douglas college

Douglas college

Apply here! You can find more information here! For in-person tours, douglas college, please stay home if you are ill or experiencing symptoms prior to your visit.

Douglas College is the largest public degree-granting college institution in British Columbia , Canada. Close to 17, credit students, 8, continuing education students and 4, international students are enrolled here. Douglas College offers bachelor's degrees and general university arts and science courses, as well as career programs in health care, human services, business and the creative arts. In , Kwantlen College split off from Douglas College. Douglas College's coat of arms was revealed to the public on January 21,

Douglas college

Admission requirements. Get to know how semesters work at Douglas College and see important dates that are relevant to you. Why choose Douglas. Bachelor's degrees. Associate degrees. Career programs. University transfer FAQ. Part-time studies. Concurrent studies. Counsellors' day. Counsellors' updates. Get a domestic viewbook. Information sessions. Group tour request form. Build your Custom Viewbook.

Program Registration Options.


Admission requirements. Get to know how semesters work at Douglas College and see important dates that are relevant to you. Why choose Douglas. Bachelor's degrees. Associate degrees. Career programs. University transfer FAQ.

Douglas college

A member of the SI-Canada team will be in touch within 24 hours to arrange your initial consultation with one of our education experts. Douglas College, located in British Columbia, was founded in Douglas hosts more than degree programs and students are taught by over experienced teaching faculty to get a hands-on, real-world education experience.

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Meet our instructors. Body mechanics and client mobility HLSC Build your custom viewbook now. Commonly used acronyms. This means status and non-status Natives from North America. Anne Tseng. Become a Douglas College International Ambassador. When to apply. Vision Care Centre. Current Students International Students. Honorary Fellows. Why Choose Douglas? Career programs. Authority control databases. Essential Skills for Work Teams.

Douglas College is the largest public degree-granting college institution in British Columbia , Canada. Close to 17, credit students, 8, continuing education students and 4, international students are enrolled here.

Therapeutic Recreation Faculty. External links. First meeting. Health Sciences. BSN Peer Mentorship program. Personal information. English proficiency requirement. Approved minutes. What Our Clients Are Saying. Youth Justice Faculty. Creative Writing Faculty. In January , Global's 16x9 news magazine aired a story alleging large scale fraud at Douglas College's Chinese partner campuses. Local Industry Skills Training. Michael McPhee. BC secondary school students must write provincial exams in any subject where it is mandatory in order to meet graduation requirements.

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