countryhumans russia

Countryhumans russia

America is a liar, half the things he's told any country are most likely a lie, America's children are secrets and no one knows of them, countryhumans russia, but what happens when Russia is forced to stay with America? What if he tells someone? And what other secrets does he countryhumans russia

This country is currently involved in war first-hand! Some content here may be inaccurate or offensive, we are open to constructive criticism in the comments, but please keep it calm, and constructive! This page contains controversial information! It is recommended to leave this page if you find the information posted here offensive! This page has a lot of information! You may need to make mulitple edits and edit by sections.

Countryhumans russia

I wanted to create this cause I love this ship and I like to read it but most of the stories are in Russian or French so, Enjoy? I wake up slowly and stretched in my bed. This is what I love about going to the cabins I get to finally sleep in however long I would like, and I get to spend time with Russia but still. I get up my eyes wander to Russias side of the room surprisingly Russia is still asleep. I then remember what happened last night. Ugh, Russia shouldn't have to put up with my ass. I then get changed and I walk over to Russia's side and nudge him awake. I place my hand on his cheek without even thinking which causes both of us to blush badly. I pull back my hand and rush out of the cabin leaving Russia alone. I walk around and decide to hang around by a tree. Randomly Japan jumps out at me. I stand there shocked until I hear someone behind the tree.

America always had to be the centre of attention, be his cocky self, he needed to stand out - Russia was trapped in their science class once a fire broke out, and America, countryhumans russia, as attention seeking as he is, tries playing hero. America has kept his secret for years with it going unnoticed, but his family decided to move and enroll him to a countryhumans russia school. Bureaucrats Commetian Empire.


Even though this was from , i love this.. Add to Favourites. More by MontyDrawz Watch. Lunacattie2 Watch. StefanZL Watch. Politicalflags Watch. Countryhumans and related content.

Countryhumans russia

This country is currently involved in war first-hand! Some content here may be inaccurate or offensive, we are open to constructive criticism in the comments, but please keep it calm, and constructive! This page contains controversial information!

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The Fight!? You have been warned. Moscow, the capital, is the largest city in Europe, while Saint Petersburg is the nation's second-largest city and cultural centre. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the world's first human-made satellite and the launching of the first human in space. Art by OvenOver The most difficult to take was the small town of Kozelsk, whose boy-prince Vasily, son of Titus, and inhabitants resisted the Mongols for seven weeks, killing 4, And to my damn luck, it was Russia. Book Warnings!! I wake up slowly and stretched in my bed. It is recommended to leave this page if you find the information posted here offensive!


N's eyes. Most fans when drawing them have bandages wrapped around both forearms, due to self-harm, which is seemingly linked to the death of their father, USSR as many fans headcanon. Russia is typically portrayed as tall and sometimes slim and is wearing an ushanka. They have had 'sibling rivalry' since the days of Russian Empire. With seven suitors to choose, she has to be careful with her choices. Discover now. The Beginning. America is a new kid and he was home schooled by his parents along with his other brothers: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It is recommended to leave this page if you find the information posted here offensive! This will also contain suicide and triggering topics. America just decides its time for him to show who he truly is, and in the awakening a somewhat familiar face comes around. The two are close friends.

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