fart slave stories

Fart slave stories

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She coughed and gasped for air as she heard someone laughing. Lucia: Goodmorning, Mistress Bella. Lucia made Bella her usual breakfast: 16 bacon, 15 sunny side up eggs, 18 stacks of waffle, 18 stacks of pancakes, 10 hash browns, 10 toast, 10 french toast, a bowl of cereal, 13 yogurt cups, 2 pitchers of milk, 2 pitchers of orange juice, 2 pitchers of grape juice, and 2 pitchers of apple juice. Bella came into the dining room wearing a slit black skirt, a black tanktop, with a black jean jacket over it. Bella sat down at the table and ate. Bella got up from the table. Lucia ran into the dining room.

Fart slave stories

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Lia's FartSlave by Arii Lia is a bossy 18 year old girl living with her sister in a hotel, Her sister Layla is 16 years old. Lia pays the bills and service for the hotel so she makes Layla to s My boyfriends sisters baby. Your boyfriends parents are away for the week so you go over and spend some time with him. Only to see he's not there and it's just his evil little sister. Sat on and Farted on by Gassy boyf Bruno is a nasty man and won't stop farting.

Shrinking the Competition. What's wrong with letting loose and being free? The haunted house on Mercer Lane.

So this chapter is when he gets sewn into the panties. So you could only imagine what comes next. Rachel walked over to her bedroom while holding her shrunken man in her right hand. She could feel as he was squirming and could even feel his tiny tears crawl down his cheeks onto the side of right thumb. It made Rachel have more of an appetite for her adventurous side of this fetish.

I woke up at the last second. A warm sweaty mound slowly sank my head into my pillow. I cried out muffled by the mass on my face, then the stink. It smelled like sweat and bad eggs. I squirmed as I saw nothing in the dark of my room, but then I realized I couldn't move.

Fart slave stories

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Collection of various fetish prompts I've received. Mature content. Readers discretion advised. Each 'chapter' will include its own summary in the beginning. A college freshman thinks she can seduce her assistant professor for a good grade, but he has something very different in mind. After fantasizing about him all winter break, Mia bumps into her beloved, gassy assistant professor again.

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Giantess grandmother. He looked around, seeing if any of the other patrons around him noticed the odor, but no one seemed to pay any attention to the duo. Everyone farts you know. Well, maybe after we partnered up. I also heard waitstaff talk about a horrid stench that seemingly came from nowhere. Bella soon fell asleep leaving Lucia to deal with her gas. I shook my head. Rylie: I told you not to get them! Review Forums. Georgina: You guys can pick a movie!

Mom's Substitute Slave by salhex.

As smart and as cunning as Lia was, she hadn't thought that part through, she had gone with the flow of conversation, and was now dealing with the consequences. It was Bella! You like for smell or something? Site News. Lucia ran into the dining room. The one in the top right corner. Bella left and Lucia got to work. She then started to pick the man up again to probably beraide him one more time before his life was officially over. The turd was stretching his hole making him gasp silently from pleasure. Claire was at a sleepover with 3 of her friends.

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