fireboy and shark girl

Fireboy and shark girl

Many of the concepts and much of the story were conceived by Rodriguez's children, most notably Racer Max. Sharkboy and Lavagirl received mostly negative reviews from critics, with much of the criticism directed at the film's poor 3-D, fireboy and shark girl, while the visual aspects and performances received some praise. It has since garnered a cult following and is often regarded as a cult classic.

A young boy is recruited by his imaginary friends Sharkboy and Lavagirl to help save their planet. Max : He ruined my Dream Journal! Linus : I did not! Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Fireboy and shark girl

This game is exclusively available through a publisher who has built ads into the game files. Because of this, we are unable to remove the ads for subscribers, like we do for all the other pages of the site. This Flash game is currently not playable in your browser, but we're working on a fix! Come back regularly to see if it's ready to play. Most browsers no longer support Flash. Affected games are indicated by. The developer of this game requires that we show video ads during gameplay, even for our premium subscribers. We have blocked the rest of the ads on this page, and you will still have all ads removed on most of our pages. Game content reviewed by Jonathan Keefer. The on-screen arrow buttons control which character you're playing as. When you are running, the other direction becomes a jump button. The arrow in the middle tells you which character you are currently controlling.

Theatrical release poster. Retrieved January 4,


This game is exclusively available through a publisher who has built ads into the game files. Because of this, we are unable to remove the ads for subscribers, like we do for all the other pages of the site. This Flash game is currently not playable in your browser, but we're working on a fix! Come back regularly to see if it's ready to play. Most browsers no longer support Flash.

Fireboy and shark girl

A young boy is recruited by his imaginary friends Sharkboy and Lavagirl to help save their planet. Max : He ruined my Dream Journal! Linus : I did not! Sign In Sign In.

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Retrieved April 16, In this dream realm, his creations Sharkboy and Lavagirl come to life. Law Retrieved August 13, Archived from the original on June 27, The critical consensus reads, "The decision to turn this kiddie fantasy into a 3-D film was a miscalculation. Retrieved May 12, Max, a lonely ten-year-old boy in suburban Austin , creates an imaginative world called Planet Drool. Much of the film was shot in a studio against green screen. Come back regularly to see if it's ready to play. Rico Torres Sharkboy's Dad. Retrieved November 19, When you are running, the other direction becomes a jump button.

Sign In. Sharkboy Taylor Dooley Lavagirl Cayden Boyd

More like this. Director Robert Rodriguez. Other members of the Rodriguez family can be seen in the film or were involved in the production. How many Fireboy and Watergirl games are there? Archived from the original on February 23, December 17, Retrieved April 16, Powered by Alexa. No, Thanks. This splits the work of the elemental duo in half and makes it so you only need to focus on one character. Electric" Revell 9. MEL Magazine. Retrieved January 1, Both Fireboy and Watergirl have to avoid the green lake.

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