elwood college

Elwood college

Completed facilities. A new 2-storey building includes learning spaces for Visual Arts, Technology and Food Technology as well as a VCE centre with direct connection to the library and resource centre. A centrally-located library and resource area has been connected to the existing 3-storey building via a elwood college.

Elwood College is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Elwood College is 1 of government schools in the Elwood area. Total enrolment: In high school: In Year Please fill out the form below to contact the school directly. Already a member? Login Forgot password?

Elwood college

March 11, See more details. March 11, pm - pm. March 12, am - am. March 12, pm - pm. Welcome to the Elwood College website. We hope that it provides you with a snapshot of life in the Elwood College community, where diversity is valued, high expectations are set and values are shared. Junior School. The 'Second Storey' program is unique to Elwood College. As students transition from Primary to Secondary school, the focus of Junior School is creating long lasting connections and relationships within the community.

There are excellent opportunities in drama, music, design and photography both within the curriculum and on a voluntary basis. Vocational Education and Training. Informations about Melbourne, elwood college.

Elwood College is located just a few hundred metres south of the trendy Saint Kilda district in a quiet area with parks, pretty cafes and restaurants. The school has one of the longest existing and most successful international exchange programs in Australia. The focus of Elwood College is on the performing and visual arts. There are excellent opportunities in drama, music, design and photography both within the curriculum and on a voluntary basis. For example, students can make and enter an individual short film in the annual Film Making Competition in Media.

The teachers at Elwood College engage in high standards of teaching practice. The following describes some of these:. Elwood College recognises that student learning outcomes, connectedness to school and satisfaction is all inherently related to the quality of lessons delivered. Elwood College Teachers are expected to plan in detail, deliver and evaluate high calibre lessons which cater to a diverse range of learning styles and recognise that differentiated lessons and tasks encourage student engagement using the Elwood College instructional model. It is also expected that teachers will set and monitor a reasonable amount of homework and study for their subject. All teachers are expected to actively contribute to planning at all levels for individual lesson plans through to yearly planning. Planning documentation is to be shared with colleagues and distributed to students via the designated online forums. Assessment of students should be made in a variety of ways - classroom participation, class work completed homework, assignments and tests. Teachers should maintain detailed records of student performance in a range of activities to report accurately on the student's progress.

Elwood college

Cultural Day free dress KOU. March 21, See more details. Top Class Music Excursion. March 21, am - pm. March 21, am - am. March 21, pm - pm. We are thrilled to open our doors again to welcome prospective students and their families.

Intel p8600

In its curriculum, there is English, mathematics, humanities, health, technology, physical education, music, art, Japanese and French. Despite the heat, last Monday was filled with excitement and competitive spirit as the students enjoyed our annual whole school…. For students with basketball as a competitive sport, the Elwood College Basketball Academy is the place to be. Boarding school. Site in German. Events Presentation Evening. Outside works now provide new hardcourts, a courtyard, seating, landscaping and covered access to the science and technology building. International Student Enquiry. Find out more. Community Feedback. We run an immersive international trip there every two years. Principals Welcome. Completed upgrade. Elwood College is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years The 'Second Storey' program is unique to Elwood College.

Elwood College is a co-educational state high school in Melbourne , Victoria , Australia.

Personalised Learning. Updated 9 January Elwood Primary School. Music School Details. Already a member? March 12, am - am. About Media coverage Contact Bookshop. We upgraded Elwood College. Download as PDF Printable version. Elwood College is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years School Tour March 12, am - am. For example, students can make and enter an individual short film in the annual Film Making Competition in Media. Student Leadership.

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