dirty dancing imdb

Dirty dancing imdb

High school senior Katey moves to Havana in Novemberwhen her dad gets a promotion at Ford. They enter a big

Sign In. Baby Houseman Colt Prattes Johnny Castle Sarah Hyland Lisa Houseman Nicole Scherzinger Penny Rivera Tony Roberts Max Kellerman J. Quinton Johnson

Dirty dancing imdb

Spending the summer at a Catskills resort with her family, Frances "Baby" Houseman falls in love with the camp's dance instructor, Johnny Castle. Baby : Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Dirty Dancing PG 1h 40m. Play trailer Drama Music Romance. Director Emile Ardolino. Eleanor Bergstein. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director Emile Ardolino. Videos

Kelly Bishop Marjorie Houseman. Eleanor Bergstein. Related news.

A musical re-imagining of the film, Dirty Dancing Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Drama Musical Romance. Director Wayne Blair.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Patrick Swayze had to convince Jennifer Grey to be in this film because she disliked him so much while filming Red Dawn Swayze wasn't a fan of sequels and turned it down. The dancing that Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey do during the love scene was the same dance that they did for the screentests. It was not originally supposed to be in the film.

Dirty dancing imdb

Sign In. Edit Dirty Dancing I Directed by Emile Ardolino Baby Houseman Patrick Swayze

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LoriCStapleton May 24, Javier Suarez : I'm gonna miss you, too. Goofs Set in in upstate New York's lower Catskills mountains region, there are several references to guest coming up to Kellerman's on the train. Original 'Feel good" dance epic -- often imitated Never Duplicated. Drama Music Romance. Edit page Add episode. See all related lists ». Jennifer Grey, who practically made this role a part of her DNA, had a nose job and the cynics say lost a lot of later roles because the casting directors were afraid no one would recognize her. I actually liked it better than the movie. Neal Jones Billy Kostecki. This is no less a classic in its genre than Maltese Falcon or the Matrix. Johnny Castle. Watch Dirty Dancing. What is 'Dirty Dancing' about?

Here's a cast and character guide for Dirty Dancing. For a film many predicted would be a flop, Dirty Dancing certainly proved naysayers wrong. The modestly budget drama revolves around a teenager who spends her summer vacation with her family at a resort.

Related news. Storyline Edit. Sela Ward Jeannie Miller. Technical specs Edit. This is no less a classic in its genre than Maltese Falcon or the Matrix. Watch Dirty Dancing: 30th Anniversary Edition. Sheldrake's Wife uncredited Sean Anglin Trailer Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. Donato Poveda Troubador as Donato.

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