Feliz cumpleaños tia veronica

Manuel M. Cantu was born October 19th, in San Antonio Texas, and went to be with the Lord on February 8th, at the age of He loved singing, he had a beautiful voice which resembled one of his favorite artists Agustin Ramirez. He will be greatly missed my his family and forever remain in our hearts, feliz cumpleaños tia veronica.

Ella es la guitarrista principal, percusionista y una de las tres cantantes de The Archies. El personaje fue creado por Bob Montana y John L. Algunas historias indican que Betty es la mejor vocalista. Los talentos y logros de Betty a menudo ponen celosa a su amiga Veronica, quien luego intenta sabotear a Betty para robar su gloria y hacerla quedar mal. El Sr.

Feliz cumpleaños tia veronica


He was born on September 13,


Quien tiene la suerte de conocerte, tiene un hermoso regalo de Dios. Te deseo salud, paz y mucho amor en tu nueva edad. Luchadora es poco. Estoy muy feliz y agradecida de tenerte para recibirme y para escucharme. Admiro tu libertad, tu forma liviana de vivir la vida. Dios te puso en mi vida como un regalo, una mujer fuerte, guerrera, decidida y especial. Te quiero mucho y siento todo el amor que me das. Te amo. Quien tuvo un recorrido lleno de batallas, conquistas, victorias y fortaleza.

Feliz cumpleaños tia veronica

Hoy te deseo que seas siempre la misma mujer amable y sabia. Que tus seres queridos y familiares te quieran siempre. Deseo que nunca te alteres y que sigas adelante con tus objetivos. Le deseamos buena salud, buena suerte y felicidad. Que siempre haya paz, orden y prosperidad en tu familia, que la gente que te rodea siempre te aprecie, respete y ame. Paz y comodidad, cuidado y calor, sol y buen tiempo en casa y si llueve, siempre pondremos un paraguas. Le deseo buena salud y verdadera felicidad, bienestar familiar y prosperidad en sus asuntos.

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He also played the trumpet and enjoyed fishing. Her love for the outdoors was evident in her passion for tending to her plants and engaging in conversations with neighbors and visitors. He is survived by his Mother: Julia M. Datos: Q Hernandez was in the army for 2 years and stationed in Germany. She was the oldest child and took care of everyone at one point or another. He knew just the right words to say in time of need or how to make you laugh to see a smile on your face. Jose was known for his kind generous heart and was loved by anyone who met him. Service will conclude after the Mass. He was preceded in death by his Father: Eloy Maldonado. ISBN He enjoyed Hunting, Cooking BBQ, Fishing and later in life watching Spurs games and football more importantly loved spending time with his family. Angel was a hardworking, loving, caring person who would do anything for those he loved.


Funeral processsion will depart at pm for a pm Mass at St. She was loved by numerous nieces,nephews, great nieces, great nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. She viewed life as precious and deserving of a fair chance. He was quite the jokester. The Funeral Home will open at am on Monday, February 26, She was constantly making dresses, altering clothes or creating all kinds of things out of cloth. He was loved dearly by his grandchildren whom he had a soft spot for. To some you are forgotten, to others just part of the past, but to us who loved and lost you, the memory will always last. Although he is no longer with us, we take comfort in knowing that he is now reunited together in heaven with his daughter Sonia, his Parents Julian and Juanita, sister Maria, brothers Julian and Jacob. With tear filled eyes we watched her suffer and fade away. Hernandez Elizabeth ; brothers, Alfredo Hernandez, Bennie Hernandez, and sister, Josefina Medina and several grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He was humble, tremendously strong, religiously faithful, giving, hardworking and extremely talented in music, mechanics, welding, sports, carpentry, camping, fishing, electric work, and he loved the outdoors. He is survived by his son Elias Orcasitas Sr. Cantu was born October 19th, in San Antonio Texas, and went to be with the Lord on February 8th, at the age of

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