dog videos for dogs youtube

Dog videos for dogs youtube

Funny dog videos keep us coming back to YouTube for dog videos for dogs youtube hilarious pups who brighten our days. These videos will probably stick around and be re-shared for years to come, and no matter how many times we see them, they still bring smiles to our faces. We all know a dog who loves their ball, but this dog is so eager that they run right over the ball and do a complete flip. Nathan the Hairless Dancing Dog took the internet by storm with a funny video of him dancing on a chair.

Indoor pets are a joy like no other. And most are perfectly content to occupy your home regardless of if you're with them or not, and they may even fail to notice your absence. But not all pets are so nonchalant when their owner leaves them alone. There are plenty of indoor pets that dread being left alone. But what can you do? Well, YouTube can help you with that.

Dog videos for dogs youtube

From time to time, you probably get sucked into Youtube, watching cats or dogs doing funny and entertaining things. Since the channel was launched, it has about million views! Not bad for a cat with an obsession with boxes! We can all agree this is an amazing feat. There are thousands of pet videos on YouTube, but only a select few gain large popularity on the world wide web. Indeed, we all love our pets and want to share their wonderful idiosyncrasies with the rest of the world. Not only is it very lucrative —. Instagram pets make 15, per post! As a professional videographer in NYC , I have actually worked with clients who hired us for promoting their beloved pets. How often does your pet do something funny that you wish you had captured on film? Then ask yourself this question:. How many times did you have the camera ready to capture the magical moment with your pet?

I tent to prefer instrumental film scores. When this happens, find another popular video, and repeat. You can make your video look more interesting by holding the camcorder closer to the ground.


Hepper is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more. Are you a dog lover with some time to spare? From videos that range from cute canine antics to training advice from experts, these top dog YouTube channels will keep you entertained and informed. Maymo , a Lemon Beagle with a penchant for mischief, is the star of this channel. The videos often feature Maymo and his canine siblings interacting with a variety of peculiar objects—from unicorns to aliens—resulting in some seriously hilarious reactions. With close to 12 million subscribers, how can you go wrong? Doug the Pug is a superstar with over 18 million followers across all social media platforms and over 1 billion views on his Facebook videos alone! His YouTube channel boasts , subscribers, so you know this dog means business.

Dog videos for dogs youtube

Funny dog videos keep us coming back to YouTube for more hilarious pups who brighten our days. These videos will probably stick around and be re-shared for years to come, and no matter how many times we see them, they still bring smiles to our faces. We all know a dog who loves their ball, but this dog is so eager that they run right over the ball and do a complete flip.

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The good news is that there are still plenty of ways to stay productive when working from home with your dog. They want to see what the picture quality looks like. The music should contribute to the video. Also, this is an easy way of promoting your videos. SEO is search engine optimization. Dog Training 2 weeks ago. Some pets don't like to be left alone simply because they get bored. If your video is of a cute kitten, use the YouTube search engine to find the most popular video you can find of cute kittens. The shorter the video is without compromising any quality, the more likely your video will become a hit. In the same edit category, you will be able to pick between three picture thumbnails that will appear next to your video. Former professional dog walker and pet sitter at Windy City Paws.


Moreover, most of videos that get watched are shared is via a phone. But these are things that have to happen, and pets don't always see your struggle or understand why you leave them behind. Phone: — All Rights Reserved. Feature 3 days ago. The Relax Your Dog channel shares that its videos include lullabies, specifically chosen to "combat separation anxiety and reduce behavioral issues. This again increases your likelihood of going viral with your pet films. The good news is that there are still plenty of ways to stay productive when working from home with your dog. However, others care a lot, and every time you leave, a slew of destructive behavior ensues. You must use your best judgment when deciding. How often does your pet do something funny that you wish you had captured on film? Skip to content. Help us keep the content you love flowing.

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