fallout 4 molecular level

Fallout 4 molecular level

At the end of The Glowing SeaVirgil reveals that the Institute uses teleportation, and that this could be intercepted using information from a courser chip to construct a device, the signal interceptor. Before the Sole Survivor can utilize the newly acquired courser chip, it needs to fallout 4 molecular level analyzed by someone familiar with the Institute 's technology. The only person capable of doing this is Tinker Tom of the Railroad. If the Railroad has yet to be encountered, Dr.

The wasteland doesn't end with The Molecular Level. Be sure to check out Polygon's full guide to Fallout 4 for tips, tricks and help. This means you'll have to complete the first Railroad Faction quest, Road to Freedom , if you haven't done so already. Once you've made your acquaintance with Railroad leader, Desdemona, follow her into the faction headquarters. After Tom takes a look at the chip, fast travel to Virgil's lab in the Glowing Sea. Virgil will give you the plans to build a Signal Interceptor, which will allow you to teleport to The Institute and rescue Shaun. The benefit of getting help from the respective scientist of any of the three factions is that they'll give you advice on how to put the teleporter together.

Fallout 4 molecular level

This mission begins immediately after completing Hunter Hunted. Your goal is to get the new Courser Chip analyzed, so head to back to Goodneighbor , and go to the Memory Den to see the doctor. She will tell you that she knows of some people who can help, but you need to follow the Freedom Trail. Head to Boston Commons , it's a location nearby, and look for this area:. On the ground will be an emblem, and some red stones. This is the Freedom Trail, so start following the red line. From this point on, you will also simultaneously be completing the quest Road to Freedom. There will be times the train becomes tough to follow, or disappears entirely for several feet. If you get lost, don't worry, we have you covered. The area below is where you need to end up. Enter the church and head for the basement, and follow the path until you find this on the wall. You can spin the outer dial, and select letters by pushing the center. Spell out the world Railroad to cause a door to open. Once inside, you will be stopped by a woman, and eventually led into her base. She will lead you to Tom, who after some masterful hacking, will get you the code you need.

Before the Sole Survivor can utilize the newly acquired courser chip, it needs to be analyzed by someone familiar with the Institute 's technology.

With a courser chip at hand, the Sole Survivor will need to find The Railroad and get their help with using the chip in order to successfully infiltrate the Institute. At this point, the Sole Survivor will have numerous options in regards to building the teleporter device necessary to infiltrate the Institute with, and this choice will greatly affect their actions further into the quest line. The Vault - Fallout Wiki. The Vault - Fallout Wiki Explore. Dark skin Light skin Switching skins. Random Page Recent changes Recent Files. Fallout

This mission begins immediately after completing Hunter Hunted. Your goal is to get the new Courser Chip analyzed, so head to back to Goodneighbor , and go to the Memory Den to see the doctor. She will tell you that she knows of some people who can help, but you need to follow the Freedom Trail. Head to Boston Commons , it's a location nearby, and look for this area:. On the ground will be an emblem, and some red stones. This is the Freedom Trail, so start following the red line. From this point on, you will also simultaneously be completing the quest Road to Freedom. There will be times the train becomes tough to follow, or disappears entirely for several feet. If you get lost, don't worry, we have you covered.

Fallout 4 molecular level

The wasteland doesn't end with The Molecular Level. Be sure to check out Polygon's full guide to Fallout 4 for tips, tricks and help. This means you'll have to complete the first Railroad Faction quest, Road to Freedom , if you haven't done so already. Once you've made your acquaintance with Railroad leader, Desdemona, follow her into the faction headquarters. After Tom takes a look at the chip, fast travel to Virgil's lab in the Glowing Sea.

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Current Wiki. I'm inside the Institute. Start a Wiki. The Railroad knows a lot about Synth technology. Movies TV Comics. Ultimately, you will have to do a quest or two for them, before being able to proceed with the main story. She will tell you that she knows of some people who can help, but you need to follow the Freedom Trail. Fallout games. After speaking with him, he will give you the plans to build a device to get you into the Institute , and then tells you to speak with a faction to get help. Main quests.

This guide will help you complete the Molecular Level quest in Fallout 4, one of the longest quests in the game. We crawled through rough conditions to complete this, ensuring that we had every detail to make sure you can do the same, and without all of the fuss. If you instead need help with any other areas of Fallout 4, then head over to our Fallout 4 guides walkthrough hub, featuring additional quest walkthroughs, as well as rare items locations throughout the Commonwealth.

Fallout 4 quests. The Signal Interceptor should get me inside the Institute, but I'll need help building it. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice. Virgil will give you the plans to build a Signal Interceptor, which will allow you to teleport to The Institute and rescue Shaun. Start a Wiki. There will be times the train becomes tough to follow, or disappears entirely for several feet. Both characters were repeating their dialogues "And we are in business. Gamepedia support Report a bad ad Help Wiki Contact us. Cloth: 6 Copper: 3 Gold: 3 Steel: 3. The Vault - Fallout Wiki. Have the Courser chip analyzed.

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