desert cart review

Desert cart review

A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile.

Everyone info. Over the years, we have been asked for many things by our customers. So without further adieu, we present to you the Desertcart App. The leading brands from the world shipped directly to you at the most competitive prices. So download the desertcart App today and enjoy a shopping experience like no other. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age.

Desert cart review

Desertcart has a rating of 1. Reviewers complaining about Desertcart most frequently mention customer service problems. Desertcart ranks th among Marketplace sites. This company does not typically respond to reviews. This happens without you knowing it and the company won't refund you as they claim you agreed to it, which I didn't. To make matters worse, you are signed up for an annual renewal of this payment so if you don't cancel that as well you will be billed this sum every year. My recommendation: do not buy from this site. You will be ripped off. Tip for consumers: Don't buy from this site. You are committing to annual subscription fees and the company will not reimburse you. I am going to make there cheating viral and i will insure that its on every social media. They are thief. You cant even call them as they have closed their Dubai customer service lines and moved everything on live chat where they dont help at all. I need my full money back.

So download the desertcart App today and enjoy a shopping experience like no other. I desert cart review the author of review and would like to remove it. User's recommendation: Do not use this site at all.


A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. The algorithm parameters are: users' rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. The algorithm is subject to change in future. Desertcart has 1. Consumers are mostly dissatisfied. Pros: Way the cheated, False add, Good ordering process. Cons: Customer service, It is a scam business, Totally unprofessional. Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Customers alert! Most users ask Desertcart for the refund as a solution to their issues.

Desert cart review

Desertcart is an online shopping platform that provides a wide range of products from around the world delivered to your door. You can find anything on Desertcart, from baby products, toys, sports, electronics, beauty, home, health, fashion, books and more. Desertcart offers competitive prices and secure payment methods. You can also download the Desertcart app on your mobile device and enjoy a convenient and easy shopping experience. Desertcart works by providing a platform for customers to shop for products from around the world and have them delivered to their doorsteps. Desertcart partners with various online stores and suppliers to offer a wide range of products in different categories. Desertcart also handles the shipping, customs, and delivery of the products, making it convenient and hassle-free for the customers.

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Billing Practices. Follow James F. Add Extension. Issue Description. Ajgar R. Very disappointing! To authenticate this claim, you can check their Trustpilot reviews, which have a low rating of 1. Follow Santiago S. Follow Alexandra K. I said no because this is more than the product itself and why was I not informed in any way or manner? Top Desertcart Reviews Positive Review. In this video, Nathan gives tips about online shopping, safety, and what to ensure when paying for products and services online. Today deser cart charged from me dhs with out my permission please refund that amount to my account. Despite my suspicions, I proceeded with the purchase to investigate the price change. The second item was apparently oversized and when I reached out to desertcart the day after the item was supposed to be delivered, they informed me that the item was oversized and after re-measuring they will ship it.

About: Over the years, we have been asked for many things by our customers.

I was told again it had been delivered, they would not try to resolve this issue and would not resend or refund. Add a note optional - e. Guest Dubai, Dubai. I purchased some things from Desert Cart. Preferred solution: Full refund. Received them promptly and money taken. Follow Joseph B. They said it had been delivered, I asked for proof of delivery, this was ignored. Believe me, you will lose money if you purchase from Desertcart. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. To make matters worse, you are signed up for an annual renewal of this payment so if you don't cancel that as well you will be billed this sum every year. When making payment the price says it's inclusive of customs and delivery cost and everything basically. Top Desertcart Reviews Positive Review.

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