Dorian ford

Home » Jazz Musicians » Dorian Ford. Dorian Ford started playing jazz in his early teens when he began regular attendance at a weekly workshop led by trumpeter, composer, broadcaster and music writer Ian Carr, dorian ford. A close association with composer Max de Wardener has led to several performances and recordings, including a live Radio 3 broadcast for Dorian ford It from the Maida Vale studios, and an album on Accidental Records.

For lovers of jazz and classical music this captivating concert is a celebration not to be missed. The trio features the versatile and sympathetic bass playing of Mao Yamada, and the one of a kind powerhouse that is Yasuhiro Yoshigaki on drums. Read More. In , I took the project to the Edinburgh Festival, and performed to an enthusiastic audience at Stockbridge Church, at the invitation of Graham and Townley productions, who have been supporting the project ever since. Really pleased to have produced this limited edition beautiful vinyl LP of solo piano recorded on the Stuart mega grand notes and 4 pedals at the Newcastle Art Gallery in NSW, Australia. The cover illustration is a painting by Tim Maguire. I tried to make it a very local effort, with the mastering and the design layout all done by local heroes Chuck Norman and Eva Farrington.

Dorian ford


Song of the Day. First name only. Really pleased to have produced this limited edition beautiful vinyl LP of solo piano recorded on the Stuart mega grand notes and 4 pedals at the Newcastle Art Gallery in NSW, dorian ford, Australia.


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Dorian ford

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All About Jazz musician pages are maintained by musicians, publicists and trusted members like you. Overall, the performance might be described as a bi-tonal deconstruction with the melody stretched out of shape, before it springs back into place and stings your cheek Look for it, then click the link to activate your account. In the meantime get to hear "Songs" if you can. Lets hear it all again soon, please. Sign in Join Email address. It is possible to treat a jazz standard by Charlie Parker as a piece of chamber music by Mozart. Current trio Projects: Bop School: Taking a line for a walk " the zen approach to neo-classicism. Home » Jazz Musicians » Dorian Ford. I tried to make it a very local effort, with the mastering and the design layout all done by local heroes Chuck Norman and Eva Farrington.


Biography Press Dorian Ford started playing jazz in his early teens when he began regular attendance at a weekly workshop led by trumpeter, composer, broadcaster and music writer Ian Carr. The trio features the versatile and sympathetic bass playing of Mao Yamada, and the one of a kind powerhouse that is Yasuhiro Yoshigaki on drums. Read more. What do I practice? Song of the Day. All About Jazz musician pages are maintained by musicians, publicists and trusted members like you. In the meantime get to hear "Songs" if you can. Read More. I tried to make it a very local effort, with the mastering and the design layout all done by local heroes Chuck Norman and Eva Farrington. Our weekly newsletter highlights our top stories, our special offers, and upcoming jazz events near you. For lovers of jazz and classical music this captivating concert is a celebration not to be missed. This is a jazz music website—spammers will be deleted.

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