elvis manager

Elvis manager

The Tom Elvis manager Tom Parker portrayal in Elvis caused quite a chacalita when the film was released, both because of Hank's interpretation of the character and the relationship between Elvis and Colonel Tom in Baz Luhrmann's story. The real Elvis Presley manager was known for some appalling behavior towards his star client, and Elvis tried its best to portray that accurately, elvis manager. The real Elvis Presley manager Tom Hanks played certainly had some unethical practices, elvis manager, and many Elvis viewers were shocked when the film explored them. Colonel Tom Parker was certainly an unusual role for Tom Hankswho is mostly known for playing heartwarming protagonists.

Since Elvis was the biggest name in the entertainment industry, his manager could hardly help appearing in the spotlight, too. But, even so, he was always anxious to ensure that attention never settled for very long on two vexed questions: exactly who he was and where he came from. He had toured with carnivals, worked with elephants and managed a palm-reading booth before finding his feet in the early s as a music promoter. Had anyone taken the trouble to inquire, however, they would have discovered that there was no record of the birth of any Thomas Parker in Huntingdon. They might also have discovered that Tom Parker had never held a U.

Elvis manager

He was mysterious and colorful, and, under his guidance, his one and only client -- Elvis -- reached unimaginable heights. Colonel Tom Parker's involvement in the music industry began as a music promoter in the late s, working with such country music stars as Minnie Pearl, Hank Snow, June Carter and Eddy Arnold, as well as film star Tom Mix. During this time he received the honorary title of 'Colonel' in from Jimmie Davis, the governor of Louisiana. His involvement with Elvis Presley began when he booked Presley as the opening act for Canadian singer Snow. Latest Video Updates. Parker was a master promoter who wasted no time in furthering Presley's image. Colonel Parker managed Elvis Presley from until the singer's death in Prior to managing Presley, Parker helped transform Eddy Arnold into a country superstar with his own radio shows, movie roles, Las Vegas bookings, and an unparalleled resume of 1 records. In steering the careers of both men, Parker revolutionized the artist management role, displaying an unprecedented marketing savvy while exercising near-total control. His energetic, all-encompassing management style created a blueprint that is still followed today. Parker, a purposeful, perceptive, and mysterious character, was born Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk in Breda, Holland, and entered the United States illegally in After serving in the Army for three years in Hawaii, he moved to Florida, where he joined the Johnny J. Jones and Royal American carnivals, passing himself off as a native West Virginian under the name of his former commanding officer, Thomas Parker. After several years of carnival life, Parker settled down and became director of the Tampa Humane Society he was, among other things, Tampa's chief dog officer where he developed a remunerative range of pet service-pitches that translated seamlessly into showbiz promotion. He managed Arnold as his exclusive client from until , developing a range of unique promotions that helped make the singer one of the most prolific hit-making artists of all time.

Elvis Presley, elvis manager. And Nash, Vellenga and every other biographer of both Presley and Parker acknowledge that the Colonel never showed much interest in women.

In late February , President Richard Nixon made a historic trip to China in an effort to ease long-term tensions and hostilities after years of diplomatic isolation. Not only did this visit strengthen Chinese-American relations, but it also served to encourage progress with the USSR. I was driving Colonel Parker from Los Angeles to Palm Springs as we listened to a radio broadcast of this event, live via satellite from China. He blurted the first thing that came to his mind. He knew a show by satellite could make entertainment history and Elvis was the perfect worldwide star to pull it off. But how do you achieve something that has never been done before?

Colonel Tom Parker was one of the most important people in Elvis Presley's life, and thus a hugely influential figure in rock history. But who was the man who managed the biggest rock star on the planet, and what happened to him? Colonel Tom Parker was a musical entrepreneur who was the manager of Elvis Presley. Previously a carnival worker, Parker moved into music promotion in , where he worked with popular crooners Gene Austin, and then country singers Eddy Arnold, Hank Snow, and Tommy Sands. He also helped Jimmie Davis's campaign to become Governor of Louisiana. Parker discovered the then-unknown Elvis Presley in He quickly became Presley's sole representative. Elvis soon had his commercial breakthrough in thanks to first single 'Heartbreak Hotel', and then became one of the most popular and successful entertainers in the world. Parker received more than half of the income from Elvis's early success, which at the time was an unprecedented figure for a music manager.

Elvis manager

Though the two were close for years, Parker is a hotly debated figure in the Presley story. Fans and observers also suspect Presley did not tour internationally due to the fact that Parker, an illegal immigrant to the United States from the Netherlands, lacked a passport and never became a naturalized U. Parker originally claimed to have been born in Huntington, West Virginia, but his true origins were revealed when family members in the Netherlands saw a news photo of him with Presley. A clever child and a gifted storyteller, he sought out odd jobs including with a local circus, where he assisted in training horses. As a teenager, he told his family he got a job as a sailor on the Holland America Line. Whether true or not, he left Breda and managed to reach the United States by way of Canada, he once told a friend. In Hoboken, New Jersey, he connected with a Dutch family, but he soon vanished, just as he would from his biological family. Why he changed his name to Thomas Parker is unclear, but speculation from family and friends suggests he met someone along the way with the name. In , Parker found work with a booking agent, then made a brief return to the Netherlands. In , he left again and returned to the United States, where he linked up with carnivals, joined the U.

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Since Elvis was the biggest name in the entertainment industry, his manager could hardly help appearing in the spotlight, too. The actor has talked about the project, what drew him to it, and how he felt about the overall story. While it sometimes borders on cartoonish parody, with Hanks seemingly becoming a supervillain of sorts, it fits the overall style and narrative of Director Baz Luhrmann's movie. He managed Arnold as his exclusive client from until , developing a range of unique promotions that helped make the singer one of the most prolific hit-making artists of all time. He truly felt humbled by that. I cannot say without reservation that he killed this woman. However, it soon became obvious that Elvis had staying power. The only other thing he could have done was walk away'. In the end, Elvis and Colonel Parker shared a tragic journey that mirrored their working relationship. The real Tom Parker was known for his controversial behavior in the entertainment industry, and the film accurately showcases his callous and manipulative nature. Steve Binder , the producer of the television special, put forward the idea of Presley singing his old hits. Loving You King Creole G. On each of my three visits with Colonel Parker, I sat across the table from him and looked into his eyes - hypnotic pools of unearthly blue - and wondered, Just who are you?

Since Elvis was the biggest name in the entertainment industry, his manager could hardly help appearing in the spotlight, too.

This idea, he felt, could be very big… but it would need some more thought. For the remainder of the s, Presley starred in films that relied heavily on exotic locations and mundane songs, and he was tied into contracts that he could not escape. Neal began to struggle to accommodate his new client's success, and in February , following a meeting with Parker, Presley agreed to let Parker take some control of future bookings and promotions. According to biographer Alanna Nash , Parker may have been a suspect or a person of interest in an unsolved murder case in Breda. Retrieved April 17, Fontana ; this had been inspired by a post-rehearsal informal jam in Presley's dressing room. Having previously sold the rights to Presley's early recordings to RCA, he struggled to secure a steady income, and his financial situation worsened after he sustained significant gambling losses. He adopted a new name and claimed to have been born in the United States. However, Presley had asked Parker to raise funds to pay for his upcoming divorce settlement, as Priscilla filed for divorce in You tell everybody the Colonel touched your head.

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