femboy hypnosis

Femboy hypnosis

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Follow to get new release updates, special offers including promotional offers and improved recommendations. Keary is a writer from London, England who loves writing steamy, romantic, erotic, transgender fiction for her beautiful readers. Experiencing her first tinglings of kink while watching cartoon heroes and heroines being tied up by the villains, she became fascinated by the many and varied forms of love and sex, and so set out to share her scintillating fantasies through erotica. Her favourite themes include: Domination, transformation, feminization, cross-dressing, sissification, submission, humiliation, corruption, hypnosis, bondage, and many more. Keary believes that the route to happiness and joy lies in accepting yourself and your nature.

Femboy hypnosis

Basically Ideas.. Some of these Ideas will possibly be made. If you want, you can suggest some Ideas if you like. I actually had a book where the reader was a Femboy. Though of another Idea similar. Plot: The Hypnotic Femboy wakes up from his slumber. Now it's been a very long time since he's been asleep. Everything had changed. Quirks, Servants, Heroes, the Supernatural all roam earth now. What's even more interesting is that girls developed cocks. I wonder. What this world has in store for me. Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. The Flamboyant Brother Of Naruto.

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Femboy hypnosis

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