family guy glenn

Family guy glenn

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Living… a life guided by his sexual addiction in Qhahog, R. Profession… airline pilot. He loves his job because of his proximity to flight attendants. It also helps that, at 30, feet in the air, they have nowhere to run from his incessant come-ons. Interests… sex. Quagmire lives for the ladies.

Family guy glenn

Glenn Quagmire usually called by his maiden name Quagmire , is a character from the animated television comedy show Family Guy. He lives on the same street as Peter Griffin and Joe Swanson , making them his besties. He is also best friends with the two. He works as a pilot. He was born in , but looks younger because he eats a lot of carrots. Quagmire is best known for having a lot of sex or making a lot of sex jokes with his catchphrase "Giggity" or his other catchphrase, "I'm Glenn Quagmire. He also made one appearance in The Cleveland Show. Contents move to sidebar hide. Page Talk. Read Change Change source View history. Tools Tools. This subject may not be notable enough for an article according to our general notability guideline. Please help by adding reliable sources about the subject and saying why it is notable. Otherwise, it can be merged , redirected , or deleted from Wikipedia.

When in sexual situations, he often shouts variations of his catchphrase "giggity", which has been used on Family Guy merchandise such as keyrings.

Glenn Quagmire , often referred to by just his surname, is a fictional character from the American adult animated sitcom Family Guy. He is a neighbor and friend of the Griffin family and is best known for his hypersexuality and his catchphrase, "Giggity Giggity". The name Quagmire was chosen by a college acquaintance of MacFarlane's. Quagmire is a bachelor who works as a commercial airline pilot. He has had two spouses: Joan, a maid for the Griffins who died; [5] and Charmise, a prostitute whom he divorced. During his time in Korea in service in Busan , he had a brief career as a soap opera star by the name of "American Johnny" and was lovers with his co-star, Sujin. In the episode " Quagmire's Baby ", he discovers that he has a daughter, Anna Lee, but puts her up for adoption; several episodes imply that Quagmire has fathered several other children.

As with most of the characters in Family Guy , Glenn Quagmire has changed a lot over the years. He used to just be the zany neighbor who looked like Bob Hope and was an infamous sex pest. However, his perverted antics have gotten a lot darker over the years and more layers have been added to the character. Some of his newfound layers include his history of sexual abuse from his mother and his childhood bully, and the fact that he hates Brian. The way Quagmire sees it, he flies and lands passenger planes every single day and no one ever gives him a pat on the back, so why should everybody praise a baby for doing something babies do anyway?

Family guy glenn

Glenn Quagmire usually called by his maiden name Quagmire , is a character from the animated television comedy show Family Guy. He lives on the same street as Peter Griffin and Joe Swanson , making them his besties. He is also best friends with the two. He works as a pilot. He was born in , but looks younger because he eats a lot of carrots. Quagmire is best known for having a lot of sex or making a lot of sex jokes with his catchphrase "Giggity" or his other catchphrase, "I'm Glenn Quagmire. He also made one appearance in The Cleveland Show. Contents move to sidebar hide. Page Talk. Read Change Change source View history.

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He lives on the same street as Peter Griffin and Joe Swanson , making them his besties. After Cleveland moved away, Quagmire has shown nothing but envy toward Cleveland, to the point of convincing himself that he was getting a spin-off and after delivering Loretta's deceased body, calling Cleveland "Joey". Quagmire has shown a tolerance towards Brian in certain social situations without either of them being mean towards one another, be it in " Death Lives " where the two join Peter for golfing as he ditches Lois on his anniversary, " Partial Terms of Endearment " when Quagmire asks Brian if he "picks up on" Lois skipping her period due to being pregnant, at Brenda's intervention in " Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q. June 26, If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. When they return from the woods, Joe writes a fake letter to give to Brenda to cover up the murder, explaining that Jeff was leaving her. First appearance. Joan Quagmire deceased Charmisse Quagmire divorced. Heroes Wiki Explore. He also made one appearance in The Cleveland Show. Sign Up Log In.

Fun Fact: Quagmire is actually 61 years old!

March 12, Although Brian does detects the scent of a man whom Quagmire had sex with, Quagmire corrects Brian that he had sex with "Three Filipino women" only to realize that the third was a transsexual. In Meet the Quagmires , it is established that he already knew Peter and his future wife Lois Griffin. See Details. Sometime in his past, Quagmire formed a relationship with Cheryl Tiegs , whom he loved. Glenn Quagmire. Cleveland Cleveland Jr. Start a Wiki. Cast members Guest stars Writers Awards and nominations. Anna Lee Quagmire daughter Courtney Quagmire daughter. Article Talk. November 22, What makes Brian and Quagmire's desires towards Lois different is that, while Quagmire is only interested in sex, Brian, as shown in " Play It Again, Brian ", believes that he is more deserving of Lois, due to Peter often neglecting his wife for other interests and that they have more things in common. Hero Overview.

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