dagobah star wars

Dagobah star wars

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Dagobah was a remote, unexplored planet in the Dagobah systemand one of the purest places in the galaxy within the Force. A remote world of swamps and forestsdagobah star wars, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile after the destruction of the Jedi Order.

Home to Yoda during his final years, Dagobah was a swamp-covered planet strong with the Force -- a forgotten world where the wizened Jedi Master could escape the notice of Imperial forces. Characterized by its bog-like conditions and fetid wetlands, the murky and humid quagmire was undeveloped, with no signs of technology. Though it lacked civilization, the planet was teeming with life -- from its dense, jungle undergrowth to its diverse animal population. Home to a number of fairly common reptilian and amphibious creatures, Dagobah also boasted an indigenous population of much more massive -- and mysterious -- lifeforms. Surrounded by creatures generating the living Force, Yoda learned to connect with the deeper cosmic Force and waited for one who might bring about the return of the Jedi Order. After Yoda heard the voice of long-dead Qui-Gon Jinn , he let the Force guide him to the swamp world of Dagobah, one of the purest places in the galaxy.

Dagobah star wars

It is depicted as a world of murky swamps , steaming bayous , and jungles , [1] resembling Earth during the Carboniferous period. Dagobah is 14, kilometers in diameter with an orbital period of days. Dagobah's climate and atmosphere consists of two seasons; a dry season, where the uplands become too hot for most life forms to survive; and a wet season, consisting of violent lightning storms, dense fog, and long periods of torrential rainfall. The Tash were a sentient species native to Dagobah. The Dagobah System lies within the Dagobah subsector of the Sluis sector, located in the Outer Rim Territories galactic quadrant region; 50, light-years from Coruscant. The sun was called Dagobah Prime. It is noted as being one of the purest places in the galaxy, incredibly strong in the living force, and being chosen by Jedi Yoda as the planet to go into exile on to mask his presence and avoid discovery by the Galactic Empire. The similarly mono-thematic "swampy, fog-shrouded planet of Mimban" appearing in the novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye , published between the films Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back , "might have inspired the production design for Dagobah". Dagobah was originally featured in the film The Empire Strikes Back. In its first appearance, the main protagonist of the film, Luke Skywalker , is attempting to land his X-wing starfighter on the planet and is met with a dense fog causing him to crash land in a small bayou. Shortly after his landing, the Jedi Master Yoda is introduced during his time in exile. Yoda reluctantly agrees to train Skywalker and during his training many aspects of the planet's environment are utilized. Moss-covered rocks are used for training in telekinesis , the undergrowth makes treks through the jungles more challenging, and vines hanging from tall trees are used as means to get across small bodies of water and other obstacles. Skywalker is shown to sense the strength of the Force in a particular cave on the planet which Yoda tells him to go into. Inside the cave, Skywalker is met with a mental challenge the dark side of the Force developed for him.

Dagobah Home to Yoda during his final years, Dagobah was a swamp-covered planet strong with the Force -- a forgotten world where the wizened Jedi Master could escape the notice of Imperial forces. There is a long-running fan debate about how long Luke Skywalker trained on Dagobah, dagobah star wars.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article needs appropriate citations. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material.

Dagobah is a Planet in the Star Wars universe. It is an Outer Rim Planet in the Dagobah system. It hosts no intelligent life, and is considered to be a remote world of swamps and forests. Though it lacks civilization, it's still a home for a diverse animal population, amphibious creatures, and an indigenous population of massive, and mysterious lifeforms. These creatures range from vine snakes, and bogwings, to sleens, and nudj. The planet is hard, humid, and covered in fetid wetlands with shallow marshland. There are hardly any large bodies of water but rather complete swamp land. It also hosts, alongside the plethora of creatures, a variety of flora such as Meat flower and Gnarltree.

Dagobah star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! The Dagobah system was the home system of the planet Dagobah. It was located in the Sluis sector. The various planets within this system, including Dagobah itself, included biting insects, which made carrying all-purpose antihistamine tablets and topical ointment during trips into this system strongly recommended. Wookieepedia Explore.

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Mac Cosmetics. In its first appearance, the main protagonist of the film, Luke Skywalker , is attempting to land his X-wing starfighter on the planet and is met with a dense fog causing him to crash land in a small bayou. Despite the fact that it was located near the Rimma Trade Route , it was reachable only by obscure hyperlanes. He would keep his word, and after learning Vader was his father during their duel on Cloud City , saving Leia and Chewbacca from Vader on Cloud City , and rescuing Solo from Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine , he would return to Dagobah to complete his Jedi training. Editor discretion is advised. On Sale Stores. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. One night during Skywalker's training, an Imperial probe droid from Project Swarm arrived on planet. Weapons Blaster Lightsaber. It is noted as being one of the purest places in the galaxy, incredibly strong in the living force, and being chosen by Jedi Yoda as the planet to go into exile on to mask his presence and avoid discovery by the Galactic Empire. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. October 2, But Luke unwisely cut his lessons short, rushing off to Bespin in an attempt to save his friends from Darth Vader. On Sale.

Yoda was originally introduced to Star Wars as an eccentric former Jedi tutor on the swampy world of Dagobah, but the original trilogy never explained exactly why he was there. While there were many reasons Yoda might choose such a place, including the fact that he simply liked it there, he had actually visited Dagobah before. In the movie, Luke Skywalker heads to the swampy planet of Dagobah, looking for the wise old master to teach him the ways of the Force.

Start a Wiki. The pod has landed, and YODA descends the ramp, surveying the unfamiliar terrain. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Weapons Blaster Lightsaber. Nails Nail Polish Nail File. All Categories Close Button. Current Wiki. A gray ion-plated stainless steel case and dark brown textured leather strap brings the swamp-covered planet Dagobah to life. Failed, I have. Shortly after his landing, the Jedi Master Yoda is introduced during his time in exile. Lucas' vision for Dagobah started out as a swampy and misty planet that would be similar to the setting of the Sherlock Holmes novel The Hound of the Baskervilles , which was in Dartmoor, England. Among the purest locations in the entire galaxy within the energy field known as the Force , [17] Dagobah was a mysterious, mist-shrouded, swampy planet , mostly covered in swamps and bogs , interspersed with countless shallow lakes and lagoons and multiple living caves. He ventured into the swamp , where he communed with Jinn, who appeared manifested as a group of fireflies.

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