Diesel 10 thomas

Dodge : So, Boss, uh, how come you let Twinkletoes escape? Diesel 10 : [in a slightly ashamed but still "tough-guy" tone] Oh, that

Thomas the Tank Engine Wikia Explore. Railway Series. William Middleton Reginald Payne C. Reginald Dalby John T. Gullane Entertainment Thomas and the Magic Railroad. Calling All Engines!

Diesel 10 thomas

Diesel 10 is an evil diesel engine with an excavator claw arm, which he has named " Pinchy " who does not like steam engines. He once had two sidekicks named Splatter and Dodge , but they eventually turned on him. He primarily works on Sodor collecting scrap metal from the trackside. Diesel 10 once visited the Island of Sodor a long time ago and caused trouble for the steam engines while he was there. During his visit, he found Lady , the engine responsible for keeping Sodor alive, and chased her, making her crash. Following the accident, Lady's caretaker, Burnett Stone , hid Lady in his workshop and tried to restore her, but failed to bring her back up to steam. Several years later, Diesel 10 returned to Sodor while Sir Topham Hatt was on holiday, intending to destroy Lady forever. He was first seen by Thomas and Gordon when he raced past them at Killaban Station, and brought his two lapdogs, Splatter and Dodge , to the railway, who were present when he was scheming. He caused several problems for the steam engines, such as dumping sneezing powder around Tidmouth Sheds and later destroying the scaffolding that had been placed beside the shed. When Mr. Conductor travelled across Sodor to find the windmill , Diesel 10 found him and held him over the Big Dipper , intending to drop him. However, Mr.

The Great Discovery.


Thomas the Tank Engine Wikia Explore. Railway Series. William Middleton Reginald Payne C. Reginald Dalby John T. Gullane Entertainment Thomas and the Magic Railroad.

Diesel 10 thomas

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon. All Rights Reserved. Hello , Guest! List of Thomas Trains. Alfie the Excavator. Annie and Clarabel.

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Journey Beyond Sodor Big World! View history Talk 5. After Lady was brought back up into steam and returned to Sodor, Diesel 10 found her and began chasing her, Thomas and Burnett across the Kirk Ronan sites, until they reached the Big Dipper, but not before Splatter and Dodge betrayed him. Magazine Stories. The Water Tower. Splatter : Yeah, all the way in? Diesel 10 in Engines Working Together. Dodge : A-and "Dodge". Conductor with Pinchy]. Sign In Register.

In Thomas and the Magic Railroad , Diesel 10 was originally played by Australian actor Keith Scott and the character was intended only as a villain supplementary to Doug Lennox 's character, P.

In real life, adding in a hydraulic claw onto a locomotive would most likely be considered illegal, if it was not approved by government authorities in most countries such as France or Spain. Splatter : The Boss dumped sneezing powder everywhere. Now I'm going to find Mr Conductor. Fantasy Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas : Ahh Both times, however, he is revealed to be wrong in his beliefs, and both cowered under Sir Topham Hatt's fury and silently fumed when he realised he wasted so much time for a redundant and pointless endgoal. Harold : [Flies past the shed, causing dust to fly everywhere] Sorry, fellows. Diesel 10 : [in a slightly ashamed but still "tough-guy" tone] Oh, that Splatter : Yeah, and we mean that. Diesel 10 once visited the Island of Sodor a long time ago and caused trouble for the steam engines while he was there. Diesel 10 with Paxton and the Steam Team. Thomas didn't want to be near him again and ran away. From Official Website [1]. And look who he's with! Tommy Stubbs ' original illustration of Diesel

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