draco malfoy deathly hallows

Draco malfoy deathly hallows

What happens to Draco Malfoy after Harry Potter? In the years following the series, Draco went through a major transformation — but his eventual fate was only hinted at through The Deathly Hallows epilogue.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Draco Lucius [11] Malfoy b. The son of a Death Eater , Draco was raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood purity. He looked down on half-bloods and Muggle-borns. Draco attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from -

Draco malfoy deathly hallows

The Harry Potter franchise has focused heavily on finding the good in everyone. As a result, only a handful of characters could even be considered completely bad. That's why certain characters like Voldemort were so easy to pinpoint as evil, while the initial introduction of Sirius Black was much more ambiguous. However, even those who made poor choices could still come back from them. One of the best examples of redemption was through the character of Draco Malfoy. Draco was Harry Potter's enemy and rival for years, and the two were even at opposite ends of the board when Voldemort amassed his army. But closer inspection revealed that Draco was more of a tortured and reluctant villain that needed a chance to prove himself. This moment eventually came, as evidenced by his and Harry's not unfriendly meeting at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Unfortunately, even though they gained respect for one another, that moment was never shown. But one deleted scene from the film gave fans Draco's one moment of heroism. Following Harry's apparent death at the hands of Lord Voldemort , the dark wizard paraded his victory to those that stood against him. Of course, Harry wasn't dead after all, as Voldemort's killing curse merely destroyed the piece of his soul living in Harry.

Editing of this article by newly registered users is currently disabled. Draco with Scorpiuswhom he loves very much.


It's also the shortest, however, which is rather bizarre given how much content the book had to pick from. Fortunately, deleted scenes found on the DVD and Blu-ray editions of the movie help make it that bit longer. We'll now take a look at the moments that were omitted from the final cut and rank them in chronological order. There, they're given refuge by Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour as they hatch a daring plan to break into Gringotts bank in order to obtain Lord Voldemort 's Horcrux from Bellatrix Lestrange's vault. We see the trio planning during the early stages of the sequel. But what we don't see is Bill warning them about their dealings with Griphook the goblin. In the movie, Griphook's betrayal within Gringotts is relatively surprising. But, had they included this moment, it would have made far more sense. Bill says they must be careful and, if they double-cross their ally, he 'won't be forgiving'.

Draco malfoy deathly hallows

Once Warner Bros confirmed that they got the rights to film Harry Potter, production for the first movie happened between September and July , led by Chris Columbus. We meet Harry Potter when he is 10 years old and we are with him on his 11th birthday when he discovers he is a wizard. For the second installment of the series, production spanned between November and July

Frank reyes

During that year, Harry nearly killed Draco with the Half-Blood Prince's curse Sectumsempra which he used by accident, unaware of what the effects of the curse were. This caused Draco to be upset that any one would actually think that ' saint Potter, the Mudbloods' friend ' could be the heir of Slytherin, which was something that he thought was completely ridiculous. I felt sorry for Draco. He believed himself superior to most people because of his family's pure-blood lineage as well as great wealth and social standing. This outcome angered both Draco and his father. By the time he sees some of his old classmates in the epilogue scene — set nineteen years after Voldemort's defeat — Draco had a wife and son. When Draco tried to cast a spell at Harry early in the year behind his back, the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Bartemius Crouch Junior disguised as Alastor Moody using Polyjuice Potion transformed Draco into a ferret and bounced him around the room as punishment. Although it is unknown if Draco ever learnt this, it was ironically his act in disarming Dumbledore before his death and unknowingly mastering the Elder Wand which prevented Voldemort from fully mastering the wand's power. They violently assaulted him, which resulted in the pair as well as George's twin brother Fred being banned from all further Quidditch matches, although their bans were later lifted after Dolores Umbridge 's sacking from Hogwarts and her being put on suspension for her actions. Even his physical appearance showed the stress, with greying skin, weight loss and bags under his eyes. In addition, it is possible that Draco's aforementioned detente with Harry as adults might have been motivated, at least in part, to avoid having a similar relationship that Snape had with Harry's father and his friends after their own Hogwarts years. Lord Voldemort charged Draco with making up for Lucius's failure, and he became a Death Eater at age sixteen but was quickly disillusioned with the lifestyle. Similarly, Draco was indifferent to his first cousin once removed, Sirius Black. Neither so much as mentioned their relation to one another. It also showed that for the first time in his life, Draco made a choice for himself, and it was the right one.

Find out why. According to MTV News , Draco refused to "follow the same old pure-blood line" and saw things differently after Potter saved him in the final moments of "Deathly Hallows. For those not privy to the "Potter" books, Malfoy came from a pureblood family, who taught him that only those coming from a mother and father both of magical decent were worthy.

Both these attempts failed and resulted in innocent people getting injured, though since they both survived Dumbledore was not forced to apprehend Draco. The stress began to affect Draco adversely, and he confessed his fears to Myrtle Warren , one of the school's ghosts. Such users may discuss changes , or request unprotection. But closer inspection revealed that Draco was more of a tortured and reluctant villain that needed a chance to prove himself. After Voldemort's final defeat, Draco was not imprisoned, as he and his family had deserted the Death Eaters prior to Voldemort's defeat. He made a rather intolerant speech about Muggle-borns and Rubeus Hagrid , but otherwise acted in quite a friendly manner towards Harry Potter. Draco similarly seemed to feel some respect toward Filius Flitwick. Rowling regarding Harry and Draco's attitudes toward each other [src]. Lucius was colder and more demanding than his wife, criticising his son for getting lower school marks than Hermione Granger who was Muggle-born. It was the invention of this song, as well as insulting Molly and Arthur Weasley and the late Lily Potter to Harry, Fred, and George's faces that prompted Harry and George to get into a fight with Draco. Pansy Parkinson , his friend who had a crush on him.

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