

Full Changelog : 1. The original treated null values and blank strings the same, which could lead to duplicate keys being created. If needed, dbt_utils, it's possible to opt into the legacy behavior by setting the following variable in your dbt project:. Our recommendation is that existing dbt_utils should opt into the legacy dbt_utils unless you are confident that either:, dbt_utils.

Meet Castor AI, your on-demand data analyst, always available and trained specifically for your business. These utilities simplify the process of writing complex logic in dbt, allowing users to leverage existing solutions. This article delves into the different types of dbt utils, including SQL generators, generic tests, Jinja helpers, web macros, and introspective macros. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to install these utilities and offers practical examples of how to use them in a dbt project. They can generate SQL code based on specific requirements, reducing the need for manual coding. Generic tests are essential for maintaining data quality. They allow you to set up automated tests on your data models to ensure consistency and accuracy.


This post will run through how to install and use some popular and some unsung dbt utils in your project. The dbt-utils project in general is maintained by duh dbt Labs. Its contributors include a mix of developers from both dbt Labs and the wider data community. At the time of writing, the project repo on GitHub has a little under stars. This list is not exhaustive, but it encompasses most of the commonly used and widely used utils chosen by data teams working with dbt. It should contain the following:. At the time of writing, the latest version is 1. Run the following command to install the new dependencies. Imagine you're a Data Scientist at Amazon, and you need to organize your data into a few downstream tables to prep it for analysis. You have tables related to orders, users, and products. Using star and pivot macros can help simplify your SQL queries and make them easier to maintain. You want to create a consolidated view from your orders, users, and products tables—but you want to exclude repetitive ID fields, prefix the column names from the users and products tables to avoid confusion.

Introspective macros in dbt-utils are designed to query dbt metadata and generate dynamic SQL based on the results, dbt_utils.

This dbt package contains macros that can be re used across dbt projects. Check dbt Hub for the latest installation instructions, or read the docs for more information on installing packages. Asserts the equality of two relations. Optionally specify a subset of columns to compare or exclude, and a precision to compare numeric columns on. Asserts that a valid SQL expression is true for all records. This is useful when checking integrity across columns. The macro accepts an optional argument where that allows for asserting the expression on a subset of all records.

Learn the essentials of how dbt supports data practitioners. Upgrade your strategy with the best modern practices for data. Support growing complexity while maintaining data quality. Use Data Vault with dbt Cloud to manage large-scale systems. Implement data mesh best practices with the dbt Mesh feature set. Reduce data platform costs with smarter data processing. Establishes a standardized Data Vault structure with dbt Cloud. Creates new business opportunities through collaborative analytics. Serves up multimedia content on a global scale with dbt Cloud.


Use this page for valuable insights and practical advice to enhance your dbt experience. Whether you're new to dbt or an experienced user, these tips are designed to help you work more efficiently and effectively. If you're developing with the dbt Cloud IDE, you can refer to the keyboard shortcuts page to help make development more productive and easier for everyone. Skip to main content.

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The pivot macro makes this task very easy, pivoting values from rows to columns. You would define this as follows:. Welcome to this tutorial on surrogate key generation using dbt's utility package. Asserts that a valid SQL expression is true for all records. For instance, while a month or a product alone might repeat, the pairing of a month with a product is always distinct. Looking for an enterprise data platform? They are primary keys derived in the analytics layer, ensuring each record has a unique identifier. Data Optimization. This test ensures the timestamp column in the given model has data that's newer than a specific date range. Report repository.

In dbt, you can combine SQL with Jinja , a templating language.

This macro creates a cross-database way to produce a list of numbers up to a specified maximum. The pivot macro is another popular dbt util that helps with a common yet hard-to-remember task: writing pivot functions with SQL sigh. A value from the expression is assigned to each bucket, and the function then returns the corresponding bucket number. About Us. Within the dbt-utils package lies a set of generic tests , designed to validate your data effortlessly. They can be used to get column names, relations, and more. Introspective macros in dbt-utils are designed to query dbt metadata and generate dynamic SQL based on the results. The introspective macros within the dbt-utils package are a window into your data's metadata. This could be a table, a view, or a materialized view, among other types of database objects. It also allows for filtering out specific rows, like test entries or recent entries, which might have temporary inconsistencies because of data processing limits. They can format timestamps, log messages, and more.

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