fallout 4 melee build

Fallout 4 melee build

Want to play Fallout as a big boned bad ass chick called Bertha?

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Fallout 4 melee build

Melee builds are viable even on upper difficulties in Fallout 4, particularly when you invest in the right perks. This guide to a melee build will highlight some of the best perks you can take to enhance your character's damage potential, durability, and make them viable. First we'll look at SPECIAL point priorities then get into the individual perks you should consider and why they're worth a few points. Endurance - You'll need to get up close and personal far more often than any ranged character. You can take this later if your HP are fine, it is retroactive so you get far more HP when you take a point at a higher level. Luck - For crits, you will one day benefit greatly from grim reaper's sprint, critical banker, etc. Idiot savant is also an incredible perk for a melee build that will not invest much into Intelligence. Charisma - Only marginally more useful than below. If you're playing as a raider you won't need local leader, but charisma has its uses in speech checks and bartering. You just won't need many of its perks. Inspirational will be handy if you want to roll with a companion one day, but getting 3 points for Lone Wanderer and using Dogmeat reduces your need for this. Intelligence and Perception - These two stats are nearly useless to you as a melee player, and you're kind of lucky in that due to ranged particularly snipers needing a bit more of everything. Late-game, 6 points in INT for Science! These are not necessarily in the order you should get them, but are somewhat ranked by the power potential they provide.

This build essentially relies on massive critical damage attacks with a stealth modifier. For beating up enemies, also for a big carry weight. Rooted STR 9 This is an amazing perk for a melee build.

Fallout 4's melee build is more viable than in any previous game in the series and relies heavily on certain stats, perks, and weapons. And chems. You're going to need all the chems you can find, especially to conquer late-game fights. There are a few different ways to play melee in Fallout 4, but the principle remains the same: try to take as little damage as possible, and play around the environment. Wide-open spaces are your biggest weakness. Here's a guide to going full Rocky mode in the wastelands.

This review covers advanced mechanics and gear selection insights vital for creating truly dominant characters ready to thrive in Survival difficulty. This build epitomizes the apex predator sniper fantasy. You are the ghost haunting the battlefield picking off targets of opportunity from concealed positions with pinpoint precision. Max out the Rifleman perk combined with Instigating and Two Shot Gauss hits means explosive openers from stealth followed by crippling critical strikes. Embrace your inner shadow warrior with this deadly agile build. Blitz enables teleporting melee ambushes on hapless enemies while Ninja significantly amplifies sneak attack damage. Once perfected, this build allows you to clear entire buildings filled with enemies rapidly without ever entering danger. Boogeyman personified. This is the quintessential slow marching apocalypse tank build.

Fallout 4 melee build

Melee builds are viable even on upper difficulties in Fallout 4, particularly when you invest in the right perks. This guide to a melee build will highlight some of the best perks you can take to enhance your character's damage potential, durability, and make them viable. First we'll look at SPECIAL point priorities then get into the individual perks you should consider and why they're worth a few points.

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Mathias View Profile View Posts. Cannibal is a helpful perk with this build and fits the roleplay element disturbingly well. Pleae note there are different endings for this DLC, something we all wanted! Inspirational will be handy if you want to roll with a companion one day, but getting 3 points for Lone Wanderer and using Dogmeat reduces your need for this. Back to Top. Heavy hitter and fast-firing Comparison - two guns from the same base. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. If so this guide is for you. Grim Reaper's Sprint Luck 8 Allows you to chain together melee sneak kills , one more addition to make you feel completely god-like. You are vulnerable, but a little bit of radiation coursing through your veins going into a fight to utilize Ghoulish regeneration will help you survive. Posts: This will help you outpace your enemies in damage so that you can go toe to toe with deathclaws and smash gunners before they can harm you.

Want to play Fallout as a big boned bad ass chick called Bertha? I sure did I suppose you could be a beefy bloke called Bob as well, whatever floats your boat. If so this guide is for you.

Drugs are amazing bruh. Strength is obvious for melee damage but also to get Armorer to make tweaks to your Power Armor to improve its effectiveness in battle like Emergency Protocol, and Blacksmith to improve your melee gear. This will help you outpace your enemies in damage so that you can go toe to toe with deathclaws and smash gunners before they can harm you. If you for example went all strength to get Rooted, you'd be shorting yourself on some other perks for a time. Intelligence and Perception - These two stats are nearly useless to you as a melee player, and you're kind of lucky in that due to ranged particularly snipers needing a bit more of everything. While the extra caps you might find lying about thanks to the luck stat can be useful, it's really the perks that make this a priority pick-up for a melee build: Bloody Mess, Idiot Savant, and Grim Reaper's Sprint are awesome. This will let you choose between a tanky build or a more stealth-based melee build with perks like Ninja and Sneak. You can find a combat knife behind the houses on the ridge above Concord. Other perks would be the generic Rooted, Big Leagues, and survivabilities you think you might need like Toughness or Life Giver. Other playstyles are more fun, but they don't stop you from getting hit. The Children of Atom are obsessed with radiation and this melee build is built on that concept. This covers how to make the Robot Workbench to begin making your own Automatrons, and walks you through the first two quests while providing some tips for fighting the Mechanist's creations.

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