earth genasi monk

Earth genasi monk

This guide is for the version of the Earth Genasi published in Monsters of the Multiverse.

August 23, 11 min read. Genasi let players become the children of genies and mortals, making them capable of exploring the Elemental Planes where ordinary mortals would perish. Players who make a Genasi become attuned to one of the four elements, giving them unique perks and interesting storylines. Players who choose to be Genasi can come from one of the four Elemental Planes, all of which grants different abilities depending on their choice. As Air Genasi , players descend from Djinn and, like their ancestors, inherit their aloof and moody personalities.

Earth genasi monk

This handbook is for version of the Genasi published prior to Monsters of the Multiverse. For the new versions, see our handbooks for the air , earth , fire , and water genasi. Mechanically, the Genasi are defined almost entirely by their subrace. While they still share a few core traits like a Constitution increase, all of the interesting parts come from your choice of subrace. Each subrace gets a couple traits, and they all get some innate spellcasting, but the specifics vary wildly. Notably, all genasi use Constitution as their spellcasting ability for their innate spellcasting. Taken as a whole, the Genasi is a diverse race which can fill a variety of classes. Taken as individual subraces, genasi are limited, niche races with significant limitations. Genasi have no decision points beyond their subrace, which means that they have very little flexibility. The custom origin rules open up your options somewhat, but there are still challenges.

You might want to establish a new stall in the capital, earth genasi monk, or perhaps forge a partnership with other local distributors to get your product out there. Maybe if you combine it with Eldritch Knight to get War Magic? Defaulting to water genasi is likely your best choice.


This guide is meant to give you an idea of whether or not the earth genasi will be right for your 5e character build. The color code below has been implemented to help you identify, at a glance, how good that option will be for your earth genasi. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything has added the "Customizing Your Origin" option that may affect the ability score increases, languages, and proficiencies in this guide. Earth genasi are a race of humanoid creatures who descended from the vain and greedy dao—genies from the Elemental Plane of Earth. They tend to be strong, resilient, and hardy, with cracks running through their earth-infused skin.

Earth genasi monk

Tracing their ancestry to the genies of the Elemental Planes, each genasi cantap into the power of one of the elements. Air, earth, fire, and water these are the four pillars of the Material Plane and the four types of genasi. Some earth genasi have lines marking their skin like cracks, either showing glimmering gemlike veins or a dim, yellowish glow. Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray. Earth Walk: You can move across difficult terrain without expending extra movement if you are using your walking speed on the ground or a floor. Merge with Stone: You know the blade ward cantrip.

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Taken as a whole, the Genasi is a diverse race which can fill a variety of classes. Point is, a Genasi Guild Merchant has an initial focus on making business first, but they just keep on being dragged into battles and politics and exploration. After all, their unique nature lets them interact with the elements in a unique way and they can use their affinity for the elements to help them gather intelligence. Prior to meeting the party, the Genasi Fighter may offer their battle insight and weapon mastery to the fray. If you use the custom origin rules, the Constitution-based spellcasting may be helpful for a handful of builds, but the investment to make the innate spellcasting work will rarely be worth the effort. Genasi let players become the children of genies and mortals, making them capable of exploring the Elemental Planes where ordinary mortals would perish. Moreover, thanks to their elemental affinity, a Genasi Cleric may approach battle in different ways. Thanks to their elemental ancestry, a Dungeon Master may surmise that they should have an intimate connection to arcane energies in the nature around them, making it easier for the Genasi to tap into them, hone them, and utilize them. Fighter: A Genasi may have traveled far and wide both inside and outside the Elemental Planes to learn quite a few fighting styles and techniques of their own. Moreover, Players and DMs can offer a unique flavor to their Genasi, stating they need certain Artificer technology in order to live so they constantly try to innovate.

Tracing their ancestry to the genies of the Elemental Planes, each genasi can tap into the power of one of the elements. Air, earth, fire, and water — these are the four pillars of the Material Plane and the four types of genasi.

Moreover, thanks to their elemental affinity, a Genasi Cleric may approach battle in different ways. Genasi Wizards who want a more offensive role might want to tap into Bladesinger, Evocation, Necromancy, or War Magic. If difficult terrain is a problem, either fight at range or turn into a bird or something. A Genasi Clan Crafter may specialize in producing particular wares, equipment or even weapons to sell in merchant towns and seaport cities, and your Genasi may be one of these individuals. For the new versions, see our handbooks for the air , earth , fire , and water genasi. However, they live longer than, living for up to years. Genasi have no decision points beyond their subrace, which means that they have very little flexibility. Call to the Wave , which enables them to use the Shape Water cantrip. Primordial as a language is composed of hard consonants and harsh syllables. Fire Resistance, which makes the Fire Genasi Resistant to fire damage.

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