damsel disney

Damsel disney

Hello again. So, this is the second installment of this column, which turned out to be a lot longer than what I expected it to be. Well, damsel disney we are. So why this topic?

Disney has taken many hits for their portrayal of women over the years, particularly in regards to the Disney princesses. Most of these critiques are quite deserved. However, there has been a shift at the Mouse House recently, one which shows the writers at Disney may have been listening to the critiques all these years. Brave 's Merida has finally given us a strong, competent "princess" who little girls can be proud to idolize. And, with Frozen on the horizon, hopes that this trend will continue are high. Could the days of the Disney damsel in distress be over? When I was a kid, I never wanted to be a princess when I grew up.

Damsel disney

But, by the time The Little Mermaid came out, it definitely was. As opposed — the implication was — to those earlier princesses who were just so darn passive. But the funny thing is, a lot of the issues the newer films are overtly fighting back against never actually appear in the earlier movies. The notion that the early Disney princesses were passive damsels in distress is so ingrained in our culture that even people who love the princesses tend to believe it. Take Snow White, for example. Upon learning that an evil queen with magical powers wants to have her killed, she shows up at a house full of strangers and makes an entrepreneurial bargain with them to save her own life. She offers her marketable skills — cooking and cleaning — in exchange for shelter and safety, thereby saving herself from imminent death. Sounds pretty feminist to me! The three feisty fairies tasked to keep her safe are the real heroines of the film, and they do lots to save themselves and Aurora. Prince Philip would have been dragon food without their help. The first time the two meet he rescues her from a fruit merchant who wants to cut her hand off!

Like Liked by 2 people. Like Liked by 1 person. And, with Frozen on the horizon, hopes that this damsel disney will continue are high.


By Lovia Gyarkye. When the young women lock eyes, a quiet intimacy blooms. Their smiles awaken flashes of mutual recognition. They share a milky complexion and gentle regard. In Damsel , Elodie tries to escape the conventions of her own story. Trapped in a world of manners and expectations, the princess seeks adventure and longs to prove her independence.

Damsel disney

By David Fear. Looking at you, Angela Bassett. The poster is a close-up of Ms. Female self-empowerment is more or less a given. Her character, Elodie, is being groomed to become a princess, though not by choice. The dowry will allow everyone to last a long, hard winter, so she reluctantly agrees.

Astrid wett

While not perfect, these women mark the greatest improvement in the character of princess. Now, what about a franchise that completely subverts this trope from the first movie? But, by the time The Little Mermaid came out, it definitely was. When she is initially introduced in the first Shrek movie, she has all the trademarks of a classic damsel in distress: trapped in a bad situation and in need of a prince to rescue her. Criticism of their shortcomings will serve to help improve future characters, but we have to give credit where credit is due. Brave is the first Disney princess story not to feature a romantic plotline, instead choosing to focus on the dynamics of the family. The notion that the early Disney princesses were passive damsels in distress is so ingrained in our culture that even people who love the princesses tend to believe it. Type your email…. Log in now. More than likely, though, it was my subconscious telling me I require more than a pretty face and swoon-worthy prince from a story. The first time the two meet he rescues her from a fruit merchant who wants to cut her hand off!

A dutiful damsel agrees to marry a handsome prince, only to find the royal family has recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt.

Subscribe now to keep reading and get access to the full archive. In fact, Aladdin is almost a swap of the gender norms seen in the early films, with the boy transforming in pursuit of love. This simple conclusion: maybe the entertainment industry has moved on from the damsel in distress trope and is ready to accept female protagonists as the center of their own movies. By Melissa Hugel. The film has its issues a twisted portrayal of Stockholm syndrome comes to mind , but Belle is the type of character many would describe as strong, despite her predilection for inter-species romance. Don't misunderstand, I still love Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty I was never really a Snow White girl , but they are hardly role models for a young girl. No, not the perfect embodiment of women on screen; but rather a more balanced, active protagonist even in the face of overarching flaws in the films. Their sole purpose in the plot of their respective movies is to escape their terrible situation, and usually this involves a Prince Charming of some sort. In a way, both end up saving each other, with Eugene taking Rapunzel out of her tower to see the world, and Rapunzel helping Eugene come to terms with his past and thus choosing to move on from his criminal background. Combine hope with desires, strengths, flaws, and other character traits, and soon it eventually forms the basis for a strong protagonist.

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