Clay wings of fire

He is considered bigwings to the Dragonets of Destinyand although he is the oldest and biggest of his biological siblings, they are currently led by Reed.

He was told by Kestrel that he was born a cold-blooded killer, which couldn't be farther from reality; Clay actually is a very kind-hearted and empathetic dragon. Peril was shown to have romantic feelings for him, but it was mentioned in Escaping Peril that he needed some time to figure out his own emotions for her. Clay is a sweet, protective dragon who is seen as a bigwings by most of his friends due to his selflessness and kindness. He is willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, but he will stand up for himself and his loved ones at all costs, even willing to guard them with his own life. He is very loyal, honest, and open, and he would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings. He is also very patient as well as empathetic, as shown in Moon Rising when he kindly separated Pike and Carnelian during a heated argument. He also has an adorable love for food.

Clay wings of fire

Formerly a dragonet of destiny , he was also partially responsible for ending the War of SandWing Succession , and is one of the five founders of Jade Mountain Academy , where he currently resides. He teaches herbs and healing, helps with battle training, and runs the prey center. Clay is muscular, [1] large, [2] burly, [3] and stocky, [4] with a sloping back, [5] a thick, [6] lengthy neck, [7] a large, [8] broad [3] head, and white teeth. He has enormous feet and thick [20] brown claws, [16] as well as mud-colored, [21] massive, [22] strong brown wings [23] and wide, [24] warm brown eyes. Clay is thoughtful, [25] accidentally heroic, [28] and sounds kind no matter who he talks to. Tsunami described him as being the heart of the dragonets of destiny and stated that they would not be able to fulfill the prophecy without him. Clay "attacking" Tsunami 's egg after hatching. Clay grew up with the other dragonets of destiny, Tsunami, Glory , Sunny , and Starflight under a large mountain in the Sky Kingdom. They were raised by Kestrel, Dune , and Webs , members of the Talons of Peace, although they had low opinions of their guardians, calling the first six years of their life as "imprisonment. When the dragonets were old enough, they were supposed to leave the cave and fulfill the prophecy. However, they all possessed a desire to escape their confined existence, excluding Sunny. One day, the deliverer of the Dragonet Prophecy, Morrowseer , visited the cave to inspect the dragonets.

The duo then encountered Queen Scarlet of the SkyWings, who insisted they would return to her kingdom after she had a conversation with Clay and decided they could be useful. However, they all possessed a desire to escape their confined existence, excluding Sunny.

During his childhood he lived under a mountain with his friends, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight and Sunny. They were raised by their three guardians Kestrel, Webs and Dune. But only to leave to the outside world years later. He found out that he is the son of Cattail, but the identity of his father is unknown. Which gives him the ability to have fire-resistant scales. Apparently, his parents sold him off for two cows, not caring about him as much as he hoped they would. But since they grew up without Clay, Reed ended up as bigwings since he was the second oldest sibling.

Formerly a dragonet of destiny , she is also partially responsible for ending the War of SandWing Succession. She is a princess and the oldest living heir to the SeaWing throne. She is the headmistress of Jade Mountain Academy , where she currently resides. She is in a long-distance relationship with Riptide. According to Webs , Tsunami's egg was of "the deepest blue", matching the description of the foretold SeaWing dragonet 's egg in the Dragonet Prophecy.

Clay wings of fire

He is considered bigwings to the Dragonets of Destiny , and although he is the oldest and biggest of his biological siblings, they are currently led by Reed. Clay was born from a blood-red MudWing egg, meaning that he has fireproof scales. He may currently be in a relationship with Peril. Clay is a strong, broad, and muscular MudWing with thick brown scales that seem richer and deeper when in direct sunlight, like the bark of a healthy mahogany tree with undertones of glowing amber and golden colors. He is large, and powerfully built, and he has warm hazel-tinted brown eyes, he has flat, wide snout and thick, powerful jaws. He has small dark brown horns as well. Clay was also said to have very large talons and thick brown claws, as well as a large sloping back topped with dark brown spines. Ever since Peril burned the venom of a Dragonbite Viper out of his veins to save his life, he has a large burn scar on his right hind thigh and walks with a limp, as the wound was too deep and large for his fireproof scales to heal over completely.

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Clay came out to the landing area with Sunny to stop Darkstalker , where he asked if the NightWing was a monster and reading everybody's minds was nosy. He was soon freed by Tsunami and they together sat in a dry cave and ate fish. He is supposed to retrieve Peril from her cave as soon as Queen Ruby leaves. For almost all of The Lost Heir, Clay was imprisoned with his friends, chained by the ankles to a cave floor. I'm here to steal treasure away from a magnificent dragon! Leaf noticed how it upsetted the dragons around him. Later when Glory becomes imprisoned by the NightWings which happened since she was trying out an experiment , Clay and Deathbringer come to her rescue, and Clay helps fight off the NightWing guards near the tunnel to the rainforest by throwing red-hot coals at them. Quit snarling at each other like mini Kestrels. This caused the two dragonets to start flying, or trying to fly, in Tsunami's case. Clay was showing the "weapon box" as Qibli calls it when Qibli complains about the limited selection of weapons, and that he'd be better off cutting his own throat and hanging himself from the alley wall. Sunny is like a little sister to Clay, and he treats her like one. At that moment, Glory shot venom from her longest fangs at Burn, who shoved Scarlet in the way, and then a part of her face started to melt.

He was told by Kestrel that he was born a cold-blooded killer, which couldn't be farther from reality; Clay actually is a very kind-hearted and empathetic dragon. Peril was shown to have romantic feelings for him, but it was mentioned in Escaping Peril that he needed some time to figure out his own emotions for her. Clay is a sweet, protective dragon who is seen as a bigwings by most of his friends due to his selflessness and kindness.

We don't even know if Queen Scarlet is alive or dead. Clay was disappointed to find that his mother did not care about him and sold him to the Talons of Peace in exchange for at least two cows, but he found the group of his brothers and sisters, Reed , the bigwings , Marsh , Sora , Umber , and Pheasant. Sunny is like a little sister to Clay, and he treats her as such. Related wiki NixieWings. Umber 16 2. After the dragonets escaped from the Kingdom of Sea, they headed to the Rainforest Kingdom, where Clay was knocked out with a sleeping dart to get to the RainWing village. He was too smart to be stuck under there for long. Starflight said that Clay's siblings were "more dragons we have to save in this war. A second one jumped out and bites Burn, so she released the first viper. Quit snarling at each other like mini Kestrels. Risking his life, as MudWings are only able to hold their breath for over an hour compared to SeaWings, who have gills and can breathe underwater infinitely , Clay managed to get reasonably far down the river, but he was then covered with a substance that started to dissolve his scales probably sulfur or sulfuric acid. Clay was indirectly mentioned by Tsunami in the prologue, when Tsunami said that she and her friends had solved plenty of problems without animus magic. He cares for his friends a lot and would put his life on the line just to save them.

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