cool pokemon abilities

Cool pokemon abilities

One of the biggest game-changers added in the third generation of Pokemon was abilities.

When building a Pokemon team, players need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each creature. Abilities provide passive effects during battles. These include a wide range of benefits, from boosting certain moves to making your monster immune to attacks. Some Abilities will work outside of battles as well, such as Pickup. When catching or breeding Pokemon , players should look out for the following Abilities, as they are some of the best in the franchise. Status ailments really weaken your Pokemon.

Cool pokemon abilities

The obvious choice for what should get Mold Breaker is Rhyperior! However, it should be mentioned that Rhyperior would also miss Solid Rock dearly if it were to use Mold Breaker. Though it is pretty cool that both of these Pokemon have an impressive attack stat and access to Earthquake, neither gets STAB off of it, and both have other poor qualities that discourage people from using them. Think that, but about times better. Natural Cure is awesome for sponging status, but when it comes to all-out power, Compoundeyes would put Starmie into a class of its own. Not a huge jump, if you ask me. Imagine, if you would, a Speed Boost Scizor! Just use Swords Dance and let your ability take care of your speed on its own! Similarly, Slowking could set up an easy sweep with Nasty Plot and its impressive defenses. Game Freak did a great job at teasing us here. They said, "Hey!

Even then, Azumarill manages to be a beast in UU, sponging attacks from all over while hitting off of a massive Attack.

This list is being updated to streamline the information on when these Abilities debuted and which creatures can have them. Palafin somehow goes even further with its own, becoming incredibly powerful if it switches out of battle and then returns. Both are fun examples of non-legendary Abilities that offer creative twists. Magic Guard also allows the user to hold a Life Orb without taking damage. Alakazam and Clefable are notable users of Magic Guard.

When it comes to the question of the best Pokemon to use on a team, you have many factors to think about. Another important thing to consider is the Ability a Pokemon has. This factor alone can make an otherwise great Pokemon almost useless. Here, you can check out some of the best Pokemon abilities throughout the franchise. Updated May 2, by Jacqueline Zalace: We've added even more Pokemon Abilities to our list, giving you tons of viable options to choose from. Additionally, we've cleaned up the formatting, making it easy to see which Pokemon have each Ability. Flame Body is an important Ability to have on at least one Pokemon if you plan on breeding. This move will half the steps needed to hatch eggs and, as the name implies, comes from Fire type Pokemon. Within battle, this Ability can be quite helpful as well.

Cool pokemon abilities

This list is being updated to streamline the information on when these Abilities debuted and which creatures can have them. Palafin somehow goes even further with its own, becoming incredibly powerful if it switches out of battle and then returns. Both are fun examples of non-legendary Abilities that offer creative twists. Magic Guard also allows the user to hold a Life Orb without taking damage. Alakazam and Clefable are notable users of Magic Guard. Dragonite has burst forth and risen in competitive viability in the past few months. More players have discovered how much of a threat Dragonite poses, especially armed with its Multiscale Ability. When the user is at full HP, Multiscale makes it so that they take half the damage from physical moves. This makes Dragonite a strong candidate to start in competitive doubles , especially if its partner can also divert attention away to keep it unharmed for as long as possible.

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Parental Bond is exclusive to Kangaskhan's Mega Evolution. Yanma, Yanmega, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken incl. Abilities of any other Pokemon in the battle can't be used There are a handful of Abilities that can't be suppressed by Neutralizing Gas. Pupitar gets Shed Skin as its ability, so it's not too out there to imagine the devastation that a Shed Skin Tyranitar would be capable of unleashing on its foes. The ability boosts the STAB move's bonus from 1. Any Pokemon that has this ability, if hit with a contacting move, will have a 30 percent chance of inflicting the attacking Pokemon with the burn status effect. Instead, the focus here is on Pokemon who still, to this day, have an ability that is unique to them and their evolutionary relatives. Also, just as a teaser, they give it to stuff like Dragonair and Pupitar, then immediately snatch it away once it evolves. This is triggered by status and support moves as well as attacks. Yes, Pure Power is only found on the one evolutionary line; however, Huge Power is functionally the same thing. Game Freak did a great job at teasing us here. Within battle, this Ability can be quite helpful as well. The real issue has to do with Pokemon having two abilities that do the same exact thing, but have different names. By Encoring a trapped opponent, the Wobbuffet user is able to definitively guarantee exactly what the opponent's next move will be, making it easy to set up any sturdy Pokemon that resists that move or pretty much anything on a support move. Before using a move, this Pokemon will change its Type to the Type of the move it is using It only activates once per switch in.

These abilities are awesome and are exciting to see them in action. Not all abilities though are created equal. Another very useful ability to have is Wonder Guard.

At face value, you might wonder just how the heck this Pokemon could be at all usable. When it uses an attack, the stats swap, with high Attack and low Defenses. Pokemon With Pure Power:. This is a great way to ensure that the Pokemon begins its turn with a leg up, which is why it has been so commonly used in competitive battles for many generations. Imagine, for a second, that this ability instead absorbs Fire-type attacks and is called something infinitely cooler like "Coal Fired" or "Stoke". Arguably, Wonder Guard should be at the top of this list, not the first entry. Each has an Ability that reduces a certain stat of those around them. The ability makes it so the Pokemon with it will change its type to match that of the move it's using. It has turned Pokemon like Blaziken, Espathra, and Sharpedo into deadly creatures that must be stopped as soon as possible. Yup, all of them!

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