Columbus state community college

Can't find it? Try the Telephone Information Center at Students learn the practical techniques needed to bring their creative vision to life, as well as learning about the history of art. Topics range from beginning drawing to color composition and 3-D columbus state community college.

Directory Search. A-Z Index. Applying for financial aid? To apply, visit the Federal Student Aid website. Apply for Free in March!

Columbus state community college

Founded as Columbus Area Technician's School in , it was renamed Columbus Technical Institute in and was renamed again to its current name in The college has grown from an initial enrollment of 67 students in , to its current enrollment of over 27, students over two campuses, nine regional learning centers, and online courses. Columbus State offers two-year career programs in more than 50 areas of business, health, public service, human service, engineering technologies, and facility maintenance as well as transfer programs for students interested in completing the first two years of a bachelor's degree, then transferring to a four-year university. The acre Columbus campus is located near downtown Columbus, Ohio. It consists of 26 buildings, and was previously the site of Aquinas College High School. The newer Delaware campus is located off of US 23 and consists of two buildings and a large green space. In , Columbus State partnered with Ohio State University to allow students and faculty from both schools to work out of the new facility. In addition, Columbus State operates 6 off-campus centers in the suburban neighborhoods of Dublin , Westerville , Marysville , Grove City , Reynoldsburg , and southwest Columbus. Columbus State annually publishes a literary magazine called Spring Street. It comprises poetry, fiction, photography and other visual arts submitted by Columbus State students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Before the —08 academic year, the college had nine sports, but due to budget constraints, baseball, softball, track and field, cross country, and soccer were eliminated.

Build your artistic skills. Graduates find positions with architectural and engineering firms, builders, developers, product manufacturers and others.


Can't find it? Try the Telephone Information Center at Students learn the practical techniques needed to bring their creative vision to life, as well as learning about the history of art. Topics range from beginning drawing to color composition and 3-D design. Ethan Tracey is studying to be a city and regional planner — but part of the foundation is Columbus State. The Hilliard native says he chose Columbus State because of the affordable tuition and one-on-one attention. Through her lessons on literature and composition, Clark aims to inspire a love of lifelong learning.

Columbus state community college

Can't find it? Try the Telephone Information Center at Every day, students just like you choose Columbus State Community College to help them achieve their goals. Some value our affordable tuition and transfer partnerships. Others are attracted by our career-relevant curriculum and employer connections. Some need the flexibility to juggle work and school, and everyone benefits from our supportive, student-first culture. Employers seek out our graduates to fill high-demand, well-paid jobs in fields such as IT, healthcare, advanced manufacturing, logistics, construction, and STEM. Ready to start your journey at Columbus State?

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To apply, visit the Federal Student Aid website. I work so closely with them, and I see a lot of change in their lives. Accounting Ever heard of forensic accounting? The site ranked programs based on student readiness, return on investment, cost, and other factors. Request Info. Directory Search. Your path to a debt-free degree Affordability. Successful nursing careers begin at Columbus State Academics. Landscape Design and Management Landscape students pitch in at the Columbus Zoo In the spring of , Columbus State established a collaboration with the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium to provide horticulture support to the zoo while giving students a valuable hands-on learning opportunity. For example, they would place a stretcher in an area surrounded by chairs to act as shelves for medical items that you would need in an ambulance. Working together to close the skills gap Close partnerships with area businesses means increased opportunity for our graduates The demand for IT professionals is huge and two-year degrees are critical to fill the skills gap between the numbers of open jobs and individuals able to fill them.

Can't find it? Try the Telephone Information Center at

A cutting-edge partnership with Honda Partners. Image of Columbus State graduate. Students who aspire to management will get the skills they need in the Restaurant and Foodservice Management major. Landscape students pitch in at the Columbus Zoo Academics. A Strong Foundation Alum. It helped him solidify skills he already learned on the job, like blue print reading and field management, and taught him new ones, like how to use Timberline estimating software, Auto CAD drafting software, and Primavera scheduling software. And with scholarships offered at Columbus State, as well as at many of our Preferred Pathway partner schools, your savings could be even greater. Retrieved June 17, Davis started her college career at Columbus State to take advantage of small classes and individual attention from professors. When you start at Columbus State, you can transfer your associate degree to one of our many partner institutions and save big. Honda North America, Inc. Our small class sizes and personal attention from instructors provide the hands-on environment to cultivate learning and discovery of intricacies of the inanimate world around us. All augmented with tutoring at all levels, provided at no charge for Columbus State students. Plan Your Schedule. Fire Science students in a live burn simulation Academics.

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