fairhaven barber shop

Fairhaven barber shop

Barber: Diane Philips - Owner. Diane Phillips, graduated from Miller Barber College, 35 years later. She's had the pleasure of cutting a 1 month old baby boy, to giving a distinguished gentleman of yrs old his last haircut. She had a dream of running my own shop since fairhaven barber shop began in

Fairhaven Barber Shop. Sconticut Neck Rd, , Fairhaven, Popular Services. Beard Trim. Other Services. Hot Towel Face Shave.

Fairhaven barber shop

Please only enter the Barbershop wearing your mask and please check in with us at your appointment time, we will then direct you where to go as we're using social distancing. We know from history that many a Barbershop has dressed the streets of Fairhaven, the Historical District of Bellingham. Here we present a bit of yesteryear in the 21st century. Most days you will find two dogs asleep in the corner and two or three barbers clipping away, all the while discussing the days' news, local events, or personal exchange only your Barber knows for sure! As you retire into our barbers chair, placing your feet upon the foot rest, your haircut is personally delivered with your needs and lifestyle in mind. We showcase a variety of haircuts from the business cut of the s to cuts for the business man of today. For our younger customers we often do buzz cuts, "regulars", fauxhawks, or the popular "surfer look". There is a discount for military, retired, or students, and for your wee one we have that special "first haircut certificate". And if having a clean shave is what you desire, ask for Diane she will leave your face smooth as a baby's bottom. She has wielded her straight edge razor since Barbershop At Fairhaven. All Rights Reserved. Created By: iBiz Shout-Out.

There is a discount for military, retired, or students, and for your wee one we have that special "first haircut certificate". Paul is perfect.


Best Barbers in the South Coast area. Paul , Chris and Tony. They have great friendly service. These guys are great. They have done an incredible job on my hair! So I brought my son in to get a haircut there for the first time since school is starting up and I must say Chris was fantastic. He was funny and joked around a lot with my child which made him

Fairhaven barber shop

This place is amazing, my fiance came in last minute for a haircut for our wedding and Paul was able to book him. This is the best haircut I've ever seen on my fiance Paul's very talented at what he does. The aesthetic of the shop is really nice too lots of cool stuff. Service: Haircut. I've been getting Haircuts and Beard Trims from Tony for the last couple years, and I can sincerely say that I've never had a better cut. He takes his time and listens to what you want, and the straight razor finish brings it over the top. Prior to moving to the area, I had a lot of barbers, but none are as good as TonyServices: Beard trim. So I brought my son in to get a haircut there for the first time since school is starting up and I must say Chris was fantastic.

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He was on the road for three years and three months. He enjoys his 4-legged house mate We showcase a variety of haircuts from the business cut of the s to cuts for the business man of today. I will be doing back. Created By: iBiz Shout-Out. Created By: iBiz Shout-Out. Other Services. Always great service. Chris did a great job. Barber: Diane Philips - Owner.

If you're obsessed with your hair, then Fairhaven Barber Shop in Fairhaven is the place for you. The talented team of stylists and colorists at Fairhaven Barber Shop are true hair devotees who live and breathe hair care. Whether you need a trim, a new style, or a change in color, the skilled professionals at Fairhaven Barber Shop can help you transform your look.

He enjoys his 4-legged house mate For our younger customers we often do buzz cuts, "regulars", fauxhawks, or the popular "surfer look". The conversation was good bu Feeling enriched everyday she comes to The Barbershop At Fairhaven. Popular Services. And to Ken Imus for giving Diane that chance The only place i cut my hair. Barber: Diane Philips - Owner. Head Shave. RIP The appointment booking is so easy and they run on time. Chris did a great job. Haircut by Chris Serpa. And if having a clean shave is what you desire, ask for Diane she will leave your face smooth as a baby's bottom.

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