commander combo deck

Commander combo deck

One of commander combo deck best things about Commander is how ridiculous you can get with combos. Because of the sheer breadth of the format, cards that never would have met in competitive formats can now enable all sorts of nonsense.

Not all players are fond of combos, but love or hate them, they're an intrinsic part of Commander. The format has nearly infinite no pun intended combo-win possibilities. However, some generals support combo builds better than others. This article guides you to the best of the legendary creatures for assembling game-winning synergies. So, here are the best combo commanders in MTG. Aside from the cards themselves, I'll also briefly cover their combo potential, some cards that allow or help them do their things.

Commander combo deck

Brian's counting down the top 10 most iconic two-card combos of all time, from Splinter Twin in Modern to Vintage-level shenanigans! Today, I'll be exploring a fun and flashy topic: incredibly, iconic two-card combos in Magic. The criteria for today's list is pretty straightforward: two cards that appeared prominently together in a deck to combine for maximum havoc! Today's article will specifically highlight two-card combos that have left their mark on the history of the game over the years. An "oldie but goodie," the classic "Illusions Donate" combo was a defining feature of combo control decks in the early s. The premise is pretty simple: cast an Illusions of Grandeur to gain 20 life to stabilize and then Donate the enchantment with it's serious cumulative upkeep and lose 20 life clause to an opponent. It was a highly effective win condition, and a considerably more compact "win the game combo" than earlier combos such as Lich and Mirror Universe :. I love "Pandaburst" as a moment in Magic history because it represents aggro decks that also had two-card combos built into their core that can steal games outright. The condition created by Pandemonium when a creature enters the battlefield, it deals damage equal to its power to another creature or player is particularly nasty with Saproling Burst ability to create a lot of Saproling bodies with a lot of power in a hurry. The first token created deals six damage, the second five damage, the third four damage

Make no mistake, an opponent with CounterTop active is killing you softly, or so the song goes. How to embed.


Not all players are fond of combos, but love or hate them, they're an intrinsic part of Commander. The format has nearly infinite no pun intended combo-win possibilities. However, some generals support combo builds better than others. This article guides you to the best of the legendary creatures for assembling game-winning synergies. So, here are the best combo commanders in MTG. Aside from the cards themselves, I'll also briefly cover their combo potential, some cards that allow or help them do their things. Without further ado, let's jump into some EDH combo commanders! Selvala's is a combo player's dream. The strongest commanders usually do one of three things - Draw cards, make mana, or combo off with a few other cards; Selvala does all three.

Commander combo deck

January 17, by John Sherwood. Friendly greetings and welcome to Digital Deckbuilding , the series shining a spotlight on tools for building decks. I'm John Sherwood, amateur combo playwright.

Jeanluc genshin

The first card played essentially allows a player to "cheat" an expensive card directly onto the battlefield from another zone hand, library, or graveyard. There's even a Magic website that you may have heard of that takes its name as an homage to this classic combo Flash allows a player to dump a Protean Hulk from your hand onto the battlefield and then immediately sacrifice it kind of like the evoke mechanic. Now, you can pay the four mana into Thrasios to draw your whole deck, then cart Thassa to win with your empty library. When the Hulk "dies," its controller can search their library for a bunch of little creatures and put them directly into play:. While we tend to think of "combos" as two cards that combine to kill an opponent, some combos are more subtle but nonetheless deadly…. The code can be pasted wherever you want it to show up, we use simple Iframe code to embed. Going infinite is one thing, sure, but what about going infinite with squirrels? Most revolve around Reiterate , allowing spell-copying shenanigans. With infinite mana, you can use the same strategy you used to recur Lotus Petal to loop Finale of Devastation into a hasty Deathrite Shaman , which you can activate an endless amount of times to drain opponents out of all their life. Add a Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist , and that's the game. Countertop decks also emerged as the dominant archetypes in both Legacy and Extended as the shell for various flavors of aggro control. For example, being in black allows you to play Demonic Consultation and Tained Pact, which are easy wins alongside a Thassa's Oracle : a very common combo, but a very good one.


Or you could use Mirage Mirror to endlessly copy lands, make endless colored mana, and use Kinnan's second ability to play out as much stuff as you want. She is a powerful attacker, and her WUBG color identity gives your deck access to everything it could need to run smoothly - Premium removal, tutors, counterspells, card draw, mana ramp, you name it, you got it. If Reitetate is coping a Desperate Ritual or similar card , you're netting one mana each time, making infinite mana and storm count. Another combo that involves a commander, Aurelia, the Warleader , and Helm of the Host lets you attack as many times as you care to. Whether combined with Palinchron , Great Whale , Dockside Extortionist , or - most commonly - Peregrine Drake , Deadeye Navigator makes it very easy to generate infinite mana of more or less any color. Selvala's is a combo player's dream. When she returns, you'll attach Nim Deathmantle to her, and she'll make two thopter tokens. Premium Content Creators TeamAether. Another cool Flash and Protean Hulk loop that can be sequenced to create an infinite number of Karmic Guide tokens. To make this point, let's pretend your opening hand has only enough land of the correct colors to cast your commanders. Top Standard Decks - January The Gitrog Monster says that you can draw a card whenever a land card is put into your graveyard from anywhere. The format has nearly infinite no pun intended combo-win possibilities. Copy Cat ran roughshod over Standard and was so powerful it essentially collapsed the entire metagame into two decks before it was eventually banned.

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