Evliya ayetleri

The phenomenon of tourism is a multi-dimensional activity that concerns masses that have different economic classes, cultures, evliya ayetleri, beliefs, and life preferences. For this reason, tourism is an interdisciplinary research subject and it is very important in terms of science of psychology.

Introduction consists of two main titles: 1. In the first section, there is information about piece of writing, cause of writing, written specifications, history, content, raising culture-belief environment and effective personage writer of this environment and his ancestry. In the section of linguistic characteristics, the language structure of piece and miscellaneous specific features have been examined in the following headings: a Spelling, b Phonetic, c Lexicological, d Semantic, e Syntax specifications. In the passage section, transcription of the text has been done. From the beginning of the text, page numbers as an upper sign [ ] and line numbers as an upper sign have been given in the text. While doing transcription, the words in the text that have been written in two or maybe more than two different ways, have been left as the same, the words that have been thought as wrong or incomplete, have been specified as dipnote, also missing parts added as footnote in the text, have been given in sings, the letters or appendixes that have been thought as incomplete have been give between [ ] signs.

Evliya ayetleri


Ankara: T. New York: Free Press,


A devout Muslim opposed to fanaticism, Evliya could recite the Quran from memory and joked freely about Islam. Though employed as a clergyman and entertainer at the Imperial Court of Sultan Murad IV , Evliya refused employment that would keep him from travelling. He was also trained in the theory of music called ilm al-musiqi. His journal-writing began in Istanbul, with the taking of notes on buildings, markets, customs and culture, and in it was augmented with accounts of his travels beyond the confines of the city. Departing from the Ottoman literary convention of the time, he wrote in a mixture of vernacular and high Turkish, with the effect that the Seyahatname has remained a popular and accessible reference work about life in the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century, [8] including two chapters on musical instruments. He wrote: "[they] cursed those priests, saying, 'Our world used to be peaceful, but it has been filled by greedy people, who make war every year and shorten our lives. He wrote that the name Mostar means "bridge-keeper", in reference to the town's celebrated bridge , 28 meters long and 20 meters high. I, a poor and miserable slave of Allah, have passed through 16 countries, but I have never seen such a high bridge. It is thrown from rock to rock as high as the sky.

Evliya ayetleri

Geboren am Um des Reisens willen nahm er vieles in Kauf. Bestickte Samtkissen. Die Arbeit als Zollbeamter in Erzurum sollte aber nur von kurzer Dauer sein. Zeitweise wurde er als Postkurier eingesetzt, was ihm wohl sehr gelegen kam. Ein wesentliches Merkmal von ihm: seine grenzenlose Neugier auf andere Kulturen und Sprachen, die in seinen Reiseerinnerungen deutlich wird. So machte er sich auf den Weg dorthin. Das ist eine Person, die den Koran auswendig kann.

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Then historically muslims' travels and muslims' travel motivastions was evaluated on the basis hedonic and eudaimonic motivations. Genel turizm: İlkeler-kavramlar. James Cook University. In the exact copy section for comparison purpose, the complete form of piece 46 leaves has been given as the facsimile. Annual Review Psychology, 52 , — Keywords : Psychology of religion , Positive psychology , Tourism , Hedonic motivation , Eudaimonic motivation ,. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the travel motivations of Muslim tourists from a positive psychology perspective. Adaptation Level Theory: A Symposium. MasterCard-crescentRating global Muslim travel index Harrison, Julia. Alternative tourism activities directed by Eudaimonic motivations bring more permanent happiness.

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MasterCard-crescentRating global Muslim travel index Annals of Tourism Research 41 , 42— Pearce, Philip. Annual Review Psychology, 52 , — In the section of linguistic characteristics, the language structure of piece and miscellaneous specific features have been examined in the following headings: a Spelling, b Phonetic, c Lexicological, d Semantic, e Syntax specifications. Leisure Well-Being. Uysal, Muzaffer vd. New York: Routledge, Annals of Tourism Research 66 , 1— Brickman, Philip - Campbell, Donald. Journal of Travel Research 52

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