Eyes of an angel 1991 türkçe dublaj

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Superstar John Travolta Pulp Fiction, Get Shorty, Broken Arrow delivers an electrifying performance as a small-time hood battling the mob - and his own inner demons - in this gritty, gripping emotional thriller. Forced into double-crossing his ruthless mobster brother-in-law in Chicago, down-and-out hustler and struggling single father Bobby Allen Travolta escapes to California with his young daughter and her newfound best friend: a huge, fiercely loyal Doberman she rescued from the dogfight arena. Hunted down and cornered by the infuriated mafia thugs, Bobby now has two choices. Cut and run - or make a desperate last-stand fight for his family, his honor and his life. Click to play video.

Eyes of an angel 1991 türkçe dublaj

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Blue Velvet Cut and run - or make a desperate last-stand fight for his family, his honor and his life.

A struggling Chicago man with mob ties and his year-old daughter nurse a wounded Doberman - used for illegal dog fights - back to health. But trouble awaits. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Eyes of an Angel PG 1h 35m. Director Robert Harmon.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jump to Summaries 2 Synopsis 1 Edit. A struggling Chicago man with mob ties and his year-old daughter nurse a wounded Doberman - used for illegal dog fights - back to health. But trouble awaits. John Travolta is a downtrodden single father raising his daughter under difficult circumstances in Chicago. The young girl comes upon and then nurses a wounded Doberman used for fighting, back to health. Duped by underworld types he was working as a courier for, father and daughter leave the dog and flee cross-country to Los Angeles with both canine and mobsters in pursuit.

Eyes of an angel 1991 türkçe dublaj

Although Eyes of an Angel was released in France in , it was not released in the United States until when Travolta's career was revived with the release of Pulp Fiction. At that point, it was released straight to VHS format. It was released on DVD in The best website for movie search and thoughts sharing with friends. Movies Eyes of an Angel. Who are we and why are we making Kinorium

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The Shop On Main Street Fat City Gertrud The Color Purple The Quiet Earth Broken Blossoms 7. December 29, pm. The Magnificent Ambersons De pena la calidad del DVD es inferior a un mal video no comprarlo es un verdadero timo si tuvieranverguenza me devoverian el importe lamentable. Dancer In the Dark

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Videodrome Barry Lyndon The Birds Adam's Rib It could be a good film if they made it like 60 minutes long. Man Bites Dog Vincent Guastaferro Goon. My Brilliant Career Scarface The Jungle Book

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