dany game of thrones

Dany game of thrones

Grew Up In fact, Aerys was killed by a dany game of thrones of his own Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister. Daenerys' mother was spirited to safety just before that, but died while giving birth to Dany as they fled Kings Landing. Since then Dany and her older brother Viserys have lived in exile, while Viserys plots to retake the throne — treating his sister heartlessly in the process.

Game of Thrones excelled in its storytelling and character-building, especially in the earlier seasons. A talented cast brought the various characters to life and Emilia Clarke expertly embodied Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys went on quite the journey in Game of Thrones. In that time, she exceeded expectations and shocked the masses but still had to make tough decisions and endure immense hardships. Daenerys tried everything she could to reinstate the Targaryen legacy in Westeros, as shown in the more recent Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon. While Daenerys' feats were inspiring, the lows were devastating, and they ultimately fueled her eventual demise. When Game of Thrones started, the Targaryen story was introduced with Viserys and his sister Daenerys being the last remaining Targaryens.

Dany game of thrones

Daenerys was initially a timid, obedient youth. After her marriage to Drogo she gathered the confidence of his khalasar. Following his death, she expanded her dominion into Essos, gaining the loyalty of an army of Unsullied and liberating Slaver's Bay from the Ghiscari slave masters. During the Last War , Daenerys eventually succumbed to the so-called " Targaryen madness " of her ancestors after a series of personal losses, grief, and betrayal. Razing King's Landing despite its surrender, Daenerys seized power after killing Queen Cersei Lannister , along with countless common folk. Unable to be dissuaded from further destruction, she was assassinated by her nephew Jon Snow to prevent further carnage. Daenerys was conceived during Robert's Rebellion. To escape Robert Baratheon 's wrath after the Sack of King's Landing , in which Daenerys's father, niece , and nephew were killed, the pregnant Queen Rhaella and young Prince Viserys were sent to the island-castle of Dragonstone , where the queen gave birth to Daenerys. On that night, a severe summer storm raged, giving Daenerys the epithet "Stormborn. As a baby, she was taken into exile in the Free Cities with her brother by loyal retainers, among them Ser Willem Darry. During this time, Daenerys lived in constant fear of Viserys, who hit her when his temper was risen in his words, whenever she "woke the dragon". Living under Viserys's domination left her meek and malleable. Over a year after Illyrio welcomed the Targaryens into his home, Daenerys is betrothed to marry Khal Drogo of the Dothraki. As Viserys presents her with a wedding gown gifted by the magister, he strips her naked and fondles her under the pretext of examining how she has grown.

Eventually, they land near a waterfall in an area where Jon used to hunt as a youth. In return for his wrongs, he offers to serve in her Queensguard, which she accepts.

Daenerys Targaryen died in Game of Thrones season 8, and prequel show House of the Dragon revealed the real reason her death had to happen. Daenerys long believed her destiny was to claim the Iron Throne. House of the Dragon showed that while she was indeed destined to do something important, it was a very different role. And the only way to defeat it was with a Targaryen ruling. Except, of course, that Aegon never faced the White Walkers. Nor did the King after him, nor any Targaryen King to have ever lived.

During Robert's Rebellion , after Viserys's older brother Rhaegar was killed at the Battle of the Trident , his father sent Viserys and his pregnant mother, Queen Rhaella , to safety on Dragonstone island. King Aerys was soon killed during the Sack of King's Landing along with Rhaegar's widow, his daughter and son , and thus at the age of only five Viserys became the titular head of House Targaryen, though by this point the war was officially lost. Not long afterward, his mother died in childbirth, while the forces of Robert Baratheon closed in on the island. Before they could arrive, Viserys and his newborn sister Daenerys were smuggled to safety in the Free Cities , across the Narrow Sea on the continent of Essos. Bereft of followers, Viserys spent the next 17 years traveling between the Free Cities trying to find new supporters for an attempt to retake the Iron Throne. At times, however, he was left literally begging for food and shelter, much less an army. Viserys has arranged to wed Daenerys whom he also calls "Dany" to Khal Drogo , the warlord of a Dothraki khalasar of forty thousand warriors. In return, Drogo will give Viserys the manpower he needs to reclaim the Iron Throne.

Dany game of thrones

Trouble is brewing in Westeros. For the inhabitants of this world, control of the Iron Throne holds the lure of great power. But in a land where seasons can last a lifetime, winter is coming See the full list of the Game of Thrones cast and characters here. Stocked with interviews, storyboards, prop photos and facts from seasons past, use Making Game of Thrones to go deeper inside the epic series. A podcast for both the mega fan and the casual watcher of Game of Thrones plus the newest addition, House of the Dragon. Lord Ned Stark is troubled by disturbing reports from a deserter.

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While Daenerys is outraged by this, she still asks Kraznys how many Unsullied are available. When Daenerys asks him where his wife is, Jorah replies that she is with another man in another place. Daenerys is then visited by Melisandre , who is welcomed due to the number of Red Priests who supported Daenerys in Meereen. Daenerys, Jon, and their combined forces prepare to march on Cersei, but Euron Greyjoy ambushes Daenerys en route; he kills Rhaegal and captures Missandei. Daenerys's Dothraki handmaidens Irri and Jhiqui dismiss the story, saying that the moon is a goddess, wife to the sun. They seize loot and slaves that they can sell. Rotten Tomatoes. Among the first is a goatherd whose flock were roasted by her dragons; Daenerys orders him paid three times their value. As she does, the hooded stranger knocks it out of her hand. She then orders the Unsullied to kill all the slave masters and free all the slaves in Astapor, but to hurt no innocent people. Later on, Ser Barristan finds out that Jorah was spying on Daenerys. Daenerys becomes a khaleesi. Get to Know her in Disgusted with her insolence, Moro declares that she will be raped by each of the khali , then by all of their bloodriders, and then, if she is still alive, by their horses.

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8.

Daenerys' death, combined with that of Jon Snow , marked the final extinction of House Targaryen. The plan is successful, the slaves rise up against their masters, kill some of them and open the gates to Daenerys. Though there are bumps along the way, she is a natural Khaleesi, and begins giving orders to her people not long after her wedding night. Aerion "Brightflame" [d]. The Sons of the Harpy gathered and eventually pounced. After he leaves, Daenerys enters a bath that her servant warns her is too hot, but it does not affect her. And crucially, both of them die when it is finally in their grasp: Gollum grabbing for the ring as he plunges into the fiery depths of Mount Doom, Daenerys killed standing before the Iron Throne. After a moment, he enters, and, with their eyes still locked on one another, shuts the door. After taking a brief look at Daenerys, Drogo rides away without dismounting his horse. Daenerys had never been treated well by her brother, but in his death, all the pressures passed on to her. James of The A. Tyrion warns her that the noble families of Westeros are too busy fighting the game of thrones or exhausted to help her reclaim the Iron Throne, and suggests that she consolidate her power in Meereen and build a new kingdom for herself. Drawn into Daenerys's debate between mercy and revenge, Missandei advises her queen to trust the decision that she alone sees.

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