Flintstones movie halle berry

In a parallel modern-day Stone Age world, a working-class family, the Flintstones, are set up for an executive job.

Sharon Stone : Can I get you anything? Fred Flintstone : Sure. Sharon Stone : [seductively] How would you like it? Fred Flintstone : In a cup? Sharon Stone : Bold choice, Mr.

Flintstones movie halle berry

Parker, Jim Jennewein , and Steven E. The B's performed their version of the cartoon's theme song , playing cavemen versions of themselves as the BC's. The film, shot in California, was theatrically released on May 27, A tie-in promotion with McDonald's was made to promote the film. Fred Flintstone loans his best friend and neighbor Barney Rubble money so that he and his wife Betty can adopt a little boy named Bamm-Bamm , who can only pronounce his own name. Despite his mother-in-law Pearl Slaghoople 's objections, Fred's wife Wilma remains supportive of his decision to loan the Rubbles money. Cliff holds an aptitude test with the worker with the highest mark becoming the company's new vice president. Barney gets the highest score but switches his paper with Fred, whom he knows will fail. Fred receives the promotion, complete with executive perks such as a luxurious office and Stone appointed as his secretary. Though Fred is unwilling to fire him, he reluctantly accepts, but continues to help Barney support his family, even inviting the Rubbles to live with them so that they can rent out their house. However, Fred's job and newfound wealth eventually hinder his relationships with Wilma and the Rubbles. Cliff eventually tricks Fred into dismissing the other workers, over the objections of his office Dictabird.

Awards for The Flintstones.

Twenty-eight years later, the Oscar-winning actress says it's "gratifying" that her prehistoric diva "has become so beloved". Nearly three decades after The Flintstones hit theaters, Halle Berry 's love for her iconic character from the live-action adaptation of the Hanna Barbera cartoon is still stronger than bedrock. On Wednesday, the Oscar-winning actress looked back on making the movie, in which she played Sharon Stone, the leopard-print-clad secretary to Kyle MacLachlan 's evil Cliff Vandercave. She later responded to a comment from comedian Kalen Allen, who jokingly said Stone was "dead wrong for seducing Fred [Flintstone]" throughout the film, despite the John Goodman character's marriage to Wilma Elizabeth Perkins. What would you do with a Halle Berry doll? Related content:.

Sign In. Edit The Flintstones Fred Flintstone Elizabeth Perkins Wilma Flintstone Rick Moranis Barney Rubble Rosie O'Donnell Betty Rubble Kyle MacLachlan

Flintstones movie halle berry

Sharon Stone : Can I get you anything? Fred Flintstone : Sure. Sharon Stone : [seductively] How would you like it?

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On Wednesday, the Oscar-winning actress looked back on making the movie, in which she played Sharon Stone, the leopard-print-clad secretary to Kyle MacLachlan 's evil Cliff Vandercave. Despite his mother-in-law Pearl Slaghoople 's objections, Fred's wife Wilma remains supportive of his decision to loan the Rubbles money. However, Fred's job and newfound wealth eventually hinder his relationships with Wilma and the Rubbles. Archived from the original on September 12, Camp Scare Scooby-Doo! Read Edit View history. Subsequently, DeVito recommended Rick Moranis for the part. May 12, But they learn that money can't buy happiness. Retrieved May 28, Retrieved November 10, Retrieved July 20,

If "The Flintstones" had been able to devise a story as interesting as its production values, it would have been some kind of wonderful.

The film, shot in California, was theatrically released on May 27, Tom S. Recently viewed. By Joey Nolfi. Archived from the original on September 19, Slate arrive and Cliff attempts to escape, but he is encased by a substance falling from the machine. John Goodman Fred Flintstone. WrestleMania Mystery Scooby-Doo! Archived from the original on January 2, Fred Flintstone : [points angrily at Cliff] You'll never get away with this.

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