
Following Torygg's death, she took his place as Jarl of Solitudeelisif, though the decision on who would assume the role of Elisif King or Queen was delayed due to the outbreak of the rebellion.

Elisif the Fair is the Nord Jarl of Solitude. She is the widow of High King Torygg , and rumors abound that she may take the reins of power in Skyrim herself. Elisif does not believe the time is quite right yet to formally declare her intentions, but does believe that becoming High Queen of Skyrim is her rightful place. She has misgivings about entrusting the war effort to General Tullius , but doesn't see any other option. She is popular amongst her people, although some of her supporters have concerns about her age and inexperience. Because of her inexperience, she can be quite overzealous in her desire to protect her people, with little regard for public resources.


While the Civil War in Skyrim may not be the game's primary plot, it is deeply connected to the main quests in a way the other major storylines aren't. More importantly, it provides the political and social backdrop of the Nord province of Tamriel , as well as offers players a chance to resolve and evolve it in a way that befits their character or the story they want to tell. Jarl Elisif is one of its major players, and while at first glance she appears to be a player of circumstance and little more than a figurehead, there is more to her than meets the eye. At the start of the game, Jarl Elisif is the widow of the slain King Torygg — who had left no heirs in his wake. She is the appointed Jarl of Haafingar and the ruler of Solitude, though she leaves most of the administration in the hands of steward, Falk Firebeard. She is an important ally of the Empire in Skyrim , and yet many Nord traditionalists worry that her influence is minor and that she is nothing more than an Imperial puppet. A young and inexperienced political player would be anyone's initial assessment of Elisif the Fair, but her inexperience may serve to belie Elisif's natural cunning and cleverness. Such is the claim of FreshwaterOctopus on Reddit, and the theory he has put forward regarding Elisif's political savvy matches with the events of Skyrim in a surprisingly plausible way. The public opinion of Elisif is that she's a young woman too dependent on the Empire, with no real power on her own. The theory introduces the idea that Elisif uses this opinion to her benefit, playing the role of an inexperienced and absent-minded monarch while orchestrating events from this unassuming position to get the outcome that she wants. The two main examples of her exhibiting political intellect lie in the way she handles the resurrection of the Wolf Queen Potema and the way she plays General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak during the peace talks in the "Season Unending" quest. In the former example, she is the only one to recognize the threat lurking in the Wolfskull Cave and intentionally overreacts so that her advisors come up with the reasonable solution she wanted from the start. In the latter example, she leverages General Tullius to trade the Reach in favor of Riften and Dawnstar — lucrative mercantile ports and thus getting Ulfric to simultaneously overvalue the landlocked Reach and its silver mines. Elisif knows that she is not taken seriously, neither by her own courtiers nor by the leaders of the two Civil War factions in Skyrim — and she prefers it that way. Characters underestimate Elisif at their own expense.

Because of her inexperience, elisif, she can be quite overzealous in her desire to protect her people, elisif, with little regard for public resources. Carsgurus finding that the verse is heavily degraded, the elisif craft a completed version of the verse and attend an audience with Elisif. This is likely superstitious nonsense.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. She resides within the Blue Palace located within the city of Solitude, capital city of Haafingar Hold and provincial capital of Skyrim overall. Before the events of the game, Elisif was originally the wife and queen consort to Skyrim's High King Torygg. It is revealed that Ulfric Stormcloak , Jarl of Windhelm and Eastmarch Hold, and leader of the Stormcloaks , had challenged Torygg to a battle, in which he "shouted Torygg to pieces". Ulfric then fled the city with the assistance of a gatekeeper named Roggvir and was branded a traitor and murderer by General Tullius.

Elisif the Fair is the Nord Jarl of Solitude. She is the widow of High King Torygg , and rumors abound that she may take the reins of power in Skyrim herself. Elisif does not believe the time is quite right yet to formally declare her intentions, but does believe that becoming High Queen of Skyrim is her rightful place. She has misgivings about entrusting the war effort to General Tullius , but doesn't see any other option. She is popular amongst her people, although some of her supporters have concerns about her age and inexperience. Because of her inexperience, she can be quite overzealous in her desire to protect her people, with little regard for public resources.


If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. She resides within the Blue Palace located within the city of Solitude, capital city of Haafingar Hold and provincial capital of Skyrim overall. Before the events of the game, Elisif was originally the wife and queen consort to Skyrim's High King Torygg.

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You must have me mistaken for someone else. Once the negotiations are done, speaking to Elisif will have her express her fear that Ulfric will betray the peace agreement as soon as it is favorable for him:. About the assassin I mean. Now it would seem Ulfric has his wish. Bureaucrats Emeraldblade95 Jester of Chaos. It's genius, really. Ulfric Stormcloak is victorious, and the Jarls have fallen in line. After hearing the "truth" about King Olaf , Elisif is impressed, reinstating the festival and rewarding the Bards College with a sum of money determinant on how convincing the verse was. If spoken to about the conflict, Elisif will occasionally express how Ulfric is oppressing the province. Pure Good Terms. He can't simply cancel an appointment with the Jarl! Varnius : "I swear to you, unnatural magics are coming from that cave! Trust is always difficult, especially for my people. Due to her support, Solitude serves as the base of Imperial military power in Skyrim during the Civil War; General Tullius works closely with Jarl Elisif in his attempts to squash the Stormcloak Rebellion. Lucky for you, I possess a forgiving nature and I'm not easily insulted.

So much so that she extends a tentative trust in you by making a personal request regarding her late husband, High King Torygg.

Fantasy Elder Scrolls. You have more than earned the right to purchase property and take the next step to becoming a Thane. Ulfric then fled the city with the assistance of a gatekeeper named Roggvir and was branded a traitor and murderer by General Tullius. You behave like you're carousing in a house of ill repute, not the residence of the Thalmor Ambassador! She is the widow of High King Torygg , and rumors abound that she may take the reins of power in Skyrim herself. From 8am to 12pm, she will return to managing the morning's court affairs. Pure Good Terms. Well, I guess I'll go about my business sulking in here. Explore Wikis Community Central. Lucky for you, I possess a forgiving nature and I'm not easily insulted. Asking her after already being told about the job will have her explain what needs to be done once more:.

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