crossroads motel abq

Crossroads motel abq

The location itself is most notably synonymous with the character of Wendya prostitute who lives here and "works" the parking lot during the day hours providing sexual favors for money. Later Kim returns Wendy to the motel. The Crossroads Motel crossroads motel abq

The Crossroads Motel wants your stay to be memorable. You never know who you are going to see or meet when you stay at Crossroads Motel. The Crossroads Motel is family-owned and operated. We are centrally located on old Route 66 and interstate This infamous location has also appeared in many episodes of AMC's 'Breaking Bad', and has one of the most recognized signs in the entire series. During the course of the series the motel became synonymous with the character, Wendy who is a prostitute, living and working at the motel. The "Palace", as it is also referred to, first appeared in Season one.

Crossroads motel abq


Albuquerque, New Mexico.


The Crossroads Motel wants your stay to be memorable. You never know who you are going to see or meet when you stay at Crossroads Motel. The Crossroads Motel is family-owned and operated. We are centrally located on old Route 66 and interstate This infamous location has also appeared in many episodes of AMC's 'Breaking Bad', and has one of the most recognized signs in the entire series. During the course of the series the motel became synonymous with the character, Wendy who is a prostitute, living and working at the motel. The "Palace", as it is also referred to, first appeared in Season one. The "Palace" appears as the backdrop to one of the most famous sequences of the series in the episode "Half Measures". The montage shows a day in the life of, and follows the character Wendy.

Crossroads motel abq


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De Anza Motor Lodge. Check Out. Start a Wiki. Share Map. Sign in to edit. January 21, Lives up to the reputation in the show.. Better Call Saul. Let us know. He enlists the help of Wendy to assist in the coverup.


It is first intoduced when Hank takes Walter Jr. Privacy Terms and Conditions Copyright. Check In. The entire scene is set to the song "Everyone Knows It's Windy". During the course of the series the motel became synonymous with the character, Wendy who is a prostitute, living and working at the motel. The "Palace" appears as the backdrop to one of the most famous sequences of the series in the episode "Half Measures". Check Out. Later Kim returns Wendy to the motel. De Anza Motor Lodge. More in Albuquerque. About Membership Magazine Contact Help. DEA agents storm the room, busting down the door, and apprehend Jesse and Wendy where they are taken into custody. Problem with this listing? The location itself is most notably synonymous with the character of Wendy , a prostitute who lives here and "works" the parking lot during the day hours providing sexual favors for money. January 21,

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