

Famous photographer Can Divit returns to Istanbul to save erkencinkus family's advertising agency from ruin, erkencinkus. The only person he trusts there is Sanem, a young aspiring writer. She is not convinced i

Sanem lands a job at Fikri Harika, one of Turkey's leading advertising agencies, where Leyla, her sister, is an executive assistant. The owner of the advertising agency, Azizi, has two sons, Emre and Can. Emre wants to take over the company, but his father believes Can is a better fit for the job and he is appointed manager. Can has what his father wants for the company, but he prefers to take photos in remote locations. Upon learning of his father's health problems, Can eventually agrees to run the company. Emre doesn't like the idea of his brother being the manager, and believes that he should have the position.



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For more information, visit the contribution bible. Sanem, a young girl with aspirations of becoming a writer, is forced by her parents to choose between an arranged marriage and finding a proper job. Rushing into a new job at an advertising company, she soon falls for her boss, Can. View More. Episode Looks like we're missing the following data in en-US or en-US


Famous photographer Can Divit returns to Istanbul to save his family's advertising agency from ruin. The only person he trusts there is Sanem, a young aspiring writer. She is not convinced i Read all Famous photographer Can Divit returns to Istanbul to save his family's advertising agency from ruin. She is not convinced in his honesty, but soon falls for his charm.

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Read Edit View history. Turkish television series — Details Edit. Edit page Add episode. Sanem realizes that she loves the stranger who kissed her, and gives him the codename Albatross, but hates Can, and Emre makes her believe that Can only wants to increase the value of the company so that it can be sold. Top Gap. Hollywood Power Couples. Toggle limited content width. Learn more. Tools Tools. Did you know Edit.

Sanem lands a job at Fikri Harika, one of Turkey's leading advertising agencies, where Leyla, her sister, is an executive assistant.

Turkish television series — Episode guide. Emre doesn't like the idea of his brother being the manager, and believes that he should have the position. Can soon falls in love with Sanem, and finds out that he kissed her that day at the opera, which begins the inevitable story of love. FAQ Comedy Romance. Featured review. Upon learning of his father's health problems, Can eventually agrees to run the company. Turkish Drama. Birand Tunca Emre Divit. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Archived from the original on 1 June

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