fgo jp servant tier list

Fgo jp servant tier list

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Any of the 5 stars currently avaliable will get you very far into the game, and all of them can be used in some way shape or form. We are applying a new tier list rating system right now. The list is more focused on how a servant performs more in neutral situations rather than advantageous or disadvantageous situations. If you have any opinions on this, we'd like to hear your feedback so we can continue to improve this list. Best applied only to notable servants.

Fgo jp servant tier list

Double Servant compositions are considered. Their performance often vastly outpaces those of lower rarities and each of them is worth investing in. The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these Servants by their relative performance. Check out the change log for details on tier list changes! A full tier list change log history can be found here. Click on "Info" for a summary on each Servant's tier list placement! The best of the best, these Servants can be put into any team and will vastly improve team performance by a significant margin. Their team support is so powerful that the most powerful teams revolve around them. Servants in this tier are extremely enabling and drastically improve the performance for many teams, although their usage is slightly more restricted and less widely applicable, being slightly more specialized than those in EX tier. These Servants are among the best at their role. They either perform well in any team, or have access to a powerful specialization for the current state of the game. Powerful Servants that are among the top in performing their role in the current state of the game. They are often self-sufficient, or their outstanding performance in specific setups lends them high desirability. Servants that are a solid asset to the roster.

Saint Quartz Farming Guide 8. As good as her upsides are, Nursery Rhyme suffers from the fundamental flaw of every damage dealing Caster: her low Attack stat and weak Caster attack modifier. Nonetheless, it is hard to deny his effectiveness when he can pull off his niche, and many tough battles in the game can easily crumble fgo jp servant tier list the might of this Minotaur.

Mostly based on my own personal experience utilizing them both near the start of the story and later in the game, albeit mostly the former. To be clear, I don't hate any of the servants in the lower tiers yes, not even Stheno nor would I call the top ones here the best 4 stars in the game either. Just my own opinion of how well I find them as the first servants to get used to in the beginning, how helpful I found them in later content, and who I'd personally recommend to new players. I mean compared to the newest servants this isn't a huge amount but it's a decent amount. Her total kit is just not good enough. Yeah, you can work with it to some point if you want to, but it's not "a lot of utility" : Not in

Our FGO tier list is your go-to guide for determining the best Servants in the game. As Masters in the game, players summon Servants from various epochs and myths to confront myriad challenges. Our FGO tier list is designed to optimize your strategic choices, featuring Servants from indispensable game changers in the EX tier to valuable niche players in lower tiers. Updated on March 4, This FGO tier list has been thoroughly revised to align with the latest game dynamics and patch adjustments. This refinement ensures that you have access to the most accurate and up-to-date rankings, thereby providing you with a strategic edge in your FGO endeavors. Note: This FGO tier list serves as a guide and should not dictate the characters you choose to play. FGO is a game where strategy, preference, and narrative enjoyment play significant roles. Choose Servants that align with your gameplay style and narrative interests, and use this guide to complement your decisions. The EX Tier houses Servants who redefine the game with their extraordinary abilities, offering unparalleled utility and power that make them prime choices for any scenario.

Fgo jp servant tier list

Each of the Fate Grand Order servants has a tier that they classify into. Hence, this servant tier list classifies all the servants into different tiers. The tiers in the servant tier list dictate a servant in Fate Grand Order usability based on the following criteria:. In this servant tier, the Fate Grand Order servants here commonly have high stats, powerful abilities, and have weaknesses they can easily compensate for. However, these servants often times are rare and difficult to obtain from the Gacha. However, they can easily win battles hands down with their over-all abilities. The A- Tier is slightly above the B-Tier but can drop in tier should other servants with better abilities come out. The servants in both tiers over-all have relative utility and can easily compensate. Often times, their power comes out only during events when they gain specific bonuses to grant to the player.

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Meanwhile, her high Attack is offset by the fact that the Avenger class rarely has class advantage. Furthermore, Nero Claudius is incredibly durable, allowing her to be a highly effective last man standing Servant for difficulty content or even solo content all on her own. Triggering all effects of Imperial Privilege means relying on the Random Number God, and unfortunately, it is the backbone of her offensive skill set. His damage potential is nonexistent until his NP Upgrade and his buffs all fall off after one turn, which makes him mostly deadweight afterwards. Her NP Gain woes are partially mitigated by her 3-Arts Card deck, although NP looping will be a difficulty for her without a great deal of support. Nitocris Assassin. Still, Shiki can be rather fragile. Lancelot will then gather these Critical Stars easily, and proceed to slam his enemies with his powerful Critical Damage buff. While many may be immediately drawn to his powerful team Evasion from Harp of Healing, Tristan has plenty going for him outside of being a strong defensive team support. Her NP spam potential, especially under the influence of Quick Performance buffs and good card draws, is excellent and her own 3-turn steroids ensure each NP in that 3-turn window seriously hurt. It is usually not worthwhile trying to turn him into a pseudo-berserker through his Noble Phantasm when there are plenty of Servants around who can boost the performance of the entire team while still doing equivalent damage with their Noble Phantasms. Despite his low base stats due to his low rarity, Caligula has enough steroids to deal astounding amounts of damage when all of his skills are active. Servant Rating Explanation Merlin Having most of the kit needed for hard quests damage buffs, healing, star generation, party Invulnerability, and NP charge , Merlin allows players to clear challenges way more easily. This great hero is absolutely fantastic at wave clearing and holds a highly valuable and easily exploitable gimmick.

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With strong Quick buffs, impressive base NP gain, inherently high Star Weight and good star generation, he is incredibly self-sufficient and well capable of performing multiple Noble Phantasms back-to-back. You are correct. All of his offensive tools only last for 1 turn which hurts his sustained damage performance immensely, and a Guts is simply not enough for lengthier battles. However, her kit struggles to form a coherent identity, at least until she finishes both her Interlude and her Rank-Up Quest. In addition, she has a wide niche in anti-Divinity bonus damage. He slots very well in Arts centric teams and has extremely high synergy with Arts supports, although outside of that context his performance is not as spectacular. Santa Altera's performance for a welfare is spectacular, with incredible damage output and a very welcome niche in serving as a superb swap in Servant. Her healing capacity and her survivability are also quite powerful, which in an Arts teams makes her very hard to kill. These existing factors, combined with his pre-NP Arts buff, Raid NP farming potential, and sheer ease-of-use, make him an offensive monster whether in a vacuum or supported by his teammates. Few embody existential crisis better than Phantom of the Opera, who not only suffers from relatively poor story representation but also a lackluster kit in terms of gameplay. In the right team, Billy can easily function as the primary damage dealer.

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