doom tattoos

Doom tattoos

Re: Doom tattoos! Mon May 27, pm.

By 40oz , December 23, in Doom General. I got a tattoo recently for my 18th birthday. Upon showing it off to people, I struck up some conversations with other people who have tattoos, saying that it's kinda like an addiction, after they got theirs, within a week they were interested in getting another. A guy asked me if I was planning on getting anymore. I said I wasn't sure, I don't wanna go around blasting my money on "career-killers" as mom and dad call it, but obviously I'd only get a tattoo of something that's really important to me. Doom has been my ideal game since the age of 3, and I still play it today. If I ever were going to get another tattoo, my next one will definitely be something doom related.

Doom tattoos


You need to be a member in order to leave a comment, doom tattoos. Already have an account? Seriously, tho; I think that the best idea is to go for the ceremonial goat's head the wall texture and perhaps adding the doom logo underneath it.


Looking for some cool tattoos of the Doom Slayer or the demons from Doom? We have collected the best tattoos out there from the hit game franchise for you! Doom is probably one of the most popular game franchises that have ever existed, with characters and demonic enemies that even individuals who have not yet played the game can appreciate. Doom is one of the few games that an enormous number of people belonging to different generations can easily recognise. As a matter of fact, Doom is quite hard to forget, especially with its extremely graphic projection of hell and the ultra-cool natives that reside there. We definitely cannot forget or ignore the amazing artwork that went into making every devilish creature and their various antics. The exploits of Doomguy and the amazingly vivid instances of what hell has to offer are a level above almost everything developers can throw at you. These nightmarish creatures of hell also look impressive when imprinted on the canvas which is the human body.

Doom tattoos

Doom is a popular video game franchise that has gained a massive following over the years. No matter what Doom tattoo you choose, make sure to work with a reputable tattoo artist who has experience with video game tattoos. You must be logged in to post a comment. You can get a portrait of him, or his iconic helmet. Demons: Doom is known for its variety of demonic creatures, and there are plenty of options for demon tattoos. You can get a specific demon from the game, or a general demon design inspired by Doom.

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Yeah, I saw a girl with a goat's skull tattoo on her back and, although I don't think it had anything to do with Doom, it reminded me of the Icon of Sin and I thought it would look cool to anyone who hasn't played Doom as well as anyone spotting the reference. Upon showing it off to people, I struck up some conversations with other people who have tattoos, saying that it's kinda like an addiction, after they got theirs, within a week they were interested in getting another. My uncle used to be a tattoist and hes covered head to toe. A guy asked me if I was planning on getting anymore. I was toying with the idea of a Doom tattoo once like you, I'd recently had one done and fancied another. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. It's not really Doom, but I recently made this Strogg banner out of some Quake 2 texture, and I think it'd be perfetct for a tattoo. I can't find the exact image I was going for but it was cover art to some Doom boxset, which had the tagline "death does not discriminate". What about all the monsters on your back. JohnnyRancid said:. Nobody's stopping you from drinking but buying well, depends on parents


Posted January 11, I didn't think I'd need it anymore considering it's tattooed on my shoulder. I love your shaving Chewie conk wait up, keep the bear in his cage but that slave Jabba is killer too! If you do decide to get a DooM tattoo, I think it would look nice in color, especially for a monster. Small one: Caco or Cyberdemon. Tattoo's obviously are permanant, so it's important that I consider a really good one, and not a lousy joke one. I'll post my doomest tattoo when I can dig up a photo of it. Also, I have three tattoos-- Two on the back and one down my right arm sort of a half sleeve just yet. The swastika from the secret levels on your forehead.. Perhaps carrying a BFG or whatever your favorite weapon is.

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