Eve online reddit

Desktopversion anzeigen. Steam installieren. EVE Online Shopseite. No doubt there were problems in the past I had them - could sometimes not log in etc.

Lately I was working on a new application that pulls market data from among others the Market History endpoint. However, two days ago, this endpoint stopped working and shows up as being down on the EVE Swagger Interface. Is the Market History endpoint down for others, or am I banned from using it? It was taken down due to someone putting it under high load to avoid causing any damage. Has been down for a week. I hope it was not me that caused this. I pulled in a bit over market history type records several times last week.

Eve online reddit

Why do you think CCP gave so much lip service to caring about the economy when you were a CSM, and now has given up on it so dramatically? Lots of people have said a lot of things about Dr. One thing is for sure, though: when he left, the devs stopped caring about the economy almost completely from a development standpoint. As bad as that rebalance was done, at least you can say that the devs looked at the data before they did it. CCPlease, listen to your experts and players. CCP Ghost had a great presentation on Evesterdam , where he explored the reasons for why people play eve. However, the changes promoted in Invasion does not seem to promote any parts of why most people play eve. Hopefully, we are going to see some better changes in the future. Obviously, this might be too early a patch, so hopefully there are going to be some more relevant changes in the pipeline to improve the sandbox. Opposed to what some individuals on the forums want you to believe, most of us play eve because of the player interaction and the sandbox aspects.

I am not sure what they are but they came up as capitals.

Previously while running in the Green UK political party they hired a convicted pedophile to assist the party, their father. They have now been hired by reddit, if you post or link to any of the above facts it appears your reddit account is terminated. People have stated losing reddit accounts for even just reading the above. This has effected admins of sub reddits who have had accounts deleted. Many admins have went into private to protect users as simply reading regarding this employee can trigger a ban on reddit. Oh no! What should we do?!

During this time its unlikely that you will be able to connect. We have reached out to our network providers for further assistance. We appreciate the patience and will update you as soon as we have more information. Update UTC - Our developers are continuing to look into the outage that is affecting Tranquility and associated services. We will continue to provide updates every hour or sooner if more information becomes available. Simultaneously, other services such as web sites and single-sign on were also impacted. Since then we have been investigating the cause and consulting with our various third party providers.

Eve online reddit

Set up by a few people who noticed a lot of heavy moderation in the current reddit. It is not intended as a replacement subreddit but obviously if you have problems getting stuff posted you have another place to go. A lot of the communications out of these forums seems to be controlled by a small group of people, this might allow for more diversity in the thinking on Eve.


Use whichever one works for you I guess. This coincides with the 30 day mark after the free Omega time given out with the Havoc expansion. Yes, there were predictions , because there are always predictions. That said, I did find a couple of interesting tells in the MER economic side of things. Your avatar looks young I suggest you relax that yawn somewhat while on reddit anyway. Meanwhile, every time I log into WoW retail I am reminded how out of step I am with the current state of the game and I quickly scurry back to some flavor of classic. Things had gotten quiet already. A little further fiddling with the numbers shows that they are one of the shuttle killing corps in Utria that are trying to exploit some game mechanic for gain. That is 17 titles total that ManicTime recorded me playing, down from the 21 recorded in A lot of the communications out of these forums seems to be controlled by a small group of people, this might allow for more diversity in the thinking on Eve. I was motoring along in a Dominix battleship armed only with energy neutralizers in order to drain the capacitors of these titans in so as to speed along their destruction. Of course, I sometimes feel the need to stir the pot. And that Miasmos is a rare version of the ship that has a bay specifically for hauling Quafe. Before November you have to go back to December to see that level of loss.

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving. The original formula for this new aspect of industry has been updated following player feedback and testing, providing an intuitive and fair pattern for what kinds of modules and drones have lower or higher chances of producing residue:.

The agreement was set to last for one year, a timeline that ran out last week. Well i guess somebody is still trying to stay relevant. How many of those indi developers work at CCP? Which made the bittervets more bitter. The chart will likely end up with a spike in the last few days as people who were on the fence finally commit, but I always wonder if going a full four weeks is worth the effort, especially for a physical box item like this that they will likely be selling as a retail item eventually. It is tough when you work from home because there are days when I never leave the house. You can see the halftime slump in progress over at Kicktraq. I've been troubleshooting these issues for people on these forums for years now, so I have a solid basis of understanding on the matter, and a whole lot of empirical evidence to support my stance. In my opinion, there are muppets on both sides and neither side is any good. All sunshine and lollipops there, right? Here are some graphics clipped from the Kickstarter page. Only guilty hide that sort of thing. At least until Cataclysm Classic arrives. I have changed, the game has changed, and players have come and gone, my memories of that day have faded, and my actual influence on the battle was microscopic… but I WAS THERE! Then I was riding down the long roads in Forochel before finally ending up at the ring forges in Eregion.

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