emu commercial guy

Emu commercial guy

Most Liberty Mutual commercial actors and actresses are upcoming or established celebrities.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play demo reel David Hoffman Reel. David Hoffman was born in Philadelphia and grew up on U. Army bases.

Emu commercial guy

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Hoffman had done commercial work previously, but he wanted to make sure that this role would be funny. Compare Car Insurance with Jerry.

In , Liberty Mutual launched a new advertising campaign featuring LiMu Emu and Doug, a "fictional dynamic duo are passionate about saving people from overpaying for one-size-fits-all insurance," as a press release described them. Based on the capers from classic buddy-cop TV shows , the two have now starred in a series of commercials that sometimes also feature a '70s-style vehicle and other props to evoke an earlier era. The ads are campy and fun, as you might expect, often thanks to the fact that emus will be emus, and there's a nostalgia factor that can't be denied. The latest of these ads, featuring a Zoom-based conversation to reflect the times, was released Feb. But watching these two characters together definitely brings up a few questions, including, "Who is that guy?

I grew up on Army bases, shuffling between divorced parents. That sounds like a hilarious premise for a show, right? Do you wanna see some old commercials you might recognize me from? Get all that and more on my Commercials page! Behind the Scenes. Army Brat. About blah blah blah. David Hoffman was born in Philadelphia and grew up on U.

Emu commercial guy

In , Liberty Mutual launched a new advertising campaign featuring LiMu Emu and Doug, a "fictional dynamic duo are passionate about saving people from overpaying for one-size-fits-all insurance," as a press release described them. Based on the capers from classic buddy-cop TV shows , the two have now starred in a series of commercials that sometimes also feature a '70s-style vehicle and other props to evoke an earlier era. The ads are campy and fun, as you might expect, often thanks to the fact that emus will be emus, and there's a nostalgia factor that can't be denied. The latest of these ads, featuring a Zoom-based conversation to reflect the times, was released Feb.

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Hoffman rarely films with a real emu which adds to the surreal humor of the commercials. The insurance company does not discriminate its commercials. State Farm is known for their Jake from State Farm. Expand below. He is among the longest-serving Liberty Mutual commercial actors. Read Car Content. If you want to know more about Hoffman, however, you might want to check out an interview he did with himself as himself and as interviewer Peter Salazar and posted to YouTube. Car Insurance by State. Indianapolis, IN. Some the some of the company's commercial actors that you must have interacted with on your screen:.

Compare Car Insurance. Drive Well, Save More. Get Service Reminders.

Away from television commercials, he is a professional actor and model. See the full list. Denver, CO. While the LiMu Emu has naturally been the focal point of the commercials, Doug deserves credit for what he brings to them as well. It offers many investment and insurance products , including liability coverage for homes and businesses, workers' compensation, and common policies like car, fire, and theft. The Canadian star was born on 9th April in Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan, Canada, and he has featured in some top-selling films and television shows. The idea of a man and an emu driving around trying to save people money on car insurance is an absurd one. Top Cat Begins 4. GMC Sierra. It comes with a unique powertrain and other performance features. Car Insurance by City. He was once an army officer before turning to entertainment. National General. As for his modelling career, Novlan modelled in print campaigns for the brands such as Guess and Tommy Hilfiger.

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