suddenly departing the group in December Morris formed Circle Jerks as the Bedwetters [8] along with guitarist Greg Hetson , bassist Roger Rogerson a classically -trained guitarist and drummer Lucky Lehrer a jazz-trained drummer. Lehrer did not like the name the Bedwetters, so Morris looked through a dictionary of slang words and renamed the band the Circle Jerks. The band's first recordings took place in spring , including the original version of "Wild in the Streets", which appeared on Posh Boy 's first Rodney on the ROQ compilation. In July of that year, the band recorded their debut studio album, Group Sex , which was released in October on the Frontier Records label; its 14 songs totaled just 15 minutes. The album featured several songs that Morris had written while in Black Flag. That same year, the group was one of several California punk bands to be immortalized in the Penelope Spheeris documentary The Decline of Western Civilization ; live versions of five songs from Group Sex appeared on the movie's soundtrack.

However, in an April interview, guitarist Hetson admitted that Circle Jerks would not circle jerks wiki any new studio material, saying that he does not know what will happen in the future, "but in the near future, no Circle Jerks stuff will come out".

Their debut album, Group Sex , is considered a landmark of the hardcore genre. They disbanded for the first time after the release of their fifth album VI , allowing Hetson to focus on Bad Religion which he joined in and stayed with until full-time. The Circle Jerks first reunited in and released their sixth and last studio album to date, Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities , the following year before separating for the second time. The band reunited for the second time in and spent the next ten years performing live periodically; this reunion released only one new song, "I'm Gonna Live", which was posted on their MySpace profile in Tensions among members and failed attempts to record the follow-up to Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities resulted in the Circle Jerks breaking up yet again in However, the band announced in November that they would reunite in to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Group Sex with live shows.

This is a comprehensive discography of the Circle Jerks , a California -based punk rock band. They have released six studio albums, one live album, one compilation album, and one video album. Their debut album, Group Sex was released in on the Frontier Records label; its 14 songs totaled out at 15 minutes. It featured two songs that Morris had written while in Black Flag Black Flag claimed the songs were "theirs" and one song Hetson wrote for his previous band, Redd Kross. That same year, the group was one of several California punk bands to be immortalized in the Penelope Spheeris documentary The Decline of Western Civilization ; live versions of five songs from Group Sex appear on the movie's soundtrack. In , the group signed with IRS Records subsidiary Faulty Products and recorded their second release, Wild in the Streets , the title track of which is a cover version of a Garland Jeffreys tune. Faulty Products ceased operations several months after the release of the album, forcing Circle Jerks to find their third record deal in as many years. Not long after Repo Man had concluded its first-run release schedule, the Circle Jerks experienced its first lineup change, with Rogerson and Lehrer replaced by Earl Liberty and Chuck Biscuits , respectively. The new lineup recorded two more albums before the Circle Jerks split up for the first time in , when Hetson left to tour and record albums with Bad Religion.

Circle jerks wiki

Group Sex is the debut studio album by American hardcore punk band Circle Jerks. It was released on October 1, , by Frontier Records. The album consists of 14 songs in 15 minutes and is considered to be a landmark album in hardcore punk. After Morris left Black Flag, the tapes were shelved. In a nod to the latter's background as a jazz musician, the jazz principle of " trading fours " was co-opted by Lehrer in an effort to expand the narrow range of musicality that existed at the time in hardcore punk. Some CD versions feature the album twice given its short run time. The back cover acknowledges this simply as "program repeats" at the end of the track list. Group Sex was met with generally positive reviews and ratings, and the album has been called a classic of the hardcore punk genre. Mark Deming of AllMusic rated the album 4 out of 5 stars and stated, "As such things go, it's tight, reasonably well played, the songs kinda sorta have hooks, and Keith Morris is a pretty good frontman, but if you're looking for nuance, you're pretty much out of luck.

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Tensions among its members and failed attempts to record the follow-up to Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities resulted in the Circle Jerks breaking up yet again in Retrieved December 15, While they regained the copyright to Wild in the Streets , the original stereo master tape was lost, forcing the band to remix it from the multi-track tapes when they reissued the album in January 26, WorldCat Identities ID superseded. Archived from the original on July 9, Live recordings made during what would be their final tour at the time were immortalized in the live album Gig in , their third and last release for Relativity. Wikiquote 0 entries edit. Summarize this article for a 10 year old. August Just prior to joining Circle Jerks at the suggestion of Biscuits, Liberty worked 10 weeks as a roadie for the Misfits as he became increasingly disillusioned with Saccharine Trust's lack of interest in developing new material, recalling in a interview that his former bandmates "were just getting too lazy.

Their debut album, Group Sex , is considered a landmark of the hardcore genre.

Rock's Backpages artist ID. Circle Jerks English. The title track was a cover version of a song by Garland Jeffreys. French Wikipedia. English Wikipedia. Quick Facts Background information, Origin The breakup would not be totally permanent, with the Jerks playing sporadically throughout the late s, but Clark left music for good afterward. In , Hetson formed another band, Black President. Just prior to joining Circle Jerks at the suggestion of Biscuits, Liberty worked 10 weeks as a roadie for the Misfits as he became increasingly disillusioned with Saccharine Trust's lack of interest in developing new material, recalling in a interview that his former bandmates "were just getting too lazy. Retrieved July 15, Hermosa Beach, California , U.

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