effects of the great depression quizlet

Effects of the great depression quizlet

In this famous photograph by Dorothea Lange, a destitute, thirty-two-year-old mother of seven captures the agonies of the Great Depression. Library of Congress. Please click here to improve this chapter.

Over , businesses shut down between and , contributing to the rise of unemployment. Some had borrowed money to keep going before the crash and could not afford to pay back their loans. Others had been hit by falling demand for goods as people had started to spend less money, especially on goods they did not consider to be essential. Most of the people who initially lost their jobs worked in the older industries, such as coal mining, textiles and steel production. By , other industries, such as banking, domestic services and teaching, were also affected. Unemployment rates were high among unskilled workers , women and African Americans , who were more likely to lose their jobs first because of discrimination. This downward trend of business closures leading to more unemployment was part of the economic depression.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


But to have this baby come to a home full of worry and despair, with no money for the things it needs, is not fair. During the s, modernisation of farming, including the use of new fertilisers and farm machinery, had led to overproduction.


The Great Depression of devastated the U. A third of all banks failed. Housing prices plummeted, international trade collapsed, and deflation soared. It took 25 years for the stock market to recover. While the Great Depression took a huge toll on the U.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


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He spent the months between his election and inauguration—the twentieth amendment, ratified in , would subsequently move the inauguration from March 4 to January 20—traveling, planning, and assembling a team of advisors, the famous Brain Trust of academics and experts, to help him formulate a plan of attack. The United States was struggling through the third year of the Depression, and exasperated voters overthrew Hoover in a landslide for the Democratic governor of New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On July 1, , Roosevelt, the newly designated presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, delivered the first and one of the most famous on-site acceptance speeches in American presidential history. Together, they provided not only tangible projects of immense public good but employment for millions. In this guide. Farms were often bought up by large industrial farming businesses. Related links. Americans elected a string of conservative Republicans to the presidency during the boom years of the s. He was assassinated before he could mount his independent bid for the White House in Over the course of the Depression, more people left the United States than entered it. If the economy could not put people back to work, the New Deal would try. The minimum wage disproportionately affected low-paid southern workers and brought southern wages within the reach of northern wages. For American farmers, meanwhile, hard times began long before the markets crashed. She was a migrant, having left her home in Oklahoma to follow the crops to the Golden State. GDP climbed once more, but even as output increased, unemployment remained stubbornly high.


Their patrons, afraid that reactionary policies meant further financial trouble, rushed to withdraw money before institutions could close their doors, ensuring their fate. Bill which afforded New Deal—style social benefits to veterans as species of New Deal legislation. The number of European visas issued fell roughly 60 percent while deportations dramatically increased. Most of the people who initially lost their jobs worked in the older industries, such as coal mining, textiles and steel production. The New Deal slowly receded into the background, outshined by war. The AAA was equally problematic as owners displaced Black tenants and sharecroppers, many of whom were forced to return to their farms as low-paid day labor or to migrate to cities looking for wage work. The impact of initial New Deal legislation was readily apparent in the South, a region of perpetual poverty especially plagued by the Depression. Next page. Farms were often bought up by large industrial farming businesses. Agents of the TVA met with residents and offered training and general education classes to improve agricultural practices and exploit new job opportunities. The needy drew down whatever savings they had, turned to their families, and sought out charities for public assistance. Many high-profile critics attacked Roosevelt for not going far enough, and, beginning in , Roosevelt and his advisors were forced to respond. While POUR urged charitable giving, charitable relief organizations were overwhelmed by the growing needs of the many multiplying unemployed, underfed, and unhoused Americans. In , for instance, a group of nine young men riding the rails between Chattanooga and Memphis, Tennessee, were pulled from the train near Scottsboro, Alabama, and charged with assaulting two white women. GDP climbed once more, but even as output increased, unemployment remained stubbornly high.

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