claudia cardinale young

Claudia cardinale young

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Born and raised in La Goulette , a neighbourhood of Tunis , Cardinale won the "Most Beautiful Italian Girl in Tunisia" competition in , the prize being a trip to Italy, which quickly led to film contracts, due above all to the involvement of Franco Cristaldi , who acted as her mentor for a number of years and later married her. In , Cardinale met director Pasquale Squitieri , who would become her partner, and she frequently featured in his films, including I guappi , Corleone and Claretta , the last of which won her the Nastro d'Argento Award for Best Actress. In , she starred in Werner Herzog 's Fitzcarraldo as the love interest of Klaus Kinski , who raises the funds to buy a steamship in Peru. They later settled in La Goulette, which had a large Italian community. Her native languages were French, Tunisian Arabic , and the Sicilian language of her parents. She did not learn to speak Italian until she had already begun to be cast for Italian films. Cardinale was educated at the Saint-Joseph-de-l'Apparition school of Carthage , which she attended along with her younger sister Blanche.

Claudia cardinale young

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Claudia Cardinale I Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Il principe delle pezze Like many other female Italian film stars, Claudia Cardinale's entry into the business was by way of a beauty pageant. She was 17 years old and studying at the Centro Sperimentale in Rome when she entered a beauty contest, which resulted in her getting a succession of small film roles. Her earthy interpretations of Sicilian women got her noticed by Italian producers, and the combination of her beauty, dark, flashing eyes, explosive sexuality and genuine acting talent virtually guaranteed her stardom. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro.

Alberto Sordi. Conrad on Film. I couldn't understand what they were talking about.


Claudia Cardinale on the set of Circus World in In the history of cinema, only a handful of stars — Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Monica Bellucci — have seriously competed with Claudia Cardinale in the va-va-voom stakes. But even these close rivals can't match Cardinale's mind-blowing work ethic. Ultima Fermata is an epic multigenerational drama from first-time director, Giambattista Assanti that plays out against a southern Italian railway line. So it was a way to remember my father. She laughs, as she does often, with that Cardinale rasp. I want the same for others. Is there a more distinctive sound in cinema than the voice of Cardinale?

Claudia cardinale young

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Mini Bio. Like many other female Italian film stars, Claudia Cardinale's entry into the business was by way of a beauty pageant. She was 17 years old and studying at the Centro Sperimentale in Rome when she entered a beauty contest, which resulted in her getting a succession of small film roles. Her earthy interpretations of Sicilian women got her noticed by Italian producers, and the combination of her beauty, dark, flashing eyes, explosive sexuality and genuine acting talent virtually guaranteed her stardom. Spouse Franco Cristaldi - divorced.

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Upcoming 1. Twice Upon a Time in the West 5. She did not learn to speak Italian until she had already begun to be cast for Italian films. Later that year, she had a role in the Netflix film Rogue City. Cardinale stated that her films with Bolognini were among the most joyful of her career, considering him to be "a great director, a man of rare professional capability, great taste and culture. Cardinale has further said, "I don't like the star system. Read Edit View history. Casale Monferrato, Edizioni Piemme. Time Inc. Self Thanks 2 Archive Footage In her husband's Naso di Cane , a miniseries, Enrico Lancia and Roberto Poppi praised her for her "light comic touch". How much have you seen?

Born and raised in La Goulette , a neighbourhood of Tunis , Cardinale won the "Most Beautiful Italian Girl in Tunisia" competition in , the prize being a trip to Italy, which quickly led to film contracts, due above all to the involvement of Franco Cristaldi , who acted as her mentor for a number of years and later married her. In , Cardinale met director Pasquale Squitieri , who would become her partner, and she frequently featured in his films, including I guappi , Corleone and Claretta , the last of which won her the Nastro d'Argento Award for Best Actress.

Audiard par Audiard in French. Golden Eagle Lifetime Achievement Award [ ru ]. Nobili bugie 5. Make your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reel. Cristaldi later married Zeudi Araya and had no further relationship with Cardinale. By , Cardinale was being cited as the most popular film star in Italy, even more than Mastroianni and Loren. Io, Claudia. Archived from the original on 26 April She did not reveal to the child that he was her son until he was 19 years old. Retrieved 5 July

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