coach carter tv tropes

Coach carter tv tropes

The team helping finish Timo's pushup and suicide count so he can play.

Awesome, Dear Boy : Samuel L. Jackson is a huge basketball fan and had wanted to do a basketball movie for so long. Jackson had been Carter's first choice as well. The Danza : A very obscure case. In the scene where Coach Carter reviews his players' failing progress reports, one of the academically-challenged players is named Mario Gomez. Rob Brown and Robert Ri'chard the latter of whom played a high school freshman were twenty-one. Rick Gonzalez was twenty-seven.

Coach carter tv tropes

Cruz: Teachers ain't supposed to touch students. Carter: I'm not a teacher, I'm the new basketball coach. Coach Carter is a sports drama film Based on a True Story about high-school basketball coach Ken Carter who demanded academic excellence from his students, trying to change the culture of a sports-dominated school. He was so determined that when the team's grades slipped, he cancelled the team's games outright, including one with a rival school, despite protests from the other students and the parents. Think Lean on Me but with a basketball team and Samuel L. Jackson as the "Crazy" Joe Clark if he was a basketball coach. Tropes featured include:. The film plays this trope pretty straight, but eventually the parents come around specifically Junior Battle's mother. Advertised Extra : Commercials prior to the film be released hyped up Ashanti as being one of the lead actors. She ended up being a really minor character.

Book Ends : The film begins and ends with Richmond losing a basketball game against St. And coach carter tv tropes homes all over the world, young couples are staring in confusion at their nannycam as Samuel L. How well does it match the trope?

Smiling motherfuckerly. Jackson has appeared in every movie ever made, including all those to be made in the future. If you're working on a funny little home movie with your buddies, Samuel L. Jackson will show up at some point onscreen. If you accidentally leave your camcorder on, he'll end up in front of it. And in homes all over the world, young couples are staring in confusion at their nannycam as Samuel L.

List of Coach Carter characters, with pictures when available. These characters from the movie Coach Carter are ordered by their prominence in the film, so the most recognizable roles are at the top of the list. From main characters to cameos and minor roles, these characters are a huge part of what made the movie so great. The names of the actors who played each character are listed below as well, so use this Coach Carter character list to find out who portrayed your favorite role. If you're wondering, "What are the character's names in Coach Carter? As one of the main players on the Richmond Oilers basketball team, this young man exhibits a strong determination and sense of responsibility toward both his teammates and his loving girlfriend. He values education, eventually deciding to prioritize his grades over athletic pursuits, and manages to be sensitive and understanding towards his girlfriend's struggles, making him an excellent example of maturity within the chaotic context of his life. A young woman facing her own difficulties as a pregnant high school student, she showcases resilience and strength in spite of societal pressure. She serves as a strong support system for her boyfriend Kenyon Stone, and their bond grows stronger in challenging circumstances resulting from the choices they make for their future, making her character truly memorable and relatable. Portrayed as a player with attitude problems, he undergoes significant character development to become a valued member of the team.

Coach carter tv tropes

Controversy surrounds high school basketball coach Ken Carter after he benches his entire team for breaking their academic contract with him. Timo Cruz : Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

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Scary Black Man : Samuel L. Doc Louis : Listen, son! Live-Action TV. Principal: And what if they fail? I dare you! Boscha gloats to Luz and Willow that while they were trying to score the winning point, she went to catch the Rusty Smidge , which makes her team win automatically. Jackson was expected to get an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, but it never came to pass. A local sports team returning to Springfield is quite upbeat in spite of losing the big game and sees a big crowd awaiting them. Best of the Best. Defied : Principal Atchinson hired more teachers so her school wouldn't be understaffed. Oppose What You Suffered : By proxy. Get Known if you don't have an account. Or sing a Taylor Swift song.

Cruz: Teachers ain't supposed to touch students. Carter: I'm not a teacher,

Despite this, he limps the final hundred yards to a cheering crowd. Oppose What You Suffered : By proxy. Principal: Your intentions are good, Mr. They lose the big game but still feel like they won. Others start to throw things too. It's summer school , this should be enough faculty for the few students that need the extra education. Then he drags his academic record out of the gutter to meet Coach Carter's contract, even after the school board ruled that he didn't have to. Large Ham : Given most of his roles are mean and passionate, Jackson frequently goes over the top and shouty. You've had a great career! Video Games At the end of Punch-Out!! In Yu-Gi-Oh! Aside from Jason Lyle, the Oilers have another white player and an Asian, both of whom don't have any lines.

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