fast times film

Fast times film

A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Jeff Spicoli : What Jefferson was saying was, Hey!

Fast Times is an American sitcom based on the film Fast Times at Ridgemont High that was produced by Amy Heckerling , who directed the original movie. Cameron Crowe , who wrote the original Fast Times novel and film screenplay, served as creative consultant. Moon Zappa was hired to research slang terms and mannerisms of teenagers, as she had recently graduated from high school and had a much better grasp of then-current high school behavior than the series writers. Oingo Boingo provided the theme song. Ray Walston as Mr. Hand and Vincent Schiavelli as Mr. Vargas, were the only actors from the film to reprise their roles for the TV series.

Fast times film

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. An unknown year-old from Beverly Hills High, Cage received only a bit part in the film after losing the Brad Hamilton role, for which he had auditioned multiple times, to the older Reinhold. It marked the film debut of Cage, too, though it feels like a technicality to say so: He appears onscreen for all of 20 to 30 seconds, delivers no real lines, and was credited as Nicolas Coppola for the second and last time. Fast Times at Ridgemont High arrived in , one of the historic transitional years for American cinema. It was the year an aspiring filmmaker named John Hughes landed his first film credit albeit as writer, not yet director. And it was a moment when teenagers were beginning to dictate, more than before, the kinds of movies that studios would make. Fast Times , with its frank depictions of horny high-schoolers learning fellatio techniques and exploring sex with each other and, in one unforgettable scene, themselves , soon followed. It seemed primed to be another teen-exploitation bonanza but turned out to be much more: a quotable classic, an unexpected star-maker, and the rare film that neither elides nor glamorizes the awkwardness of early sexual experiences. Fast Times at Ridgemont High is an ensemble comedy, chronicling a year in the lives of teenagers at a fictional California high school, including the sexually inexperienced Stacy Jennifer Jason Leigh , her well-liked older brother, Brad Judge Reinhold , and the delinquent, perpetually stoned Jeff Spicoli Sean Penn, lightening up for once. The screenplay was written by Rolling Stone journalist Cameron Crowe and based on his book. Crowe posed undercover for a year at a San Diego high school, pretending to be a student while secretly lapping up character ideas.

Vargas, she paints the insult "Prick" on his car and his school locker as revenge.

The film chronicles a school year in the lives of sophomores Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner and their older friends Linda Barrett and Mike Damone, both of whom believe themselves wiser in the ways of romance than their younger counterparts. The ensemble cast of characters form two subplots with Jeff Spicoli, a perpetually stoned surfer facing off against history teacher Mr. Hand, and Stacy's older brother Brad, a popular senior who works in entry-level jobs to pay for his car and ponders ending his two-year relationship with his girlfriend Lisa. In addition to Penn, Reinhold, Cates, and Leigh, the film marks early appearances by several actors who later became stars, including Nicolas Cage , Eric Stoltz , Forest Whitaker , and Anthony Edwards the first two in their feature film debuts. In , the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". Brad Hamilton Reinhold , a popular senior, looks forward to his final year of school. He has a job at All-American Burger, his Buick LeSabre is almost paid for, and he plans to break up with his girlfriend Lisa so he can be free for his senior year.

BUY AT:. See more details, packaging, or compare. The wild world of adolescence has rarely been captured with as sharp an observational eye as in this refreshingly smart, frank spin on the teen comedy by director Amy Heckerling and screenwriter Cameron Crowe—for each of whom it kicked off a hugely successful film career. This pop-culture touchstone launched to stardom practically an entire cast of unknowns—including Jennifer Jason Leigh, Phoebe Cates, Judge Reinhold, Forest Whitaker, Anthony Edwards, Eric Stoltz, and Sean Penn as stoner icon Jeff Spicoli—and broke new ground in its raw yet sensitive depiction of the realities of coming of age. Again, those mall interiors do look a little more washed and sterile when compared to the rest of the film, but it seems intentional.

Fast times film

A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Jeff Spicoli : What Jefferson was saying was, Hey! You know, we left this England place 'cause it was bogus; so if we don't get some cool rules ourselves - pronto - we'll just be bogus too! Get it? Sign In Sign In.

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Additional filming locations include Santa Monica Place at Third Street, which served as the facade for the mall. Moio Alan Oliney Retrieved August 24, Vargas Roy Homer Wallack More like this. Theatrical release poster. He has a job at All-American Burger, his Buick LeSabre is almost paid for, and he plans to break up with his girlfriend Lisa so he can be free for his senior year. For the film it is based on, see Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Tom Hanks was considered for the role of Brad Hamilton. At work, Stacy is asked out by year-old stereo salesman Ron Johnson. See the full list.

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If you rely on public transportation, several bus routes operate in the area, and you can also take the Silver Metro J line. Their friend Mike Damone Romanus is a smooth-talker who fancies himself a worldly ladies' man and earns money taking sports bets and scalping concert tickets. Blows reward money hiring Van Halen to play his Birthday Party. For other uses, see Fast Times disambiguation. March 19, Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. It seemed primed to be another teen-exploitation bonanza but turned out to be much more: a quotable classic, an unexpected star-maker, and the rare film that neither elides nor glamorizes the awkwardness of early sexual experiences. Now living with her Abnormal Psych Professor. British Board of Film Classification. Heckerling is deliberately vague on this question. Tom Hanks was considered for the role of Brad Hamilton. Technical specs Edit. I felt like that was just there perfectly. The lead actors were working most of the time.

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