dnd gruumsh

Dnd gruumsh

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Omens of Gruumsh ranged in leniency from a drifting cloud of toxic smoke to the sudden snapping of a young shaman's neck, usually taking the form of the latter. Violent and bloodthirsty, [29] [30] Gruumsh was a god that exulted in battle [31] and reveled in warfare. Appropriately for a god with only one eye, Gruumsh had two crippling weaknesses that often undermined him: his narrow perspective and shortsighted outlook. Gruumsh had only one view of the world—his own—and could prove incapable of looking at a situation from other angles or seeing things from someone else's position. When not given what he believed to be due respect or proper notice, he immediately attacked the other party rather than asking why, and it was this "act first, think later" attitude which had negatively impacted Gruumsh's effectiveness in many tales. For example, if Bahgtru his son were to stub his toe on a large rock, Gruumsh's response would likely be to curse the stone and destroy it with his son's help before declaring a victory against the forces of nature. The injuries either of them may have sustained or opponents they were planning on fighting later on were irrelevant, as the point had to be made then and there.

Dnd gruumsh

Gruumsh, also known as Gruumsh One-Eye, is the patron deity of orcs, who regard him as the god of conquest, survival, strength, and territory. As the undisputed leader of the orcish pantheon and creator of the orcs, Gruumsh One-Eye drives his followers to overcome all foes, expand their territories, and claim what they believe is rightfully theirs. He revels in warfare and combat, and teaches that only through constant warfare can the strongest, most brutal orcs survive to beget even stronger future generations. One-Eye epitomizes the brutal savagery and drive to dominate all other creatures that is at the heart of orc society. All those with orcish blood venerate Gruumsh, except those few who have turned their back on their evil and savage heritage. He is ever watchful of his race, although woe betide those who transgress him or his priests. Powerful specialty priests, clerics, and crusaders of Gruumsh are sometimes tribal chieftains, but more often they are advisors and war leaders, whereas shamans and witch-doctors are almost always advisors. They push their tribes to wage war and expand their territory, and are tasked with eliminating the weak, sickly, and infirm in order to keep the tribe strong and healthy. One-Eye's clergy can be very vindictive; they do not hesitate to put an orc into a dangerous situation, or eliminate them outright, if they feel they have been slighted. Gruumshan priests have great say in who becomes chief of a tribe, and the clergy will undermine a chief who opposes their goals.

Larian Studios. The tales of the battles between dnd gruumsh orc gods and the dwarf gods for control of the mountains mirrors the previous tale in many ways, dnd gruumsh. And a day will come when they cover the world, and they shall slay all of your collected peoples!

Gruumsh pronounced groomsh , also known as Gruumsh One-Eye, is the patron deity of orcs , who regard him as the god of Conquest, Survival, Strength, and Territory. His symbol is an empty eye socket, or a single unwinking eye. His sacred animal is the giant rat. Gruumsh appears as a powerful orc with one eye. A figure of fury and driven cruelty, Gruumsh rules his pantheon with brute power.

A pointer is a short summary that points to published material. This material is posted under the fair use clause of copyright law. The Unofficial Description and any notes are licensed cc-by-sa. Care should be taken in editing this page. Orcs hold a particular hatred for elves. The elven god Corellon Larethian half-blinded Gruumsh with a well-placed arrow to the orc god's eye… Gruumsh grants divine might to any champion who willingly plucks out one of its eyes in his honor. Gruumsh… pushes his children to increase their numbers so they may be his instrument of revenge against the realms of elves, humans, and dwarves. Orcs are naturally chaotic and unorganized… Only certain charismatic orcs, …touched by the will and might of Gruumsh, have the capacity to control the other orcs in a tribe. A Chosen Few.

Dnd gruumsh

They were commonly called Gruumans. Orc society was based on the ideals of strength, survival, fear, and war, principles founded in the veneration of Gruumsh and taught to young orcs through cruel experience. On a personal level, Gruumsh demanded his followers to be strong and prepared to showcase their strength at any moment. On a wider scale, Gruumsh drove the orcs to follow his example by conquering their opposition.

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While that particular event created a number of "vengeful, orc-like beings under the Ruiner", they indeed predated it. Start a Wiki. Gruumsh was a god of destruction, and he brought it to people, civilization, and the land itself through his orcs. See the editing guidelines for ways to contribute. Gruumsh is rumored to have had an alliance and possibly more with Lolth , but if this is true it ended badly for him as he hates Lolth as well. When not given what he believed to be due respect or proper notice, he immediately attacked the other party rather than asking why, and it was this "act first, think later" attitude which had negatively impacted Gruumsh's effectiveness in many tales. It was Luthic's guidance that kept the orcs cohesive when Gruumsh's rage threatened to blow them apart, ensuring that they were a force capable of massing in great numbers to cause large-scale carnage rather than meager bands of violent nomads barely able to scrape by. Even as Corellon fought with the camaraderie of a sibling, however, Gruumsh harbored murderous thoughts towards Arvandor's Coronal, growing more bitter and jealous with each passing battle. Cookies help us deliver our services. Moore from Dragon The Spellplague of DR and the decades preceding it saw a further flourishing of Gruumsh's influence. Their belief that it is their destiny to conquer and destroy the lands of the elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, and other races stems from a particular legend, which can vary somewhat from telling to telling and tribe to tribe, but whose basic elements are always the same. Gruumsh, also known as Gruumsh One-Eye, is the patron deity of orcs, who regard him as the god of conquest, survival, strength, and territory.

Omens of Gruumsh ranged in leniency from a drifting cloud of toxic smoke to the sudden snapping of a young shaman's neck, usually taking the form of the latter.

He is too busy crushing threats more worthy of his power. Much was his surprise when it seemed that, with naught but a rusted axe, Gruumsh shattered his sword. The kobold god Kurtulmak had also worked with Gruumsh in the past and was reluctant to oppose him and gods like him, although he considered Gruumsh and the orc pantheon specifically to be stupid oafs. Contents move to sidebar hide. Gruumsh had searched the cosmos for his eye, and sought to rip apart whatever being had kept it for him. A figure of fury and driven cruelty, Gruumsh rules his pantheon with brute power. Edited by Penny Williams. Stephens , John Snead March Meanwhile, Maglubiyet marshaled his Host of Immortals against Gruumsh's slavering hordes in attempt to bring him and the rest of his pantheon to heel. These perceptions were not necessarily untrue, as Gruuumsh, for example, was known to create thunderheads in front of his rampaging hordes, calling on his Talos aspect to create powerful storms.

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