fallout 4 radio raiders

Fallout 4 radio raiders

Unlike other radio stations, Raider Radio does not fallout 4 radio raiders any pre-recorded songs, but instead relies on its host, RedEyefallout 4 radio raiders, to play lufa farms songs on his guitar. The name of the station in the Pip-Boy menu may be indicative of its pre-war origin as Nuka-World 's own radio station. Sometime inafter the capture of Nuka-Town USA by Colter 's raiders, RedEye was assigned as the operator and DJ of the station, broadcasting news and improvised music to the raider gangs.

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Fallout 4 radio raiders

Raider radio signal is a radio station in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. It can be received after extending the satellites at relay tower 0BB It broadcasts a lackluster advertisement by a lone raider who is apparently selling chems, who gives a vague description of his location. The signal is meant as a trap, although there are indeed chems in said location. The origin of the broadcast is a ham radio in the basement of a small trailer northwest of the relay tower. Go toward the broken section of the plane, and it is just over the next ridge. The trailer is guarded by a single raider. There is a tiny bunker accessible from a hatch on the southwest side of the shack. Inside is the ham radio broadcasting the signal, a single dose of Psychotats , a cooler with random contents, a single 10mm round , and a baseball bat. Fallout Wiki Explore. Fallout games. Fallout Atomic Shop Apparel Bundles C. Allies Creatures and robots Factions Vendors. Ammunition Apparel and armor C.

Quincy and Southern Commonwealth.

Tales from the Commonwealth XB1 PC is an extensive world building mod that adds hundreds of new characters as well as a ton of new quests, three new companions and dialogue to Fallout 4. Join a gang of raiders, find a new way to deliver mail via computer terminals, visit a brothel, shake people down for money, make new friends and enemies This game mod provides examples of: Affably Evil : Black Eye Bobby and his gang of raiders are pretty friendly for a bunch of thugs and bandits. Most raiders would just shoot you on sight and throw you in a ditch, instead Bobby offers you a place in the gang and rewards you handsomely for doing his jobs. Cueball is a brothel owner who isn't too picky about who his crew hires for the work. Afraid of Blood : Cueball, who is quite squeamish and asks that you not share any messy details of the work you do for him. The Alcoholic : Cueball, the owner of the Boston Bordello.

The Raider radio signal is a localized radio broadcast that can be tuned into throughout a portion of the Commonwealth , in Fallout 4. This signal is first discovered when the Sole Survivor activates the relay dishes at relay tower 0BB The source of the signal can then be tracked to a ham radio inside a bunker beneath a large makeshift trailer. Anyone out there interested in buying some chems? Come find me. I'm at the three trees with flags.

Fallout 4 radio raiders

After joining the Minutemen , this quest can be periodically obtained when talking to Preston Garvey or listening to Radio Freedom. The Sole Survivor is informed that an allied settlement is having trouble with some raiders , and is asked to help the settlement deal with them. Alternatively, the quest may be obtained directly from a settler even if the Sole Survivor has not joined the Minutemen this occurs more frequently at unowned settlements.

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Show Spoilers. This wasn't the only way to begin the new quests from the mod is it? The other ending have the player rescue Crystal but arrive too late to save everyone else. Cueball is a brothel owner who isn't too picky about who his crew hires for the work. Why cap someone when they have much more value as a potential ally? Categories : Fallout 4 radio stations. The name of the station in the Pip-Boy menu may be indicative of its pre-war origin as Nuka-World 's own radio station. Side Quest. Greater Boston Neighborhoods - West. Don't have an account? The trailer is guarded by a single raider. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

Raiders are groups of barbaric and nomadic gangs found all throughout the Commonwealth in Raider groups that infest this region are some of the most primitive human groups to emerge in the wastelands — they are small anarchic bands of violent outcasts, preying on anything and anyone weaker than themselves. What they lack in intelligence, they make up for in abundance, ruthlessness, and extreme aggression.

It can be received after extending the satellites at relay tower 0BB Atomic Shop Apparel Bundles C. Unlike other radio stations, Raider Radio does not play any pre-recorded songs, but instead relies on its host, RedEye , to play acoustic songs on his guitar. Why cap someone when they have much more value as a potential ally? Raider radio signal is a radio station in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. The Institute. Start a Wiki. It broadcasts a lackluster advertisement by a lone raider who is apparently selling chems, who gives a vague description of his location. Disappoint him and he might start smashing your toes with a hammer or even just straight up shank you. Sign In Register. Cueball is a brothel owner who isn't too picky about who his crew hires for the work. No it's not that, it has to be something else.

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