Dream daddy robert

Robert Small is one of the dateable dads in Dream Daddy. Robert has dark brown hair that appears to be turning grey and dark eyes. He wears a red long-sleeved shirt with ripped blue jeans and bears a black leather jacket, dream daddy robert.

Let me make one thing clear: you sleep with Zaddy Robert and you ruin your chances with him. You first run into this stud at the local bar. Kindly wish him a goodnight and make your way home. Remember, you want to S-Rank his dates. Be strong. Though you want to get eggplant emojis from Robert, getting into his bed too early will leave you with black mist.

Dream daddy robert

It's incredibly well developed and all the little details were super fun, the mini-games were delightful!!! Certainly a game the LGBT community will remember for a very long time, I'm also glad the cishets and the fujoshis haven't ruined it for me yet!!!!!! I do have a question!! I noticed that if you sleep with Robert after you drink with him and watch The Game and all that, you apparentely get a "bad dad" achievement!! I didn't sleep with Robert because honestly I just met him, but now I'm curious if doing so will be consequential in your relationship with your daughter or something??? Does it just heck up your life and you become a bad dad forever??? I don't wanna be a bad dad!!! I know there's an "okayest" dad achievement when you don't do your job well with Amanda but now I'm curious about what "bad" means here!!!! I'd try it out myself but I am far too scared to be bad!!! I don't want to be bad ever!!! So yeah since we have this discussion thingy, thought I'd just ask y'all!!!

This is important.

Dream Daddy -- the dating simulator where the eligible bachelors are dads who conveniently all live in the same neighborhood. There are a variety of different dad-types the player can choose to pursue: the outdoorsy dad, the cool dad, the goth dad And then there's the bad boy dad, Robert. Robert loves drinking, whittling, and getting into trouble. His dislikes include small talk and emotional affection.

Let me make one thing clear: you sleep with Zaddy Robert and you ruin your chances with him. You first run into this stud at the local bar. Kindly wish him a goodnight and make your way home. Remember, you want to S-Rank his dates. Be strong. Though you want to get eggplant emojis from Robert, getting into his bed too early will leave you with black mist.

Dream daddy robert

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator has garnered a cult-like following that has already sparked tons of fan fiction, cosplay, and fan art. These dads are hot. Seriously, all of them. There is even a resident bad-boy-all-grown-up dad by the name of Robert that many Dream Daddy fans have been swooning over. When you are asked if you want to go out and watch the game, accept the invitation and head out to the bar. The first is the option to give Mary a drink. The other specific moment that matters is making sure that at the end of the night you do not choose to sleep with Robert.

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Because that guy will put a knife right in it. Robert : Ask him about it sometime. Top Stories. I do have a question!! Coined as the "Bad Dad" option, Robert is an aloof widower with a macabre sense of humor. I'd try it out myself but I am far too scared to be bad!!! He asks you if you like Tom Waits. The avatar can offer Robert advice on whether or not he should try to reconnect with Val; the decision determines the final outcome of his route. All the player knows for sure is that Joseph had an affair with his wife, Mary, with Robert. And the good ending Robert will, of course, be obnoxious during the movie. Join the Discussion. I assume it makes you a 'bad dad' because you had an apointment with your kids teacher the next morning but you got wasted the night before and if you stay with him you don't have enough time to sleep it off. Bad ending 1 : if the player picks "tell Robert what he wants to hear" oh their third date, Robert will come to the party and, at the end of it, say that he didn't talk with her daughter. First Meeting.

However, deep down beneath that layer of grit resides a hidden soft side. Again, make whichever choices you like until you get to the Dadbook section. Pick Robert.

Robert has dark brown hair that appears to be turning grey and dark eyes. The avatar later learns Robert is estranged from his adult daughter, Val , who has recently contacted him. This creates a rather comical scenario, where Robert introduces himself to the tour guide as "Daniel McSturgiss, ghost historian. Categories : Characters Add category. Does it just heck up your life and you become a bad dad forever??? VisualEditor View history Talk 0. I don't wanna be a bad dad!!! With seven dateable dads, there are lots of options to choose from when it comes to romance! Hey guys! After this interaction Robert will open up to you about his past.

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